The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings September 16– September 28, 2019
ACADEMIC UIL: Academic UIL teams are forming now for the 2019-2020 season. We have teams that compete in Accounting, Literary Criticism, Spelling, Ready Writing, Math, Computer Science, Science, Journalism, Social Studies, Current Issues and several debate categories. Some teams meet during the school day, and others use class time for instruction if related to the curriculum. There is a bulletin board in the cafeteria with each event and the coach to contact, or contact the UIL Academic Coordinator Laura Landsbaum at The district meet is March 28.
Students that will be taking Advanced Placement Exams in May, 2020, must complete the new registration process implemented by College Board.
The exam ordering process is TWO parts. Both have to be completed by the November 3, 2019, deadline to guarantee an exam on test day and avoid late fees, unless specifically described below. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that both required steps listed are completed.
Step 1. Register for the exam on the website using the Join Code provided by your instructor.
*Do NOT create duplicate accounts with College Board
If you do not know your login information begin by using the ‘Forgot Username’ option on the website – follow the prompts
If you cannot confirm that you have or don’t have an existing account after completing that process, call College Board at 888.225.5427 and they can determine if you have an existing account and they will provide the username. You will then need to go and complete the ‘Forgot Password’ process if you still do not remember your password.
If you are planning on taking an AP Exam but will not be in the course at TWHS during the 2019-2020 school year, you must see Mrs. Shepard in the Grade Level Office to receive the EXAM ONLY Join Code. Students in Exam Only sections will not have access to the online prep materials provided by College Board. The deadline for Exam Only sections is November 3, 2019.
If you are not in the class in the Fall Semester but will be in the class in the Spring Semester, you will register on the website by the February 23, 2020, deadline.
Step 2. Pay for the exam(s) through the TWHS School Cash Online Webstore.
Exams are $100/exam ($55/exam for students in the Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Program -
After the November 3, deadline there is a $40/exam late fee for students enrolled in the class in the fall semester, Exam Only sections, and/or Homeschool students.
It is the student’s responsibility to check their account to make sure that the appropriate exams are ordered and keep a copy of the receipt from the School Cash Online Web Store purchase. A confirmation letter will be sent out after the November 3, deadline for students to check their registration for accuracy.
If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Shepard in the Grade Level Office on the Senior Campus (936-709-1219) or your teacher for assistance.
TWHS 9 ADVISORY - Freshman advisory is off to a good start. Advisory has an academic focus. There are labs in math, science, English, social studies, and Spanish for students to attend for extra help. Students need to check with their content teacher for a pass.
TWHS SENIOR CAMPUS ADVISORY - Beginning September 19, 2019, TWHS Senior Campus will be offering Homework Help Rooms during Advisory for math (geometry and algebra II), science (physics and chemistry), English, CTE (computer-based classes), social studies, Spanish and French. Students must get a pass from their content teacher prior to Advisory in order to attend the homework help room. These help rooms will not be available on the identified “Wisdom Wednesdays” or when students alternately report to Alpha Homeroom during the Advisory time. Advisory is scheduled on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:19 to 10:55 A.M.
NINTH GRADE PSAT - For your child’s convenience, the PSAT will be offered at the Ninth Grade Campus on Wednesday, October 16, during the school day. The PSAT/NMSQT is the Preliminary SAT test. The PSAT test is optional and available to all interested freshmen. It is recommended for students who are currently enrolled in geometry or algebra II as freshmen. The cost of the test is $18. The Woodlands High School has purchased a limited number of exams for freshmen to take. Registration will continue through September 30, or until all exams have been sold. To register, please purchase on the online Webstore Each registered student will receive an official 2019 PSAT Student Guide. For more information about PSAT, please go to the CollegeBoard website at
PSAT Date: Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
All 10th and 11th-grade students will take the test on that day.
LIBRARY: The deadline for ordering English I novels, Speak and To Kill a Mockingbird, via the Web Store is Sept. 22. These books will be delivered to your child's English teacher prior to the unit of study. Thank you for supporting the 9th grade campus library's fundraiser.
WRITING CENTER: The Writing Center, located in room 203 and open during all lunches, will be open September 23rd through the 27th for seniors only. Come get help on those college essays. The center will officially open to all students on October 7th. We are open during all lunches and during green day advisory. Visit the website to meet the consultants and make an appointment.
BOYS BASKETALL: Boys Basketball will have open gym next week on Monday 5:30-7pm at the 9th grade campus. Then again on Wednesday from 5:30-7pm at the main campus. Please check our website at for any updates on any information regarding our boys basketball program.
