Andover High School News & Events
December 15, 2022
AAA Award Winners
Congratulations to Seniors Chloe Voss and Andrew Haglund who were selected as this year's recipients of the MSHSL AAA Award!
This award is given to a male and female senior in each school who demonstrate excellence in Academics, Arts and Athletics.
Important Calendar Dates
- December 15: Band Fall Concert (AUD) 7:00 PM
- December 19: Choir Fall Concert (AUD) 7:00 PM
- December 23-January 2: No School - Winter Break
- January 3: Classes Resume
- January 9: Registration Materials Distributed in Advisory
- January 12: Tri 2 Conferences 2:50-5:25 PM
- January 16: No School; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 17: Tri 2 Conferences 2:50-6:30 PM
- January 23: Registration for the 2023/2024 School Year Closes
Trimester 2 Late Start Dates are listed here.
You can also view a District Calendar here.
Last Chance to order a Cap and Gown!
Today is the absolute last day that you can order your Cap and Gown for Graduation. Seniors must go to this link to submit their cap and gown measurements electronically. The deadline for submission for the cap and gown is today, December 15, 2022.
How to order the free cap and gown:
1. Click on the link above
2. Scroll down to the Cap and Gown Section and select the Cap and Gown Unit - $0.00
Please go to this link to complete the registration or to order announcements (if you prefer to order through Jostens).
Please note: All seniors will receive a black/gold tassel with their cap and gown. You have an option to purchase an additional “Keepsake” tassel if you choose. Should you have any questions, please email Courtney Piekarski.
Winter Holiday Concerts
Looking to attend any of our Holiday Concerts? You can easily purchase tickets in advance from our Activities Calendar.
- The Band Concert is being held on Thursday, December 15th at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.
- The Choir Concert is being held on Monday, December 19th at 7:00 PM in the Auditorium.
2022 Fall Activities Assembly
Congratulations to all our Fall Athletes, Academic All State Athletes,
Super Fans and State Meet Participants!
Order Your Yearbook!
Attention students and parents! Now is the time to order your 2022 - 2023 Yearbook! You can view details and ordering information through the Jostens website. The deadline to order a personalized yearbook for your student is Sunday, January 1st, 2023.
Trimester 2 Conferences
Trimester 2 conferences will be held on the evenings of Thursday, January 12th from 2:50 PM - 5:25 PM and Tuesday, January 17th from 2:50 PM - 8:00 PM. Please watch for more information and how to sign-up to meet with your students teachers in the next E-News.
We will be hosting an 8th Grade Welcome along with conferences on Tuesday, January 17th starting at 6:00 PM. This will give students a chance to meet our staff and ask any questions about the registration process.
Counseling Office Info
Registration for the 2023/2024 School Year
January 9
- Students receive materials and see the grade-specific slideshow in Advisory
- Students will have access to the registration site:
- Department videos/mini sessions
- Copies of materials
- Special Topic information
January 12 and January 17
- Families can schedule conferences during the regularly scheduled conferences to ask questions about registration
January 23
- Students will turn in worksheets in Advisory
- Students should have entered their choices using Student Vue by the end of Advisory
PSEO Workshop - Tuesday, January 17th at 6:30 PM during conferences
We are pleased to announce we'll be holding the PSEO Workshop, in person, for all students and their families in grades 9-11 that are interested in learning more about all things PSEO.
Representatives from the University of Minnesota, Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Bethel University and the University of Northwestern, St. Paul will give an overview of the programs offered at the institution and then be available to answer any questions at the end.
For families that are unable to attend, materials from the college representatives will be posted on our website when available.
*Students should complete registration for Andover, in full, and schedules will be adjusted if PSEO is pursued.
Career Center News
2023 Wallin Education Partners Scholarship
We are excited to announce the opening of the 2023 Wallin Education Partners Scholarship! This is an excellent scholarship opportunity! It gives up to $16,000 over 4 years, comprehensive support including an advisor throughout college and internship opportunities. A 2 year college option is also available and will open in mid-March. Minimum requirements: 3.0 GPA. ACT score is not required. View a 1 minute video on the scholarship here. Go to this link to start your application early! Go for it! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! The application window closes Wednesday, February 1 at 11:59 PM. If you have questions, talk to Ms. Stam in the Career Center or you can email her at
Ann Talle Anoka Chamber of Commerce Scholarship
The Education Committee of the Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the availability of a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior from Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park, Coon Rapids and St. Francis High Schools.
