MTSD Momentum Newsletter
January 25, 2024

Inclement Weather & Flex Day Update
Well, itβs more than officially winter in Wisconsin! As you likely are aware, when inclement weather occurs, school officials monitor the situation closely to determine whether our schools should be closed due to safety concerns. This includes collaboration with local area superintendents and weather professionals and consultation with our transportation partner and maintenance teams.
As you know, in the span of just one week (on January 9 and 12, 2024), school closures were implemented in response to the forecasted weather. As a result of these school closures, we want to bring your attention to two points of information:
At this time, the Flex Day scheduled for Friday, April 26 will be an instructional day for Homestead High School students only. Our elementary and middle schools still have enough instructional time built into their calendars to use the Flex Day as a No School Day for students and an Inservice Day for staff. If future inclement weather days occur before April 26, we will re-calculate the instructional time at the elementary and middle school levels and provide an update as needed.
Should future inclement weather days occur at any point this school year, Homestead High School will need to make up instructional time in addition to the April 26 Flex Day. To do this without extending the school calendar any further into June, Homestead has revisited a plan to implement the use of virtual learning days. More information will be provided regarding virtual learning days at the high school level as planning is finalized.
Though much of the winter season lies ahead, we hope that further disruptions to the school year calendar will be kept to a minimum.
MTSD Annual Climate & Culture Survey Results
Per one of the goals included in MTSD's Strategic Plan, we work to produce meaningful communication and engagement opportunities with all stakeholders to build strong relationships and trust across the school community. One of the methods used to engage stakeholders and gain input to inform decisions includes the use of surveys.
To understand perceptions of our schoolsβ and our districtβs climate and culture, we annually invite MTSD parents and guardians to participate in a Climate & Culture Survey focusing on seven categories including: Student Relationships, Learning Environment, Safety & Well-Being, Physical Environments, Contracted Services, Family Engagement, and Overall District Quality. Schools and the district use these results to enhance the educational experience for all students and families while monitoring progress toward strategic goals.
The survey was open Monday, December 18, 2023 through Friday, January 5, 2024 and was administered using Qualtrics. In total, 685 survey responses were provided representing approximately 19% of all students in the MTSD. We are pleased to report that overall responses were positive, with MTSD families recording a Net Promoter Score of 50 (excellent), and reflecting satisfaction with the overall quality of MTSD, most notably our wonderful educators and staff members. Thank you for your participation in this very important feedback opportunity!
2024-25 School Year Budget Update
The MTSD Board of Education is working in collaboration with District administrators to address MTSDβs budget crisis. Despite the finalization of what was described as a βhistoricβ 2023-25 State Biennial Budget, the state of Wisconsin continues to provide school districts with inadequate, sustainable funding and MTSD does not stand to benefit substantially from state funding as a lower-spending, property-rich community. School districts around the state are forced to do more with less to provide the programming and resources students deserve and meet the expectations of their communities.
Mitigating budget deficits is not new for MTSD, and over time, the District has taken several proactive initiatives aimed at decreasing expenses and increasing revenues to mitigate the impact of revenue limits and budget challenges in addressing MTSDβs funding gap. However, the current reality is that our studentβs academic and social-emotional needs are exceptionally high, and our financial support is historically low, with historic budget deficits projected now and throughout the foreseeable future. To address this unprecedented financial crisis, MTSD must find ways to increase revenue streams while reducing operating expenses.
In 2023, the Board approved a legislative platform topic on public school funding and the Board and MTSD administration actively advocated for increased public school funding during the development of the 2023-25 Wisconsin State Budget. Further, the Board charged the MTSD administration to form a Community Task Force to consider and recommend possible solutions to increase revenue. The Task Forceβs recommendation culminated in a βbundled approachβ using the options of a possible operating referendum, philanthropic giving campaign, and use of the Districtβs fund balance.
Based on discussions held by the Board during their January meetings this year, the MTSD administration will move forward on a timeline that will allow the Board to consider an operating referendum ballot question for the November 2024 election. Updates will be provided to all stakeholders as this work progresses.
