Lincoln Elementary Newsletter
November 2023
Our first assembly was held in honor of our Veterans on November 8th. Thank you to everyone who donated toward a flag. We decorated the front of our school with 40 flags and donated $400 to the Rockaway American Legion. Additionally, students created beautiful cards that were sent to Veterans in Rockaway as well as overseas. The entire school community participated in an assembly which honored two Veterans who are Rockaway Borough policemen. We also conducted a patriotic sing-along and a slideshow of the students and staff members' favorite Veterans. The program ended with a beautiful rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" sung by Mr. Bova, our music teacher. At the end of the day, the entire school community gathered outside to take a picture. It was a memorable day celebrating and honoring our Veterans!
During the month of November, we hosted our fall parent-teacher conferences. This event provided our staff with an opportunity to learn more about the children they teach. Additionally, it offered some insight to parents on their child's progress. Thank you for your ongoing partnership. When we all work together, the possibilities are endless!
The second marking period has begun which means students will now be taking art classes with Mrs. Isenberg. Music classes will resume during third marking period. This was one of the major changes brought on by our new schedule.
Lincoln is always looking for ways to serve our local community. While one food drive has concluded, another has begun for December. Additionally, we are collecting toys with the Morris County Sheriff's Department. It is important that we show our students the importance of coming together to help those in need. Thank you for your assistance in fulfilling this mission.
Important Dates 📅
12/6- HSA meeting @ Lincoln @ 7:30 PM
12/9- HSA Winter Wonderland @ TJ
12/12- BOE meeting @ TJ @ 7:30 PM
12/13- Winter Concert @ AOG @ 9:30 AM
12/22- Class parties @ 12 PM; Early dismissal at 1 PM
1/2- School resumes
1/15- No School
In Our Classrooms
We are R.A.M.S. (more than our mascot)
R-Respect self and others A-Achieve excellence M-Make good choices S-Stay safe
Mrs. Leslie/Mrs. Grlica- Willa Tullo & Owen Dougherty
Mrs. Conway- Delilah Loughlin
Ms. Lawton- Lucas Cisneros
Mrs. Schwarz- Kaylah Canizales
Ms. Doering- Benson Heitzman
Mrs. Yobs- Delaney Barkocy
Ms. Tajiddin- Santi Perez
Mrs. Jones- Liam Gandy
Mrs. Medore- Jayden Luc
Mrs. Tuluca- Madison Viola
Mr. Kadus- David Rosete
Ms. Schumacher- Easton Petrucelli
Mrs. Thompson- Thiago Garcia
Classroom Winner
Mrs. Thompson's class
School-Wide Events
Staff News
2023-2024 Educator of the Year and Educational Services Professional of the Year
Here is what their colleagues had to share about these outstanding staff members:
"Mrs. Hickman is kind, caring, supportive, and goes out of her way to help those with special needs in her classroom, those students that struggle academically and emotionally along with her general education population. Academically, Mrs. Hickman's students are well prepared with the foundational skills that will carry them through their school years. She teaches them "how" to learn and "how" to be a model student. She has given countless Kindergarteners an awesome first experience in school. She is creative and driven to do the best she can inside and outside of the classroom. Mrs. Hickman has a tremendous work ethic. She has been a mentor to so many teachers who are new to the classroom, without ever being official in that capacity. She is just very good at helping others, colleagues, administration, parents and children."
"This is my second year working alongside Ruben, and he is without a doubt one of the most kind, caring, and professional staff members I have worked with in my 14 years in Rockaway Borough. Ruben's background in education has prepared him for the academic component of his job, and his role as a father has allowed him to handle this often difficult journey with grace and compassion. He has a welcoming, respectful and positive attitude towards every staff member. Ruben always lends a helping hand and goes out of his way for everyone. "
Important Reminders
From Principal Skomial:
- Dress your children for the weather. We go outside as much as possible.
- Reach out to your child's teacher and our administrative assistant, Mrs. Murphy (kmurphy@rockboro.org), if your child is going to be absent. Health concerns and questions can be directed to Mrs. Jacobus (djacobus@rockboro.org).
From Officer Mark:
Our children's safety is of utmost importance. Please be reminded of the following rules when picking up your children:
- K-turns are only permitted in the designated area (near the TJ driveway).
- Please do not park against traffic.
- No parking in the staff lot.
- No turning around in the staff lot.
From the Nurses:
Important Reminder for Preschool Families
If your child is enrolled in preschool and has not yet received their yearly flu shot, please contact your healthcare provider today to ensure your child receives the flu vaccine before school begins on January 2, 2024. New Jersey requires all children attending preschool who have not reached their 5th birthday by December 31, 2023 to have a yearly flu shot before returning to school in January. The only exemptions allowed by the Health Department are if you have previously submitted a valid medical exemption letter signed by your child's physician, or if you have submitted a religious exemption letter. If you are unable to get an appointment with your doctor, several pharmacies in this area offer flu shots; check with them regarding age, health, or insurance restrictions. If you are having difficulty obtaining the flu vaccine for your child, please call the health department nurses at 973-537-7118. You may email the documentation to Mrs. Jacobus at djacobus@rockboro.org or it may be faxed to 973-625-7355.