HIGHSTEPPERS: The Highsteppers will be hosting their annual fall dance clinic, Saturday, September 21st from 8:00 AM until noon at the 9th grade campus. The clinic is open for those kids interested in dance/drill team Grades Pre-K - 8th. Registration cost is 60.00 before September 19th. A parent showoff will be held at 11:30. For more information visit
FRESHMAN PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT: – Sept. 16th in the Auditorium (at the Senior Campus)
The program will start at 7:00 p.m.
A copy of the Parent Night Presentations that were given before Open House on August 22, 2019, for 10th/11th grades and 12th grades can be found on the TWHS webpage under the counselor corner webpage. Here is the link:
We will post the freshman parent night presentation online in the same location after Sept. 16th.
College Fair: Mark your calendars parents and students! C.I.S.D. College Fair is October 7th at Lone Star Convention Center from 6:30 - 8:30. There will be 150-200 colleges and universities as well as sessions on Financial Aid and Applying to College. Sessions will be offered in English and Spanish.
ANIMAL RESCUE CLUB: The Animal Rescue Club (ARC) will meet on Tuesday, 9/17, in room 214. Come learn ways to help rescued animals, both domestic and wild! Everyone is welcome.
CLUB SPORTS: Parents do you have an athlete in Club sports such as Lacrosse, Hockey, or Rugby this school year? If your athlete is in need of PE credit, please have them sign up in the Grade Level Office for our Club Sports Meeting that will be held in the LGI on September 11th during advisory. The application process and requirements to obtain PE credit will be discussed with your athlete. Applications are due on October 1st. Late entry or late applications will not be granted PE credit.
DECA: We have started off strong this year and have already covered so much. Below you will find information to make sure you are all caught up on what Highlander DECA is doing.
Membership & Membership Payments: A list of Members can be found here. If your name is in Green that means Mrs. Meyers has your payment receipt. If you have paid and your name is not in green please send a picture of your receipt to If your name is NOT on the members list and you are wanting to participate in DECA please click here. To pay dues use this link. (Payments are not due until Nov, but we encourage you to pay ASAP to allow you to start prepping for competition)
Competition: Competition is not required but I strongly encourage you to give it a shot! The costs are covered by the district. Deadline to register for competition is November 15th. If you are wanting to compete please fill out the competition form.
Virtual Business Competition: If you are wanting to do a Virtual Business competition you can find more information here. Registration begins Oct 8th.
Competition Requirements: Must be passing all classes. Progress report prior to Dec 5th and RC 2
The following are due on DEC 5th:
- Role Plays- Attend min of 3 study sessions, 2 practice exams, 1 practice role play
- Written Events: Two writing sessions, one practice presentation, rough draft due Dec 5th
Leadership Training: Prepares students for competition. Leadership Training is on Friday October 18 from 7am-3:30pm. This is an excused absence. It is $25 to attend leadership training and will include your lunch. The event is limited to 40 students. To sign up fill out this form and pay the $25 here. Please email the receipt to Payment due by September 27th.
Houston Rockets Field Trip: The Houston Rockets Field Trip will be on Monday October 28th, 2019. We will leave TWHS at 11am and return no later than 11pm. The cost per student is $45. This includes the game ticket. Students will wear their DECA shirt to the Rockets game. To sign up to attend the Rockets Field Trip please fill out this form. Payment is due September 20th. Please make payments here and email the receipt to
FBLA: FBLA will be electing officers on Wednesday, September 18 at 3:00 pm at our general meeting. Officer applications are due on Tuesday, September 17, 2019, to Mrs. Filer in Room 252. We will discuss future activities as well.
UIL Accounting: Mrs. Filer is looking for students to participate in UIL Accounting Competition. If you are interested, please come to Room 252 and speak with Mrs. Filer.
HIGHLANDERS for the ENVIRONMENT: The "Highlanders for the Environment" student organization meets the first Wednesday of the month @ 2:45pm/room 312. Come out and make a difference!
INTERACT: There is a lot going on in TWHS Interact lately! We are currently at around 290 members and will hopefully reach 300 in the next couple of weeks! This weekend, Interact will be spending time with special needs children at WoodsEdge Church in order to give their families a day out, as well as taking care of children of Mitchell staff later in September, and we are continuing to tutor at McCullough 3 times a week. It’s never too late to join and get one of our new shirts!
JROTC: All cadets are scheduled to have completed the Presidential Fitness Test by class time today. Cadets who were absent need to schedule a time after school next week to make it up, as it is a requirement of our Headquarters to complete it. Congratulations to the following juniors and seniors who have earned in the higher percentiles on the PFT so far: BRONZE--Jase Alling, Grace Baldwin, Colby Godwin, Mady Howard, Lance Lozada, Saachi Sharma, and Ryan Soucek; SILVER--Anthony Campbell. More to come as today’s results are calculated!
