February Newsletter
Hello Families,
Just a few reminders for the month of February. Kids Center will be closed on President's Day, February 19th for a Professional Development Day for our staff. We thank you for allowing us this day so we can complete our mandatory trainings for STARS and for DHS.
Please check on Bright Wheels, WGAL, or ABC 27 News for any delays or closings due to inclement weather.
Reminder to follow our protocols for fevers, vomiting, diarrhea and communicable illnesses. Children must be fever free and symptom free for 24 hours without meds to return to care. Doctor's notes are required to return if a communicable illness occurs.
There has been a few questions regarding Tax Statements for 2023. Our families should have received an email from Bright Wheels giving you information on how to access and print these statements.
Little Caesar's Pizza orders will be due to our office with payment by February 13th. Delivery is in early March, we will let you know the specific date as soon as we are contacted.
Reminder that February 15th is an Early Dismissal Day and February 16th is a Non-School Day at the Community Center. Links are attached below for February and March sign-ups.
We will be serving Spaghetti and Meatballs for lunch to all children and staff on Friday, February 16th. If your child will not eat this meal, please supply a bagged lunch for this day.
We are excited to host another "Family Movie Night" on February 23rd form 7-9 pm. Popcorn and drinks will be provided. Come in your PJ's and bring your blankets and pillows. Adults are welcome to bring camp chairs for comfort or use our folding chairs in the gym.
Thank you for entrusting your children in our care!
Warmly, Wendy Musser, Kids Center Director
Links for Non-School Day and Early Dismissal in February
Links for Non-School Day and Early Dismissal in March!
February Activity Calendar
February Snack Menu
Health Updates
Site Newsletters
Preschool News
Kindergarten News
Bainbridge News
Congratulations to Ms. Rhonda!
Congratulations to Ms. Rhonda for completing her degree in ECE.
Bear Creek News
East High News
Teacher of the Month
Rebecca Spencer is Teacher of the Month of January
Ms. Rebecca is our Preschool Lead Teacher. She provides consistency each and everyday with her class. Rebecca creates lesson plans that touch on math, reading, social skills and science. Ms. Rebecca also recently completed her CDA Certification, we are very proud of her!