Waterville Primary Friday Flyer!
Sharing Great News with our AWesome Families!
Events for the Weeks of: November 10th-December 1st
Dates to Remember
Friday, November 10th: WPA Movie Night
Saturday, November 11th: Veterans Day Program 2:00pm High School Auditorium
Monday, November 13th: WPA Meeting at 7pm in Media Center
Tuesday, November 14th: Safe Schools Drill 9:15am (more information below)
Friday, November 17th: Career Day!
Monday, November 20th: No School For Students, Staff PD Day
Tuesday, November 21st-Friday, November 24th: No School, Fall Break
Monday, November 27th: School Resumes!
Thursday, December 7th: Generals Gift Shop
Friday, December 8th: Generals Gift Shop
Friday, December 8th: Holiday Shop at Waterville Primary 5pm-8pm
Saturday, December 9th: Holiday Shop at Waterville Primary 8am-2pm
Monday, December 11th: WPA Meeting 7pm in Media Center
Thursday, December 21st-Tuesday, January 2nd: No School! Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, January 3rd: Back to School!
Recognizing Our Veterans
The fourth-grade students will be performing our annual Veterans Day Program this Saturday, November 11th, in the High School Auditorium at 2:00 pm. Thank you to all who have served and continue to serve this country we are so fortunate to call home!
Lastly, our Purple Star Generals were busy these past two weeks, putting together the Veterans Day video. To view our 2023 Tribute Video, please click the link here:
Upcoming Safe Schools Drill
Our building and district staff have continued to spend a great deal of time and effort working together with our local police and fire department to ensure that we are prepared to handle any emergency situation that could potentially occur while we are in our school building. Our main goal is to create and maintain a safe environment for your children so that they are all able to learn and enjoy being at school while they are here with us. This requires a concentrated and deliberate effort to instruct our students on correct responses and actions to take during the different Safety Drills that we practice routinely.
The 3 main types of practice Safety Drills include (1) Rapid Dismissal (ex. fire drills, bomb threat), (2) School Safety drill (ex. intelligent evacuation), (3) Shelter in Place (ex. lockdown). As mandated by state law, we will practice Rapid Dismissal drills 9 times this school year and School Safety drills at least 3 times (1 time must specifically be a shelter in place/lockdown). We will also hold 4-5 tornado drills. We have already successfully completed 1 tornado drill and 3 Rapid Dismissal (fire evacuation) drills this school year. Our students and staff are well prepared!
We will hold a School Safety drill (Shelter in Place) this coming Tuesday, November 14th, at approximately 9:15am. Our students will be told in advance that this is a practice drill and not a real situation. We do not want any of our students to become worried or upset. Please also reinforce at home that we will be practicing this School Safety drill. During this particular drill, staff and students will shelter in place within the classroom. Staff will guide the students throughout the drill. The drill will be very calm and the intercom announcements will also notify everyone that we are practicing and not faced with any potential emergency.
We will continue to alert families of our scheduled School Safety drills to keep everyone well informed and to allow you the opportunity to discuss the drills at home if you choose. Our aim is to help all of our staff and students to be best prepared to handle emergency situations while at school. These skills are also applicable to all settings where students could encounter potential emergency situations. Please contact the principal, Jamie Hollinger (jhollinger@anthonywayneschools.org), with any additional questions or concerns that you have. Thank you for your help maintaining a safe environment for all of our students!
Land Lab Thank You!
Thank you to the families, students, and staff who volunteered their time and energy to give us another successful growing season in the Land Lab. We are thankful to have all of you helping our staff and students learn and experience gardening and giving.
Morning Arrival Reminders
- When dropping your child off, please pull past the crosswalk area to the last pole of the front overhang. Our staff will help motion your vehicles to pull forward if needed.
- If you need to walk your child to the front door, do not park and exit your vehicle in the drop-off line. This can create long delays for parents and students. Please use one of the front parking spaces to park your vehicle.
