Falcon Flyer
Important Events & Dates from F.AVE
May 4, 2020
Ms. Newton's Notes
Happy Monday F.AVE Families!
It is May! So, you know that means! It is time to show appreciation for our amazing teachers and our wonderful school nurse. Please take a moment to record a short video of appreciation and we will compile those into a video montage for the teachers to enjoy. Please use your grade level link to record a short video for both the teachers and Nurse Marla. We would like for you to end your video with a huge hug for your teachers.
Third Grade Virtual Hug for Teachers and Nurse Marla
Every day F.AVE Falcons Rise UP to be:
Risk Takers who
Inquire about global issues.
Striving to be open minded.
Excellent and
Unique in every way. F.AVE students are
Powerful young minds who lead the way!
Have a fantastic week!
Weekly News Show
Included in this week's news show:
- Ask Your Principal - Teacher & Nurse Appreciation Edition
- IB Song - Special Hybrid 4th & 5th Grade Edition
- Falcon Chant
- Guess Your Teacher! (follow up game is below and in media center google classrooms)
- What Are Students Up To?
- MyOn Book Recommendations
- Jokes of the Week
- Birthdays for this week! (Includes Summer Birthdays for June 18 - July 3)
As you know, we have been unable to offer both our rising 6th grade parent night program and 5th grade student tours at Renfroe Middle School due to the school shutdown. Please be advised that we are currently working to redesign both events in an effort to answer your questions, ease any worries about your child's transition to middle school, and welcome our 5th graders with open Bulldog arms to RMS as soon as we are able! Please be on the lookout for information for rising middle schoolers prior to the end of the school year. We look forward to sharing more with you soon.
-Ragan Hudson, 6th Grade Counselor, RMS
PTO News
Time to Order Back to School Supplies
Seems a little crazy, right? Though we aren’t sure exactly WHEN we will be able to return safely, we WILL have a first day of school and we want to help you get prepared.
Once again we’re partnering with 1st Day School Supplies to make shopping for back-to-school supplies turn-key (not to mention, germ-free ☺)
Click here to shop from the comfort of your couch – with confidence that you’re ordering the supplies your teacher requested. There’s even the option to donate a little extra to help fund a teacher’s “wish list” as well as purchase an extra kit for a student in need… if you feel so inclined.
Order deadline is June 15. This program is optional – you’re always welcome to shop on your own, if that’s more your style!
Until we can meet again… Stay healthy and hang in there, Falcons!
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Please complete this form or email ptovolunteer@favepto.org to let us know you're interested in helping out.
Important UPDATE for Passive Fundraising
It’s super easy to earn money for our school when you shop at some of your favorite spots, like Publix, Amazon and Kroger (see below for full details). But, our school name has been updated to "The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO". To ensure funds are being directed to F.Ave, please log into your respective shopping accounts and look for our updated school name.
How you can support the F.AVE PTO with very little effort:
AmazonSmile - Go to smile.amazon.com and, using your existing Amazon account, select The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO as your charitable organization.
Publix - No more keychain! Follow these easy instructions.
Box Tops - Box Tops have gone digital!! Download the App, Box Tops for Education. Enter your information, select our school, scan receipts and done! If you still have hard copy box tops, we are still collecting them in the box in front of the Media Center. There is a box labeled Box Tops for Education.
- Kroger - Register your Kroger Plus Card online and click on "enroll."
About Us
Karen Newton
Assistant Principal
Lynn Hanson
Administrative Assistant
Malik James
Administrative Assistant
Jessica Wentworth
Email: fave@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/FAVE
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: (404) 371-6680