Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022

11 November 2022/ Issue No. 226
Smoothie Freezer Packs- Meal Prep
Attend this month’s meal prep workshop to prepare 5 different smoothie recipes to take home and freeze. Bring one ingredient to share. We hope you can join us for this fun, hands-on workshop. To reserve your spot, complete the Google Form by Monday, November 14th. Once registration is closed, we will email you what ingredients to bring and how much. Ingredients will be divided up among participants fairly.
While you prepare your frozen smoothie bags for home, you can sample immune-boosting smoothies!
Date: Wednesday, November 16th
Time: 3:45 - 4:15 pm (New Time)
Where: Elementary School ABL Lab (Room 1)
Recipe: Smoothie Freezer Packs
Registration is open until Monday, November 14th
Turkey Trot Registration Now Open
We are excited to announce our Turkey Trot prizes! We have a Fitbit Charge 4 up for grabs in our adult category (ages 16 and up) and an Inspiratek Kids Fitness Tracker for our kids category (ages 5-15). CLICK HERE to register. Each registered participant will be entered into our prize drawing. Plus, all adult participants will receive 3 points towards our Commit Club prizes. Additionally, email a pic from your turkey trot to hjenkins@rappahannockschools.us and each of your registered participants will receive an extra entry into our prize drawing!
CLICK HERE to register or visit www.rappc2bf.com/turkey2022.
Photos of the Week
Check out the awesome smiles from this week's Circuit class! Join us on Wednesdays at 3:45 pm for strength and cardio exercises.
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
The NOVEMBER CALENDAR is now available. CLICK HERE to view.
As a friendly reminder, classes will not be held on early release days or when school is not in session for students. Be sure to join our Facebook GROUP (search Commit to Be Fit) or sign-up for our newsletters at the bottom of our website homepage (www.rappc2bf.com) to receive class updates and/or cancellations.
Location information is available on our website www.rappc2bf.com/activities
Have additional questions? Email Holly at hjenkins@rappahannockschools.us
Announcements & Reminders
Staff Salad Bar Winners
Recently, C2BF invited all staff members to participate in a weekly free salad drawing. This week's winners are Kathy Pierce (high school) and Amy Grady (elementary). C2BF will be delivering your free salad coupons shortly. RCPS Staff- if you haven't entered yet, be sure to visit the teacher's lounge and drop your name in the "hat" for a weekly drawing.
We Are Hiring
Do you have a passion for wellness and student/staff success? RCPS is hiring a Wellness Integration Specialist to join our Commit to Be Fit Team.
For more information, visit https://rappahannockschools.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=56
Tips from the Team
Perspective and Thankfulness
Geeeeez! I have to do that again. Ever muttered these words, felt obligated to mundane tasks, or exhausted from the same routine? I know I’ve been there. In the words of a keynote speaker I was reminded to replace “have” with “get.” Instead of saying I have to, say I get to. Say it out loud. I get to go to work tomorrow. I get to wake up early and work out. I get to watch the kid’s basketball game. I get to go to the DMV this weekend. Well……………maybe not that one, but you get the gist. Sometimes the difference in feeling frustrated or happy is perspective. Appreciate having health and the means to live your life. There is always someone wishing they could do things others are dreading just one more time. Then again, this is November. This is the time to be a little more thankful.
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Help Boost Your Immune System with Smoothies
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” -Hippocrates.
This adage comes to mind as we embark on what seems to be an early start to the cold/flu season this year. Boost your immune system naturally with a diet rich in fruit and vegetables to provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it needs to fight off the sniffles. A smoothie is an easy and effective way to increase fruit and veggie intake. There are endless possibilities to customize your smoothie with nutrient-dense ingredients like nuts, berries, and leafy greens packed with vitamins to support your immune system. It provides an opportunity to disguise your not-so-favorite veggies like spinach or kale. Also, this is a sneaky way to add fruits and veggies to a diet for a picky eater. Join me for the next C2BF Meal Prep Workshop to learn how to make an immune-boosting smoothie and leave with five freezer packs to make at home. Also, while you prep your smoothie freezer bags, you can sample a smoothie. The sign-up link will be in this week’s newsletter.
Featured Recipe
Italian Sausage Stuffed Zucchini
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.