Please remember to keep your children at home if they are feeling ill. We want to do our best to keep our students and faculty healthy so we need your help. Thank you!
Home and School Association Updates
The next meeting is on 12/6 @ 7:30 PM at Lincoln. Childcare will be available.
WINTER WONDERLAND - Pancake breakfast tickets are on sale this week for HSA members for pre sale. Opened to non HSA members the week of the 13th.
Over 20 Vendors so you can shop for holiday gifts. A kids shop to buy affordable gifts for family, wrapped by out 8th grade elves, hot chocolate and bake sale sponsored by our staff. Indoor Carnival games to earn prizes.
Raffle Tickets - $10/ticket with winning ticket being pulled during Winter Wonderland on December 9th (need not be present to win). 1st prize- 30% of proceeds, 2nd prize 15% of proceeds, 3rd prize 5% of proceeds. Email HSA if you would like a pack of tickets to help sell or to purchase. rbhsa@rockboro.org
Spirit Wear: New spirit wear is coming so keep your eyes open for the link to order. Sweatshirts, long sleeves, and pants!
Community News
Call 973-627-5709 or visit rblibrary.org to register
Shop our Gently Used Jewelry Sale during the month of December. Grab some perfectly priced gifts for the holidays. Stop in any time during library hours to shop our lovely jewelry items, located in the Children's Department. Sales are cash only.
Saturday, December 2 ~ 10:30am. Ages 3-6. *Registration required.
What would it be like to live in a snow globe? Join us for a craft and the story "The Snow Globe Family" by Jane O'Connor. *Please have children bring a small photo of themselves to include in their project.*
Monday, December 4 ~ 6:00pm. Adults 18 and up.*Registration required.
Geri will show you how to decorate a glass bottle with a snowy scene and fairy lights.
TIME FOR TOTS w/Ms. LAUREN* Friday, Dec 8 ~ 11:00am-11:45am. Ages 1-5. *Registration required.
Monday, December 11 ~ 1:30pm. Adults 18 and up. *Registration required.
Share your favorite cookie recipe with us. Join us for a cookie exchange.
Monday, December 11 ~ 6:30-7:30pm OR Tuesday, December 12 ~ 1:00-2:00pm. *Please register for one time slot.
Take a tour of the third floor museum rooms. Learn the history of the library building and the people who lived here.
Wednesday, December 13 ~ 3:30pm. Ages 6-10. *Registration required.
We welcome the Home Depot this month for a wood craft workshop.
Thursday December 14 ~ 3:30pm-5:00pm. Ages 10-18. *Registration required.
Join us for an afternoon of strategic fun and friendly competition. Explore a variety of board games and card games.
Friday, December 15 ~ 11:00am-12:00pm Adults 18 and up. *Registration required.
Michele Fawcett will be joining us and will share with us what art journaling involves.
Monday, December 18 ~ 6:30pm. Ages 9 and up. *Registration required.
Ms. Geri will teach you how to make holiday lights art using chalk pastels.
Tuesday, December 19 ~ 11:00am. Ages 2-5. *Registration required.
KNIT AND CROCHET GROUP Thursday, December 21 ~ 11:00am-12:30pm. Adults 18 and up.
Thursday, December 21 ~ 3:30pm-4pm. Ages 9-13. *Registration required.
Have you watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, Home Alone, or Elf too many times to count? Test your knowledge and challenge your friends to see who knows these classic movies best! Bring a device (phone, tablet, chromebook, etc.) because the battle will be on Kahoot!
Navigating Hope at the Rockaway Borough Library
Wednesday, December 27
12 pm to 4 pm
Visit the Navigating Hope van to
· apply for SNAP, Medicaid, TANF, and other assistance
· get connected to help with health and wellness, domestic violence, aging, WIC, EITC, and other services
Navigating Hope is a mobile outreach initiative designed to provide social services. It is a partnership between the Morris County Department of Human Services and Family Promise of Morris County.
Wednesday, December 27 ~ 6:30 pm. Ages 18+. *Registration required. Reserve a copy of One Day in December by Josie Silver and participate in a discussion about the book at the meeting. Bring a book suggestion or two to share with the group.
Sunday, December 31 ~ 11am. Kids of all ages.
Have fun virtually with Miss Jolie as she counts down to Noon for our young friends. Register, then stop in to pick up a party hat and noisemaker. You will receive a link for the pre-recorded YouTube program prior to the event.