- Please do not pull around other vehicles to leave the drop-off lane. This creates a dangerous situation where staff and students may not see quickly approaching vehicles.
The Waterville Staff greatly appreciates your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for all students.
News from Food Service
How to Keep Track of Your Student's Meal Account - PaySchools Central
Check account balances, add money, see detailed reports of what your student is buying, set up recurring payments so you don't forget to add money, set up reminder emails when your student's account goes low, and pay your school fees. It's all in one place.
All of this is done through: www.payschoolscentral.com
* You will need your most commonly used email address and your students 6-digit ID number to create an account.
If you need help setting up the account please call PSC - 1-877-393-6628.
Thank you!
Lunch Menu
District Employment Opportunities
We have several full and part-time positions available to qualified candidates interested in serving in our schools. Need even more flexibility? Substitute employment is a great way to work on your own terms. Learn more at www.AnthonyWayneSchools.org/HumanResources.
Contact Information Updates
It is important that we have accurate contact information for parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If email addresses or phone numbers change during the school year, please update your child’s FinalForms account. This will help ensure we can reach you.
Waterville Parents' Association Updates
GENERALS’ GIFT SHOP (Check out this video by the District to learn more about what to expect at the event: https://youtu.be/iBgEqe-XnZc.)
Generals’ Gift Shop (student holiday shopping experience) will be held on Thursday, December 7 and Friday, December 8 during the school day. For new families to our school, the Generals’ Gift Shop is a long-standing event, hosted by the WPA, where students can shop from a large variety of gift items to make holiday purchases for their loved ones (family & pets). Students will come to the shop as a class and adult volunteers will be on hand to help the students navigate the tables and make gift selections and then document the purchases on the students’ forms. Purchases are bagged and labeled at the event so they are a surprise to all recipients. Students will also have the opportunity to be photographed with Santa (there is the option to opt out of the Santa photo or the event altogether) and to do a fun craft while either waiting to shop or waiting for classmates to finish shopping.
Be on the lookout for two things coming out in mid-November:
1) a SignUp Genius for volunteers we will need for the event (table helpers, shoppers to help students, photographer, craft table, etc.); and
2) the event flyer to complete with the individuals your student will be shopping for and to send back with shopping money.
In the meantime, if you are willing to craft or assemble or create items for the Generals’ Gift Shop or have supplies to donate, please complete the following form: https://forms.gle/qqighqz8QzCKqAQcA.
Mark your calendars!!!! The first-ever WPA Holiday Shop will take place on Friday, December 8 (5-8 p.m.) and Saturday, December 9 (8 a.m. – 2 p.m.). This event will feature the Scholastic Book Fair, All-Wear, a Bake Sale, and over 20(!!!) other local vendors (crafts, artwork, dog treats, jewelry, woodworking, AW bows and other accessories, and so much more!). Come out and stock up on books and AW spirit wear for gift-giving and lots of other unique items. Have kids with you but want to do some shopping for them? No problem! We will be offering a “Drop and Shop.” Kids can do games and crafts in the Gym while you shop! The flyer advertising this event is included with the Friday Flyer communication email and we would love our families’ help in getting the word out – this is a community-wide event; everyone is welcome! There is no entry fee and proceeds from all sales will go back to resources and programming for Waterville Primary students!
WPA Meeting
Please join us for the Waterville Parents Association November Meeting!
It will be held on this coming Monday, 11/13/23 at 7pm in the Media Center (Library).
Childcare will be available.
Virtual attendance will be available at this link:
Meeting ID: 868 6479 1288
Passcode: 393003
News from our School Counselor, Mrs. Cowell
Student Council is happy to announce our participation in a district wide Thanksgiving Food Drive next week! The food collected will be donated to the Anthony Wayne Community Food Pantry, and will benefit local families throughout the holiday time. Please see the flyer below for some of the most needed food items. Thank you in advance for considering sending in donations throughout the week (Monday, November 13th - Friday, November 17th)!
