April 21, 2017 // April 24, 2017
Registration is Live!
Registration for VanCon is now LIVE on Eventbrite! If you're planning to attend, please be sure to let us know on the registration page. More specifics about the event will continue to be sent out as we get closer!
Where: GaTech Hotel & Conference Center
When: Friday, June 9 from 7:45-3:30
Remember, you get paid AND fed!
Vanguard 2017-2018: Transfers, Exits or Stepping Down from Vanguard
We want to start understanding what positions will be available in the schools next year.
Please do not complete the form unless you have officially confirmed your transfer or exit.
If you are not regularly using Nearpod, please try to start investigating ways you might be able to incorporate it into your classroom. If we don't use it, we may lose it, and we don't want that to happen.
If you're unsure about where to start, take a look at the self-paced "course" Megan Endicott and I designed last year. It should get you started in the right direction. More training and resources will be forthcoming.
Need an Off-Contract Event?
Have you led/held/presented at a school PD and are still missing an off-contract event?
If you'd like one of those activities considered for your off-contract event, please e-mail me the following pieces of information.
- What was the event?
- Where and when was it held?
- How many individuals attended or were affected by the event?
- How did this event incorporate instructional technology or personalized learning?
Please be sure to send/attach any artifacts, photos, etc. from the event.
TIM Tech Tips
This is the same video from last week's VanWeekly. If you DID NOT yet watch it, please do so soon. It is only 3 min. 29 sec.
This video is recommended/encouraged for ALL Vanguard members, regardless of cohort!
PERSONAL PD: #fcsvanguard Chat
Need to Fulfill Your #fcsvanguard Chat Requirement?
Are you unable to chat on Thursday nights? Go back to the #fcsvanguard feed and answer the questions on your own time! Send HEATHER an email to let her know to go back and find them.
Class Notebook Updates!!
1. Parent or guardian access to Class Notebooks. Includes read-only links to both private student notebooks and the Content Library. These links are generated by the teacher and sent manually. When clicking a link, it open the web version of OneNote read-only for parents or guardians
2. APIs to allow 3rd party parent portals and LMSes/SISes to automatically generate link to allow parents to have access to their child's Class Notebook content
3. Permissions in the Collaboration Space to allow teachers to assign specific students permissions to specific sections in the collaboration space. Great for project based learning and related scenarios
4. The ability for a teacher to delete student content when removing permissions from a Class Notebook
Flipgrid Feedback!
Our friends at Flipgrid have seen a tremendous spike in usage in the Atlanta area following the Bear Creek RLC. So they wanna know some of the ways you've been able to use Flipgrid with your students and the impact it's had on student voice. Use the grid below to share your Flipgrid Impact.
EdCamp Fulton on April 29th!
If you still need your off-contract time and are looking for some low-pressure learning, attend EdCamp Fulton: Powered by Vanguard when it arrives at Bear Creek MS on Saturday, April 29th! If you're able to attend the event, be sure to RSVP!
For more information, read here.
School Support for Office 365: Class Notebook, Sway, Mix, & More
In taking notice of all the amazing work being done in the county around technology in education, Microsoft has assigned a Microsoft in Education ambassador for Fulton. Our ambassador, Aja Kweliona, is here to offer support in anyway you or your school may need with Office 365. Whether you or others at your school have questions or concerns, need one more person to help facilitate a training or PD, or just want someone there for "office hours" for people who want to drop in for additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to her. You can reach her at or 646.287-5378.
Diffusion Simulation Game
To help us prepare for VanCon, we'd love for you to play the Diffusion Simulation Game designed to help you determine steps for getting teachers to adopt an innovation.
Full instructions are found on the main page, so be sure to read them carefully. Let's see how many adopters you can get! When you finish the game, be sure to download and save your game log.
If you think you've been truly successful at getting folks to adopt your innovation, send your game log to Heather. Vanguard will have a prize for the person with the highest number of adopters!!
About Us
Our mission as a Vanguard team is to build the capacity of FCS educators and leaders to provide innovative instruction which meets the needs, skills and interests of all students.
Phone: 678-902-5782
Twitter: @FCSVanguard