Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy
February 2019 e-Newsletter
Happy February, Rainiers!
Greetings Columbia Crest Families,
The cold and rain is here but at school we are warm and working hard. Happy February! The new semester begins January 31st and we are dedicated to assessing what we have accomplished and what we have left to do during the last half of the year.
During the mid-year it is a great time to replenish your child’s school supplies. New or gently used gym shoes are welcome as our supply is being used. Sizes 5, 6 and 7 for boys and girls are the most requested.
This is the time of year we typically see an increase in flu. You may want to consider washing your child’s backpack, lunchbox and coat over the weekend as one more way to help prevent the spread of germs.
Kindness is this month’s character trait. February reminds us to think with our heart and look to find ways to be kind to others. Talking with your children about random acts of kindness helps them to look for ways to be helpful and supportive of others.
Principal Shew
Pictured: The Kindergarten class learning about fire safety with our local fire department.
Be sure to click the video to learn about transportation in our district.
Most Improved
Birthday Celebration
New Trail
February Dates to Note
- 2/1 - 5th Grade Balsa Derby in Gym at 12:30
- 2/2 - Groundhog Day
- 2/4 - National Counselor Appreciation Week Begins, Thank you Ms. Noble-Perry
- 2/6 - Late Start, School Begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 2/6 - American Heart Fundraiser Kick Off Assembly at 1:30 p.m.
- 2/7 - Academy Adventure Club at 2:15
- 2/8 - Happy Birthday, Ms. Halvorsen & Report Cards Sent Home
- 2/9 - Firewood Fundraiser Work 9:00-2:00 - Meet here to Volunteer
- 2/10 - Firewood Fundraiser Work 9:00-2:00 - Meet here to Volunteer
- 2/12 - Garden Committee Meeting from 2:15-2:45 p.m.
- 2/13 - Happy 100th Day of School & Late Start, School Begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 2/13 - Monthly Assembly at 12:30, please attend
- 2/13 - PTO Meeting at 2:30, All parents encouraged to attend
- 2/13 - Student Council Work Session 2:15-4:00p.m.
- 2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day! 2nd Grade Play 8:15 a.m.
- 2/14 - 4th Grade to Grits Farm 11:30-2:00 and 6th Grade Water Testing 8:00-11:00
- Classroom Parties
1st Grade: 1:00-1:30
2nd Grade 11:50-12:30
3rd Grade 12:30-1:30
4th Grade 11:00-11:30
6th-8th Grade Dance 1:00-2:05
- 2/18 - Happy Birthday Mrs. Uhls and No School, President's Day
- 2/20 - Late Start, School Begins at 8:45 a.m.
- 2/22 - Columbia Crest School Spirit Day - wear your CC clothes
- 2/24 - Happy Birthday, Mrs. Downs
- 2/25 - Spirit Week Begins (see flyer below)
- 2/26 - Fundraiser Items Due
- 2/27 - Late Start
- 2/28 - Honor Society Induction 5:00p.m.
Valentine Gram Order Form
Office Reminders
- Remember to dress your child appropriately for our weather. Indoor recess will only be when extreme conditions happen. Please have an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack. We are in desperate need of donations of sweatpants and gym shoes.
- Keep our “Lost and Found” empty by writing your child’s name on all belongings. Items are donated after our monthly assembly.
- Students need to be on campus no later than 7:40 a.m. as class begins by 7:45 a.m.
- Students learn most when they are IN class. Do your best to eliminate vacations and time away from school to enhance your child’s learning this school year.
- Be sure to sign your child in if they are tardy and sign them out if you need to remove your child from school.
Food Menus
Garden Committee Meeting
Columbia Crest A-STEM Academy's Garden Committee is looking for new members! If you are interested in assisting with any garden activities including after-school activities, this is the committee for you!
We will meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Maker Space (old bus barn), from 2:15- 2:45. We would love your help and expertise in planning the future of our beautiful garden space! Thank you for considering, and we will see you at the first meeting, Tuesday, February 12th, 2019.
Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019, 02:15 PM
Columbia Crest A-S.T.E.M. Academy, Washington 706, Ashford, WA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Character Trait of the Month ~ Kindness
We are seeking students demonstrating this Character Trait to be our next Rainiers of the Month.
Thank you, Miss Washington, for hosting an Anti Bullying Assembly
Preschool students under the new vine archway
Reptile Man
Spirit Week Dr. Seuss Themed
Thank you, PTO, for the Reptile Man Assembly
PTO Section
The Parent Teacher Organization needs YOU. Please pop in one of our upcoming meetings to see what is happening at your child's school and see how you can help. Fresh baked goodies and child care are available at each meeting as well as raffle prizes.
Mark your calendar for our next PTO Meeting on Wednesday, February 13th at 2:30 p.m.
2018-2019 Meetings
February 13th
March 13th
April 10th
May 8th
P.T.O. Meeting
Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019, 02:30 PM
Columbia Crest A-S.T.E.M. Academy, Washington 706, Ashford, WA, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Birthday Grams
Career Presenters Needed
Thank you to the 4 families who donated.
Federal Employees Impacted by Shutdown
To help mitigate the impact of the government shutdown on furloughed employees, OSPI has directed that applications may reflect the current household situation rather than simply be based upon annual income.