Our first round of Students of the Quarter winners are in! In order to be recognized for this award, each of these students has displayed our school expectations of Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. Each of them then received Bucket Filling slips from our school staff, which they chose to enter in the Student of the Quarter raffle at our Bucket Filling store. We are thankful for the kindness these boys and girls show to their classmates each day and for their consistently positive attitudes about learning. Congratulations to Wyat McLeod, Jersie Gladwell, Nihal Hehar, Bailey Plumadore, and Josie Muir!
Our Grit Wall has really grown in size this week! Congratulations to Maddie, Manny, and Lydia for all of their hard work and dedication!
- Maddie Crozier is being recognized for her efforts in dance classes! She has participated in a dance program, where she practices tap dance and ballet, since January of 2023. The most impressive part of Maddie's experience in dance class is that, when she joined, the rest of her class had already been practicing since September. Even though her classmates had about a 3 month head start, Maddie's dedication and perseverance allowed her to catch up with her class in time for their spring rehearsal!
- Manny Bocanegra is being highlighted for showing the initiative to take on a 15 Puzzle (also known as a Gem Puzzle or a Mystic Square) and sticking with it until he solved it! He worked on this puzzle for 3 days in his spare time until he figured it out. Although he had some brief periods of frustration, Manny kept working and never doubted his ability to eventually solve this super tricky puzzle!
- Lydia Ratushinskaya-Saltz was nominated by her classmate, Codi Scribner, to be recognized on the Grit Wall. Lydia started at Waterville School as a new student last year in 3rd grade and has been intentionally looking to support and encourage her peers. No matter what obstacles may present themselves, Lydia's classmates know they can always count on her for kindness and reassurance. She is a fantastic example of a truly empathetic 4th Grade student and we are so so happy she is a part of our school community!
Great Wall of Grit!
The importance of helping a child learn to commit to something long term, persevering when faced with obstacles, and the willingness to keep trying- even when a task or goal is challenging, is our continued focus at Waterville Primary. Grit and growth mindset is not an “edu-fad” but dispositions we will encourage and intentionally teach all of our students, through different classroom activities, assignments, literature, role models, real world examples, and conversations about the topic.
We really need your help again this year with continuing to provide examples of our very own students and ways that they have shown commitment to an activity or goal. You all did a great job recognizing our gritty students and staff last school year and we need to continue to recognize some new students as the school year begins.
Our “Waterville’s Great Wall of Grit” bulletin board remains hanging in the hallway across from the kitchen. This display showcases our gritty students and staff that have been nominated by other individuals as examples of strivers-students who have an enduring passion and take action to achieve a goal. We will continue to spotlight our students and staff who have both determination and direction.
At the end of this Friday Flyer you will find a nomination form to complete if you would like to nominate a student or staff member here at Waterville Primary that you feel exemplifies Grit. Please turn them into the school office once completed and make sure to check out the “Great Wall of Grit” next time you are here in the school.
Reporting Absences, Notification of Appointments, Vacation Notification
Waterville Primary Attendance and Transportation Information
Waterville Families,
We are enjoying an AWesome start to the 2023-24 school year, and hope you are as well! Please read these brief updates regarding attendance and transportation, and reach out to Amy Shiffert for clarification or concerns.
All absences can be reported by emailing WAattendance@anthonywayneschools.org and copying your student's teacher.
You do not need to call AND email. In the event that you're unable to email, a phone call to 419-878-2436 can be made at any time and left with one of the secretaries, or as a voicemail for Amy Shiffert.
All end-of-day transportation changes should be reported at the start of the day by sending a note with your student or by emailing ashiffert@anthonywayneschools.org and copying your student's teacher.
We understand that last-minute changes may happen later in the day due to unforeseen circumstances, but ask that you communicate in advance whenever possible! If you have an unforeseen transportation change later in the day, please call the office at 419-878-2436 to ensure the message is received and delivered.