INTENT: The intent of this scholarship is to assist students who are pursuing a career in a business-related area.
- Applicant must be a graduating senior of Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park or St. Francis High School with a minimum of a 2.5 weighted GPA.
- Desire to study a business-related area with a well-defined career objective.
- Attend an accredited post secondary learning institution.
The application materials can be picked up in the Career Center. The completed scholarship application and all supporting documents should be turned into Mr. Feigum by noon on January 17, 2023.
News from the Youth Services Coordinator
The Andover Leos
Is your student looking for a way to get involved at Andover High School? The Andover Leo Club is a student led volunteer group that works to respond to needs within the community by volunteering their time. The group meets every other Thursday after school at 2:30, and welcomes new members anytime! For more information, please join the Leos’ Google Classroom using code: edhwnu2. For meeting dates, please see our club calendar. This year, the students have chosen to focus on sustainability.
Is your student looking for volunteer hours?
Need Volunteer Hours?
Join the Youth Service Google Classroom (using code je2x6nu) to see a list of volunteer opportunities that range from going out into the community, to service you can do from your home. Questions? Feel free to contact me at
DROP in for Service!
This opportunity is open to all second trimester civics students (9th grade). Students are able to get service hours in at school during late start time. Click here for more details on dates, times, and room location.
Has your student completed a lot of volunteer hours?
President’s Volunteer Service Award
The President’s award is given for hours completed in the calendar year. Any service from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 is considered for the award. Just return your Verification of Hours form to document the hours you’ve spent volunteering. Applications, as well as documentation of hours, are due on January 27th, 2023.
Increased Security in Place to Ensure Safety at School Events
Safety at school events continues to be a focus area for the district and surrounding communities. Anoka-Hennepin Schools are committed to creating experiences that showcase the talents of student-athletes in an environment that promotes healthy competition. The district continues to implement safety and security practices to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for participants and spectators.
These guidelines limit entrance to students at participating schools with identification and adult supervision for younger students and increased presence of staff and support personnel amongst other strategies in place to keep our activities safe.
As your family makes a plan to attend school events, keep the following guidelines in mind:
- Bring student IDs and allow extra time for admission and entry. Students from the hosting and visiting schools are welcome with student ID. No student ID, no entry. Students from any other schools/non-participating schools must be accompanied by an adult chaperone.
Allow extra time for admission and entry. Increased security may mean lines are longer at the entrance gate. Ticket sales time frames may be adjusted during the event, and admission may be denied based on site capacity. Please plan accordingly.
Plan for parent/guardian chaperones in accordance with district guidelines to monitor student activity and behavior. The student-to-adult chaperone ratio is 2:1. Adult chaperones are expected to supervise middle and elementary school students they escorted to the game at all times. Adult chaperones are NOT allowed to leave the stadium without their students. Adult chaperones and students who are unable to follow these guidelines may be asked to leave the facility. Students from any other schools/non-participating schools must also be accompanied by an adult chaperone.
Get behind your team! Spectators are expected to view the event in the appropriate designated seating area.
Leave extra items at home or in your vehicle. Backpacks, large bags/purses and outside food or drink (if concessions are sold on-site) are not allowed. Anoka-Hennepin prohibits weapons, alcoholic beverages, e-cigarettes / vaping, tobacco products and controlled substances.
It takes everyone to keep school events and activities safe. If your student, you or anyone in your family sees something or hears something suspicious or threatening in nature, report the information to school leadership or law enforcement immediately.
Spectators who are unwilling or unable to follow the rules, regulations, or directions from event staff may be asked to leave the event. For more information, please visit
Manufacturing Shortages Affecting Daily Lunch Menus
Due to a product shortage from our manufacturer, the Anoka-Hennepin child nutrition department (CNP) is experiencing and expecting shortages of juice cups served as a fruit/vegetable option during breakfast and lunch, which may be noticed at some school sites for the remainder of 2022. The district believes juice cups will be replenished after winter break. The child nutrition department wanted to inform families of this as soon as possible, realizing that some students only choose this produce option every day.
As always, the district child nutrition department will continue to provide a variety of fruit and vegetable options during meal services. If you have specific questions about which produce options will be offered at your school, please contact your child’s school office to be connected to the child nutrition supervisor.
This e-newsletter is published by Andover High School. Questions, comment or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.