JROTC cadets raise the flags for the school every morning and lower them every afternoon. Sophomore, junior, and senior cadets now have the opportunity to participate and earn the Patriotic Flag Ribbon. Sign up at the bulletin board!
Upcoming Events: Freshman Mixer is tomorrow, September 14th, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm in the 9th Campus Cafeteria for freshmen, their flight commanders, and their parents--bring a dish to share! Our first Campus Cleanup of the year will be on Thursday, September 26th, from 3 to 4 pm; this counts as an hour of community service toward the 13 required for the Service Ribbon. On Friday, September 27th from 3 to 4 pm, guest speaker Joni Schultz will speak at the senior campus about scholarship and career opportunities in aviation--all interested cadets are welcome to attend. Saturday, September 28th is our first Orienteering Meet of the year vs. Oak Ridge JROTC. We will leave FROM OAK RIDGE at 7:30am and return by 12:45pm. It is free (but bring money for lunch) and a great entry-level meet to learn how to compete and potentially earn the Competition Ribbon! All interested cadets are welcome--let Team Commander Noah Lane know. Also on Saturday, September 28th from 1:45 to 6:30 pm is our first Social Activity of the year--Incredible Pizza! Cost is $20 and payment can be made on the web store with a payment deadline of September 21st in order to attend. Uniform is polos and we will meet at the Senior Campus at 1:45--see you there!
Non-JROTC Events of Interest: There is an informational meeting for students interested in attending the US Military Academy at West Point Sunday, September 15th, from 7-8:30 pm at the Courtyard Marriott, 22742 Holzwarth Road, Spring TX. Students (not just cadets) and their families are welcome to attend. Also, a free Let’s Go Fly opportunity for girls is happening Saturday, September 28th, brought to you by Amelia Earhart’s organization, the Ninety Nines. It runs from 8:30 am to noon, meaning you should have time to go to this and also the Corps monthly social activity that afternoon. For details, see the flyers posted on the bulletin board at both campuses. Space is limited so sign up soon!
NATIONAL SOCIAL STUDIES HONOR SOCIETY: Applications for the National Social Studies Honor Society (Rho Kappa) are available to all juniors and seniors. Applications are online and open now through September 17th. Applications can be found at
TWHS STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council is off to a great start. Over the past month, Student Council has been actively involved in planning Homecoming - Homecoming Dance October 19. September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness month and Student Council is raising money for Big Love Cares - which provides care packages and other essentials for children battling cancer. In addition, Members have donated school supplies to give to the homeless shelter. Inspired by Celebrate our Schools members donated rocks to paint and put kindness phrases on to give to teachers. Student Council encouraged the student body to wear purple for National Suicide Prevention month. Pep Rallies are in full swing and Student Council decorates, advertises, and plans games for each one. We are excited about the year -- Our next Stu Co meeting is Monday, September 23 - 6:00 p.m. in the Senior Campus Cafeteria.
TWHS PTO STAFF APPRECIATION: Our next staff appreciation event is a Fiesta luncheon on September 25th. To donate an item for the luncheon, signup here: Thank you! 2019-20 Staff Appreciation Committee: Lisa Doornik, Anne Fry, & Toni Puccio-Johnson (main campus) and Tera Turnbull & Jill Gordley (9th grade campus).
The TWHS PTO invites all parents to attend an Informational presentation on Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30pm, at TWHS main campus, regarding the 2019 CISD Bond Referendum. CISD Superintendent Dr. Curtis Null will present all the details in the bond package and will be on hand to answer any questions. Please plan to attend this very important event. For more information please email:
CHOIR NOTES: All of these events may be found in the CHARMS calendar - login: thewoodlandschoir, then your student's password.
Thank you for attending our Fall Parent Meeting last night. We’re so proud of your students and their progress at this point in the year. If you were unable to attend, a Folder will be placed in the “Handouts” section of Charms with the information that was discussed at the meeting by Monday.
Best of Luck to all auditioning! District Candidates received an email on Monday, September 9 with all the information they need.
Broadway Night will be held at TWHS on November 1, 2019.
Auditions – Will be held on Thursday, October 4 in the Senior Campus Choir room
To audition, students must:
1. Sign up for an audition time (beginning September 27, 2019)
2. Come FULLY prepared - This means that the song is memorized, the accompaniment track is on a CD or iphone and ready for performance, and the audition is staged and costumed.
Results of the auditions will be posted by Friday, October 4. Students who are selected to perform in the show must attend tech rehearsal on Thursday, October 31.