Waterville Primary's STEAM Programming
Did you know that Waterville Primary is one of very few STEAM-designated elementary schools in Ohio?! We are always looking to increase opportunities for lessons centered around STEAM. We are always interested in developing professional growth opportunities with community leaders, employers, and resources to enhance student learning.
Generals Print Shop
Print Shop students will be using proceeds from the sale of items to fund additional STEAM programming opportunities here at Waterville Primary School. We hope this immersive experience will be expanded next year, to include more students. To learn more about Generals Print Shop and see what is available during the shopping dates, please click the link below. This unique website will be completed, run, and monitored by our students and help connect various grade levels to provide feedback on items they would like to see on display this year.
Special thanks to the Waterville Parents Association for allowing our students to directly participate in this year's event!
Mr. Beakas' STEAM Updates: 11/3 - 11/10
Furthermore, Mr. Beakas partnered with Mrs. Radwan's students this past week for a hands-on, Lego Spike Kit lesson. Lego Spike kits are programmable coding platforms that allow students to make their design creations come to life. We were lucky to have several students from various grade levels to assist Mrs. Radwan's students is their design builds.
Third and fourth-grade classrooms have been utilizing the Makerspace Lab to brainstorm, design, and print their monuments to me, a unique, critical-thinking activity that challenges students to design a monument for themselves. All STEAM lessons foster critical thinking skills and characteristics featured by our Portrait of a General competencies. Our mission is to give students the opportunity to explore STEAM-related areas while building healthy peer relationships through collaboration and teamwork.
3D Printing at Home:
Getting students involved in 3D printing is easier than you think. Accessibility and affordable platforms make designing unique projects at home a reality. Waterville Primary School has had tremendous success utilizing Flashforge Printers due to the simple maintenance, setup, and reliable features found on each machine. However, different companies offer different features, and getting into 3D printing has never been easier! If you have questions on where to start, please reach out to Mr. Beakas to find the right printer to meet your needs.
Career and Professional Partnerships:
Our team is always looking to extend learning standards into the professional workforce. Ensuring our students are college and career-ready is fueled by our connections and collaborations with local businesses and professionals in STEAM-related fields. If you work in a field where STEAM principles are a critical part of your team's success, we would love to hear from you and how our students can learn more!
Follow Waterville Primary on Twitter!
Waterville Primary will be continuing our presence on Twitter with the handle @AWLSWA. This medium is used for both sharing daily activities and any potential alerts for our building. If you do not have a Twitter account you can still get updates via a Fast Follow feature that sends tweets to phones via SMS text messages. Here is all it takes to sign up to receive SMS text messages from the Waterville Twitter account when a tweet is posted:
On the phone to receive the messages, simply create a new text message to phone number 40404. Next, the message to be sent should read: follow @awlswa
That’s all there is to it! Any student or parent that follows this procedure will receive any Waterville school Twitter messages to their phone as an SMS text message.
To turn off text messages, you would send a message to 40404 that reads: off @awlswa
Flyer Central:
Flyer Central is the space on our website where you will find events, activities and camps held by various organizations in our area.
AWLS Programs & Activities
· AWPTA Magic Show – November 17
· Matilda the Musical, Jr.
· AWLS Choral Department to Perform at Zoo
Community Events
· Craft Show
· Lucas County Board of DD Calendar of Events
· Whitehouse Library November Calendar
· ProMedica Safe Sitter Program (Grades 6-8)
· BGSU Saturday Art Program
· RiverFront Studios: Art & Music Lessons
Athletic Clubs and Activities
· Greater Toledo Broomball League (Girls, grades 6-12)
· Try Hockey for Free
· Aventus Climbing Clubs (14+)
Local Offers
· BGSU Recreation Center Membership Special
Community Support Organizations
· AWLS Community Resource Guide
· AWLS Surrogate Parents Needed
· Cherry St. Mission Workforce Development
· Ohio GuideStone Foster Care Program