Happy August
August 14, 2023
Monday Notes
Please keep an eye on your inbox for future "Monday Notes," which will be sent via email bi-weekly. These newsletters aim to keep you updated with valuable information and contribute to the growth of our NMMEA community. These will mostly be brief emails that you can scan quickly.
Fall Town Hall Meeting
Mark your calendars and make sure to join us for the Fall Welcome Back Town Hall Meeting on August 22nd at 6:00 pm! Jazzmone Sutton from NAfME will be joining us to kickstart the year in the most exciting way possible. Don't miss out!
NMMEA Survey
Please take a few minutes and complete the survey below to provide valuable feedback to NMMEA leadership.
Tri-M Honor Society
Please consider starting a Tri-M Honor Society at your school. Quick, easy, and a great experience for your students!
Tri-M is the only national honor society for student musicians in grades 6-12. There are more than 1,900 chapters across all 50 states, involving more than 75,000 students. Each year, these students contribute service hours to their schools and local communities and raise funds for causes they care about.
Important Dates
Please mark your calendars with these important dates:
- August 22 - Welcome back virtual town hall (click here to join)
- October 5 - All-state audition town hall (click here to join)
- October 16-29 - Choir, Guitar and Orchestra All-State Auditions (link to registration dates)
- October 23 - November 5 - Band and Jazz All-State Auditions (link to registration dates)
- January 10-13 - NMMEA All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference
- January 19-21 - NMMEA Jazz All-State Festival
Friends looking for jobs?
New Mexico has open music positions. If you know of anyone still looking for a job, please encourage them to apply in New Mexico!
Membership Renewal & Updates
Please take a few minutes and review your information in your NAfME membership. While there also check your renewal date so that your membership doesn't lapse.