What Is Zero-Based Budgeting?
MTSD is using Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) to build the 24-25 school year budget. ZBB is a budgeting approach where organizations start the budgeting process from scratch rather than rolling over prior budget history. In this method, every expense must be justified and approved, and budget allocations are based on the actual needs and costs of each activity rather than historical spending patterns. Unlike traditional budgeting, which often involves incremental adjustments to existing budgets, ZBB requires a thorough review and justification of all expenses, fostering cost-conscious decision-making and resource optimization. ZBB aims to ensure that every dollar spent contributes directly to organizational objectives, promoting efficiency and accountability in financial management.
You're Invited: Wisconsin DPI Community Session @ Homestead High School
During the 2023-24 school year, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is hosting a series of Strategic Planning Community Engagement Sessions throughout the state of Wisconsin. During each session, DPI staff will engage in facilitated conversations to gather additional perspectives within various communities. With the support of the Mequon-Thiensville School District, the Department of Public Instruction wants to hear what you think is important for schools and public libraries at an upcoming community engagement event at Homestead High School!
Date: January 29th (Tuesday), 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Collaboration Zones, Homestead High School, 5000 W Mequon Road, Mequon, WI 53092
Register here: https://widpi.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6m0QqEZvcfKpvcW
Use the registration form to let us know if you would like childcare or if you would like ASL or language interpretation during the event.
4K and New-to-MTSD 5K Pre-Registration Opens on Feb. 14
Each year, MTSD holds a designated pre-registration window for four-year-old kindergarten and five-year-old-kindergarten (5K eligible students who did not attend 4K this year in MTSD). The purpose of pre-registration is to get an idea of 4K and 5K enrollment projections to develop class rosters and determine staffing needs. 4K families can also indicate their morning or afternoon class preference, and gain other useful information about the program. Online pre-registration for 4-year-old kindergarten and new-to-MTSD 5-year-old kindergarten students will begin on Wednesday, February 14. Please feel free to share this information with any families in your networks with 4K or 5K students new to MTSD.
Presenting the HHS Winter Musical: Oklahoma! π€
Looking for an enjoyable indoor family event to escape the cold? The Homestead High School's Music and Theatre Departments present Rodgers' and Hammerstein's OKLAHOMA! in the James Barr Performing Arts Center February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd at 7:00 P.M. and February 4th at 1:00 P.M.
Adults - $15
Students - $10
For more information about the cast, pit orchestra, sponsors, and to purchase tickets, click here! Want a sneak preview of the show? Check out the promo video below!
Save the Date: MTEF Mardi Gras Bash βοΈππ·
Have you heard? Tickets for the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation (MTEF)'s Mardi Gras Bash are now on sale! There will be no "Off to the Races" event this year, so this is your big chance to support the MTEF while having an amazing time!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 24, 2024 at Shully's Watermark in Thiensville. Festivities kick off at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, entertainment, a silent auction, and raffles. Dinner begins at 7 p.m., followed by the Fund-A-Grant paddle raise and dessert. Music will be provided by Joe Wray, with additional entertainment provided by some of our very own Homestead students and musicians!
Whether you attend the bash, become a sponsor, donate to the auction, or are able to join the Mardi Gras committee, every bit of support directly benefits MTSD students. Visit the MTEF website for details and to get your ticket today!
Board Briefs
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held one closed session/special business meeting, two policy committee meetings, one legislative committee meeting, and one regular business meeting this month.
January 8 Closed Session/ Special Business Meeting
The Board of Education convened into Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(g) for the purpose of conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved (Gierl records litigation).
The Board took action to approve recommendations from the MTSD Wisconsin Association of School Boards Delegate (President Shelley Burns) in preparation for the 2024 WASB Delegate Assembly.
The Board heard a presentation from Dr. Matthew Joynt regarding next steps in considering District budget shortfalls, including two timelines for a possible operating referendum, and engaged in subsequent discussion.