Coming Soon:
Fall Choir Party (9/21/2019) at Forest Gate Park (10am-1pm).
Fall Concert – 10/08
Trip Commitment/Deposit Due – October 12 ($400 deposit) See: enter thewoodlandschoir
Choir Fees Due ($135) – Due 11/15
ORCHESTRA NEWS: Our First Concert is Saturday September 14th at 7 PM. Come and join us at our Season Premier Concert featuring music by Tchaikovsky and Beethoven. Chick-Fil-A and Baskin Robins of Alden Bridge will be both be in the lobby selling concessions starting at 6 PM.
Also don't miss out on your opportunity to purchase TWHS Orchestra Spirit Wear. The Spirit Wear order will close on Tuesday the 17th.
Be sure to mark your calendars for our Halloween Concert on Friday Oct 25 at 7 PM, our Holiday Jazz Concert on Dec 7th at 7 PM, and our Trans Siberian Tribute Concert Dec 14th at 7 PM.
YEARBOOK: Underclass yearbook photos are complete on the main campus. If your student was absent during picture days, retakes are November 8.
If you didn't get a picture package form early enough to send a check to school with your student, there is a link to the form on our site
Please note- Blu Moon has extended their online credit card order deadline to Sept. 22.
Freshmen yearbook photos are Sept. 18-19 during English classes on the freshman campus. Your freshman will get a Blu Moon picture package order form this week. If you need another form, there is a link on our site Please note—Blu Moon has extended the online credit card order deadline to Sept. 22.
Order your 2020 TWHS Yearbook at
Seniors- If you haven't already done so, make your Blu Moon appointment for a senior yearbook portrait only at 281-252-3990.
Yearbook deadline for senior memory ads is Oct. 31. There is a 10% discount for ads turned in on or before Sept. 22. Information for both of these is on
The Woodlands High School Calendar
September 16 – September 28, 2019
Monday, September 16, 2019
Freshman Parent Information Night 7:00 TWHS Main Campus Auditorium
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Varsity Tennis @ Klein 3:00 Klein High School
Volleyball vs Conroe 4:30/5:30 TWHS
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 302
Wrestling Parent Meeting 6:00 LGI
Letter Jacket Parent Information Meeting 6:00 TWHS Foyer
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Tennis JV vs Klein 3:00 TWHS
Thursday, September 19, 2019
FCA Meeting 6:55 am LGI
Academic and JROTC Letter Jacket Measuring 7:00-3:00 TWHS Front Foyer
DECA Meeting 3:00 LGI
Football Freshman White vs Ridge Point 4:00 TWHS 9th Grade Campus
Football Freshman Red/Green vs College Park 4:30/6:00 TWHS
Football JV Red/Green @ College Park 4:30/6:00 College Park High School
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 302
Friday, September 20, 2019
Volleyball @ Bridgeland 5:15/6:15 Bridgeland High School
Varsity Football vs The Woodlands College Park 7:00 Woodforest Bank Stadium
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Highstepper Clinic 8:00 am TWHS 9th Grade Campus
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
Interact Meeting 5:00 Cafeteria
Student Council Meeting 6:00 Cafeteria
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Varsity Tennis vs Conroe 3:00 TWHS
Cross Country Sports Psychologist Meeting 4:00 LGI
Volleyball @ Klein Collins 4:30/5:30 Klein Collins High School
Swim/Dive Red & Green Pictures and Parent Night 5:00/6:00 CISD Natatorium
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 302
Cheer Parent Meeting 6:00 LGI
Mu Alpha Theta Meeting 6:00
PTO Bond Presentation 6:30 TWHS Auditorium
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Varsity Tennis @ Cy-Ranch 3:00 Cy-Ranch High School
JV Tennis @ Conroe 3:00 Conroe High School
Thursday, September 26, 2019
FCA Meeting 6:55 am LGI
DECA Meeting 3:00 LGI
Football Freshman White vs Montgomery 4:00 TWHS 9th Grade Campus
Football Freshman Red/Green @ Klein Oak 4:30/6:00 Klein Oak High School
Football JV Red/Green vs Klein Oak 4:30/6:30 TWHS
Evening Tutorials 5:30 Room 302
Friday, September 27, 2019
Stronger Together Club Meeting 6:50 am LGI
Volleyball vs Klein Forest 4:30/5:30 TWHS
Varsity Football @ Klein Oak 7:00 Klein Memorial Stadium
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Girls Cross Country McNeil Invitational @ Old Settlers Park
TWHS Cheer Clinic 8:00 am TWHS
Financial Aide Workshop 9:00 am TWHS LGI
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: @TWHSCISD