Affected families can drop off their furlough letters at the district office. Online free and reduced meal applications can be found at: http://family.eatonville.wa-k12.net/
New Trail Development
Quality Work Award Winner
Firewood Fundraiser Volunteer Opportunity
On Saturday February 9, and Sunday February 10, parent and student volunteers are needed to help pick up firewood from the Miller Orchard (off of Lily Dale road). We will meet at Columbia Crest at 9:00 am both days, then caravan to the Miller Orchard. We will stop work at 2:00 if we don't finish sooner.
Students must arrange their own transportation, no buses are available. Carpooling is encouraged!!!!
Parent volunteers are especially needed to shuttle volunteers to and from the orchard, to help with labor, and to transport the firewood to CC.
If anyone has a pickup truck they are willing to bring to use, that would be a huge help!!!!!!The trees will be felled, limbed, and bucked into rounds by the property owner. Students and parent volunteers will carry the rounds to the splitter, load the split wood (carefully) into trucks, then unload and (neatly) stack the wood at CC. We will also have to drag limbs and stack them into burn piles. As of now, my own small pickup is the only one we have available to use.
***Students and volunteers should dress appropriately for the weather and work. Boots, gloves, and most likely rain gear will be needed. We will work rain or shine. Please also bring water, a snack, and a sack lunch.
All proceeds will be divided evenly into class accounts, which may be used for things such as class trips or enrichment activities. Current 8th graders will not be able to benefit from monies raised by this fundraiser, as the wood gathered will need the summer to dry, and won’t be sold until next school year. However, this would count towards volunteer hours needed for their 8th grade Capstone Project, and would be an excellent resume builder!
If you are able to volunteer, (even if all you can do is drive), please email me at C.Hehemann@eatonville.wednet.edu. I will also send home paper permission slips, which students will need signed to participate.
Weather Related Delays
As winter sets in please be sure to have the District Weather Line number saved in your
contacts: 360-879-1100.
Flash Alert will send an email or text to your device. Visit this link to create an account and subscribe: https://www.flashalert.net/id/EatonvilleSD
The Flash Alert app is free and sends push notifications directly to your Android and iOS devices. Search for Flash Alert Messenger on your device’s App Store and download.
Middle School Garden Elective
Mrs. Carr's J-Term Garden Class has been busy in the garden! Kokedama Ferns, an arbor to grow vines and provide shade for a sit spot, and poured and painted cement accent pieces to beautify the space!
Eatonville Pool
Pool Information
Days: Tuesdays & Thursdays
- Lessons: 4:00 - 4:30 & 4:30 - 5:00
- Open Swim: 5:00 - 6:00
- Water Aerobics: 6:00 - 7:00
- Lap Swim: 7:00 - 8:00
- Lessons: $56 per month
- General Admission: $3.25
- Seniors 55+: $3.00
More information can be found on the district website under community and then pool.
Every Friday, students are selected to pick out of the Principal's Prize Box for stellar behavior
Video Spotlight, 4th Grade
Counselor's Corner
She will be on campus two days per week, Mondays and Wednesdays.
As always you are welcome to stop by our office or give us a call if you wish to discuss your child's needs.
You may reach Ms. Noble-Perry at D.nobleperry@eatonvilleschools.org
Counselor's Office Hours
· Mondays 7:45- 2:45
· Wednesdays 7:45-2:45
When to Keep Your Child Home
Highly Capable Referral Process
Step 1: Online Referrals for Highly Capable Testing
Anyone may refer a student for testing for the highly capable program. Referrals can come from any district staff member, the student themselves, parents / guardians, or community members. Referral forms are completed online by utilizing the following link(s):
Note: If you do not have online access or experience difficulty in completing the online form, please contact the Student Services office at (360) 879-1800.
Current Highly Capable students need not be referred or tested again.
- High School Students wishing to enroll in AP or Running Start coursework will need to contact their guidance counselor for scheduling.
Step 2: Teachers Complete Online Renzulli Scales
All elementary teachers and secondary math/and/or ELA teachers will complete the online Renzulli Rating Scales for each of their current year students that have been referred (no matter the source of the referral). Lists of students and direction for accessing the online scales will be delivered to teachers in late February early March.
Step 3: Student CogAT Testing
Schools will be coordinating the testing of their referred students to occur during the school day. The complete CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) takes approximately 2.5 hours and may be spread out over multiple, short sessions.
Parents/Guardians will receive a specific testing schedule from Student Services prior to the actual days of testing. Parents must give permission to allow testing for highly capable placement. Those parents who referred their own students give permission as part of the online referral. Parent/Guardians of students referred by someone else will receive a permission form from Student Services prior to testing. Students without parent/guardian permission will not be tested.
Step 4: Notification
New Highly Capable students will be contacted in June for placement options.
3rd Grade Heart Art
Contact Information
Principal: Mrs. Allison Shew
Secretary: Ms. Lindsay Fitzer
CCA Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Student Hours: 7:45 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Attendance Message Line: 360-569-2567
Transportation: 360-879-1900
Stay Connected
Email: a.shew@eatonville.wednet.edu
Website: www.eatonville.wednet.edu/CCA
Location: 24503 SR 706 E Ashford, WA 98304
Phone: (360)569-2567
Facebook: facebook.com/ColumbiaCrestASTEM
Twitter: @CC_STEM_School