Queens Creek Elementary School
Parent Newsletter - March 12, 2021
News Flash
Important Dates
- March 15: End of grading period
- March 22: Report Cards
- March 27-April 5: SPRING BREAK!!!
- April 5: Online Kindergarten Registrations open
- April 6: Students return to school
- April 7: Student return to in person instruction on Wednesdays
- April 7: QCES is featured in Tideland News
Links to the School and OCS Websites
Family and Community
A Night of Hope
Join the Swansboro Community in a sign of solidarity on March 14, 8:00pm.
Turn On Your Front Porch
Light As A Symbol Of Hope,
Light And Love To Others.
Below is a performance by one of the Third Grade homerooms performing
"This Little Light Of Mine."
Yearbooks - Limited Time to Order
We do prefer that you order online at strawbridge.net - use the online code FMYB106465
Character Trait of the Month - Citizenship
- Help make things better
- Respect authority and obey laws
- Protect the environment
- Be active in the communitiy
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration
Online Registration begins April 5, 2021.
Please click here to begin the kindergarten registration process.
To be eligible a child must turn five on or prior to August 31, 2021.
Please have the following:
Birth Certificate
Updated Immunization Records
Photo ID of Legal Parent/Guardian
Proof of Residency (Electric or Water Bill)
Relay for Life 2020-2021
- What is Relay for Life?
- How does it help with cancer research and treatments?
- How do I donate?
- How can I help?
Grade Level News
Kindergarten 3/10/21
First Grade - March 2021
Second Grade 2/19/21
Math: We will continue to practice our skills on telling time. Please also be practicing those basic math facts at home!
Writing: Students are still working on sharing their opinion about specific topics.
Social Studies: We will be learning about historical figures from black history.
Third Grade 3/12/21
Fourth Grade 2/12/21
This week 4th grade will be working on:
Math: Introducing Equivalent Fractions
Science: Types of Energy
ELA: Elements of Plays (dialogue, stage directions, setting, script, cast of characters)
SS: Introducing History of North Carolina Social Studies Writing Project
(Please practice multiplication facts and division strategies at home)
Fifth Grade - 3/12/21
Math: multiplication and division of fractions
Science: Ecosystems
Social Studies: Civil War, Westward Expansion
Encore - March 2021
- Kindergarten students are learning to play xylophones properly.
- First grade students are playing xylophones and adding music to stories.
- Second grade students have expanded their international partnerships to include Sweden. They are sharing songs from our culture and learning about music from other cultures.
- Third grade - NEW: Third grade students have the option to purchase a recorder through School Cash Online. Although we cannot play recorders at school due to COVID-19, our third grade students are invited to purchase a recorder and practice at home using Dr. Bazzy's instructional videos in Teams. Recorders cost $7.00. Once a student purchases their recorder through School Cash Online, Dr. Bazzy will give the student their instrument to take home. Third grade students who already have a recorder do not need to purchase another one to join the Recorder Team for virtual learning.
- Fourth grade students are reading pitches on the staff and playing melodies. Also, it's not too late for fourth grade students to purchase a recorder through School Cash Online if they still want to participate in Dr. Bazzy's virtual learning for recorders. Students with recorders will practice at home - not at school - due to COVID-19 restrictions.
- Fifth grade students are finishing their body percussion performances. They are using their social and emotional learning skills to manage their emotions and behaviors when working with their peers.
- Kindergarten- science spin about clouds
1st grade- insects
2nd grade- weather (storms)
3rd grade- decomposition
4th grade- circuits
5th grade- mind busters trivia
Car Rider Line!!
Screening Protocols and Flow Charts
- Do you know if you have been around anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?
- Since you were last at school, have you had a fever, chills, had trouble breathing, been coughing, or lost your sense of taste or smell?
- Since you were last at school, has anyone in your household developed a fever, chills, had trouble breathing, been coughing, or lost your sense of taste or smell?
- Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
General Information Topics
Free Breakfast & Lunch
Good afternoon! Great news! Breakfast and lunch will be free for students through the rest of the year! What a relief for so many families during such a difficult time. The last thing families should worry about is having the funds to feed their children.
Afternoon School Dismissal
Car Rider Parents, Please continue to display the yellow window card until your child enters your car. The best place to display the yellow card is over the passenger side visor. This will assist the staff to quickly load the students into the cars safely.
All afternoon transportation changes will happen within the School Dismissal Manager system. This eliminates the need for notes that don't always reach the teachers or emails to the front office that might not be seen until after dismissal. All changes need to happen before 2:00pm. At 2:15pm each teacher is sent an email with a list of all his/her students and how each one is getting home.
If you still have not claimed your account, please email either the jill.yager@onslow.k12.nc.us or michelle.staley@onslow.k12.nc.us and they will assist you.
Green and Global Topics
Some Simple Ways to Reycle:
1. Use reusable bags instead of plastic. A weekly trip to the grocery store requires an average of 10 plastic bags to carry the entire load of groceries home. That is approximately 520 plastic bags per year for a single household. Rather than recycling the plastic bags, use reusable cloth bags that you can wash and reuse throughout the year.
2. Reuse scrap paper for crafts. Even the smallest bits of pretty fabric and paper can make a big impact. Turn them into strips of decorative tape and you’ll have beautiful trims ready to use.
3. Repurpose glass jars and containers. You’re paying extra for these food-filled glass containers, why not reuse them for other household items that need a new container? You can look up many green living ideas on Pinterest that will show you great ways to recycle plain glass jars into pretty home-products, ranging from food containers to decorative light-hangers.
4. Use cloth napkins and towels. Using cloth napkins and towels in the kitchen and bathrooms will help to reduce paper consumption and give you a reusable product, possibly saving you a couple hundred dollars a year.
5. Recycle electronics. Even if you’ve tried everything you can to revive your electronic device, laptop or computer, don’t just dump it in the garbage. You can donate it to charities that can fix it up or send it back to the manufacturer that will end up recycling the body and parts for other products. Some ink cartridge manufacturers will give you a prepaid label to mail back used-cartridges to recycle. Look into the manufacturers of your devices and find out about their recycling programs.