The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: January 2, 2024
Happy New Year!!!
Dear Atholton Families,
Welcome 2024! The new year is here! I always love coming back from Winter Break because it marks one of the three "reset" opportunities of the school year. Students and staff (and parents too I guess) can change things up after the first marking period to get different results--better grades, better lessons, etc. That same opportunity for change will also happen as we transition to the 2nd semester in a few weeks. Based on my experience, the start of the 4th marking period is a somewhat lost moment in time because it's more likely that changes will be planned for the following school year.
With the new year, there's a chance for new beginnings, for resolutions, for resets in thinking and doing. Have that conversation with your student this week--what do they plan to do differently this year? Where do they see opportunities for growth and improvement? You can model that reflectiveness yourself if you want to--what do you plan to do differently as a parent this year? Maybe you want to get more involved in 2024 and take advantage of all the wonderful membership and volunteer opportunities with PTSA and our various booster groups? 😉
We appreciate your support for the Atholton community and wish you a happy and healthy 2024! Go Raiders!
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
Course Registration Information
We are one week away from our Scheduling Information Night. Although this event is primarily focused on students and families who are entering 9th grade in the 2024-2025 school year, you may find the program useful if you are relatively new to Howard County or just have some questions about course offerings that you would like to discuss in person.
We'll be sending out a standalone scheduling message tomorrow (1/3/24) after the lesson on scheduling during Raidertime and elective fair during all lunch shifts, but for now, you can check out the agenda for next week's session and start mapping out your plans for next week and next year!
Food Pantry Update
Our next Food Pantry Distribution will be January 31st. In the first two months of starting up the food pantry, we have been helping out about 25 families on a regular basis, but we need your help to keep that assistance going and support anticipated growth.
Currently our shelves are looking bare after Holiday distribution before break. Please help support our food pantry and the families at AHS by donating food to our food pantry. We'll be running a food drive soon (be on the lookout for a flyer), but in the meantime, you can buy items from Amazon and have them shipped directly to the school. Thanks for your support!
Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17IRNMC08ZK81?ref_=wl_share
PTSA Reflections Contest Winners
On behalf of the AHS PTSA, it is my pleasure to announce the 2023-24 Reflections Art Program winners. The student submissions have been advanced to the Howard County Council of PTAs and we will keep you posted about possible county level winners. We thank all of the students for their participation and wish them luck at the next stage of competition.
Jayson Clarke - Outstanding Interpretation of Theme
Art Category: Visual Arts
Adrian Tepper - Award of Excellence
Art Category: Visual Arts
Rhema Yang - Award of Excellence
Art Category: Literature
AJ (Andre) Clark - Award of Excellence
Art Category: Dance Choreography
Included below is the submission by Jayson Clarke entitled "Soaring into Excellence" to inspire us all as we embark upon the new year!
Important Information-Reposting
Affordable & Convenient SAT & ACT Prep at Atholton HS and Online
Both in-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered at many HoCo high schools and are open to students from all high schools.
GET READY FOR THE NEW DIGITAL SAT on March 9, 2024 and beyond!
AHS Virtual Prep for the Digital SAT: Sat./Sun. April 27 & 28 from 9 am - 1 pm
Register for your Summer College Essay Writing Workshop Now & Save!
Juniors: Now's the prime time to receive your Personalized College List - Introductory Rate of $199 through 12/31.
Each college prep class is only $149 (through 12/31), or choose a College Prep Combo Package and save up to $75. Visit www.theanswerclass.com to view all the college admissions support offerings and class schedule, and to register your student.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
1/2 Students return to School
1/3 Elective Fair During Lunch Shifts
1/3 Senior Class Meeting During Raidertime
1/9 Course Scheduling Night
1/15 Schools & Offices Closed
1/16 Period 1 Midterm Exam (Full Day of School)
1/17 Period 2 & 3 Midterm Exams (11:35am Dismissal)
1/18 Period 4A & 5 Midterm Exams (11:35am Dismissal)
1/19 Period 4B & 6 Midterm Exams (11:35am Dismissal)
1/22 No School for Students
Happier January
Take the Challenge
With the various celebrations our students observed in December and of course the time off with Winter Break, last month provided lots of happiness. As we begin 2024, here's a little challenge I saw online that was too good not to share with all of the Atholton community. Consider completing the tasks as a family or even competing in the tasks among the family. Good conversation topic for the dinner table (or the drive thru line if that's all you have time for that night).