The Board heard an update on the MTSD Strategic Salary System review process from Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services & Operations and Amanda Sievers, Chief of Staff.
January 10 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies discussed included: #5460 - Graduation Requirements, #0152.1 - Organization - Terms of Officers, and #5516 - Harassment and Other Prohibited Behavior
January 15 Legislative Committee Meeting
The Legislative Committee engaged in planning and discussion around legislative advocacy next steps.
January 15 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies discussed included: #2271 - Educational Options for Higher Education
January 22 Regular Business Meeting
The Board heard a presentation and SOAR Report from Lake Shore PTO co-presidents, Kelly Robinson and Kelly Strifling.
The Board heard reports from Superintendent Dr. Matthew Joynt and the Legislative Committee.
The Board engaged in discussion and took action to approve Open Enrollment seats for the 2024-25 school year: 4 seats in Grade 9, 0 seats in special education, and 0 seats and speech and language.
The Board engaged in discussion and took action to approve audit services with Clifton Larsen Allen through the 2027-28 school year.
The Board took action to approve a second reading of Board Policy #2271 - Educational Options For Higher Education.
The Board engaged in discussion and heard a presentation on the 2024-25 Budget Development Update from Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services & Operations.
The Board heard a presentation from the District directors team on a strategic planning SWOT analysis and engaged in discussion on objectives for MTSD Strategic Plan Goals 1-5.
The Board tabled a review of Board Policies #5460 - Graduation Requirements and #0152.1 - Organization - Terms of Officers in the interest of time.
All Mequon-Thiensville community members, MTSD families, and staff members are encouraged to attend meetings of the MTSD Board of Education. As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website. For detailed agendas and PDFs of Board presentations, please visit BoardDocs.
Check out the Summer Academy Course Guide!
Check out the Summer Academy course offerings through the Mequon-Thiensville Recreation Department! Summer Academy is taught exclusively by MTSD educators with classes for students entering Grades 4K-9.
This year, Summer Academy will offer two sessions:
Session 1: June 17thβ21st, Monday-Friday
Session 2: July 22 - Aug 1st Monday - Thursday
Registration opens on February 1. Visit our website at www.mtsd.k12.wi.us/departments/rec/summer-academy to see all of the fun and enriching options we have planned for Summer 2024!
π£ MTSD is Hiring! π£
Though the school year is well underway, opportunities for employment at MTSD are ongoing! We encourage all community members to regularly check our certified and support staff listings on WECAN. Current highlighted positions include:
- Facility Coordinator (Lake Shore)
- Long-term Special Education Teacher (Lake Shore)
- Various Coaches (Lake Shore, Steffen, and Homestead)
We are always in need of bus drivers to secure safe and reliable transportation for our students. Learn more and apply at: https://goriteway.com/careers/
We are always in need of substitute teachers to provide consistent and reliable classroom coverage for teacher absences across all of our school buildings. Learn more and apply at: https://www.teachersoncall.com/
Connect With Us! π»
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, MTSD Instagram account, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Follow us on Facebook:
Follow us on Instagram:
Find us on LinkedIn:
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates ποΈ
Wisconsin DPI Community Engagement Session
Monday, January 29 @ 5:30 p.m.
Homestead High School Collaboration Zones
Click here to register for the event
Summer Academy Registration Opens
Thursday, February 1
Click here to check out the course guide!
HHS Winter Musical: Oklahoma!
February 1-3 @ 7:00 p.m.
February 4 @ 1:00 p.m.
James Barr Performing Arts Center, Homestead High School
MTSD Board of Education - Working Meeting
Monday, February 5 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center
4K and New-to-MTSD 5K Pre-Registration Window Opens
Wednesday, February 14
NO SCHOOL - Grades 4K-8 ONLY (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Thursday, February 15
NO SCHOOL - Grades 4K-8 ONLY (Comp. Day)
Friday, February 16
NO SCHOOL - All Grades (Staff Inservice)
Monday, February 19
MTEF Mardi Gras Bash
Saturday, February 24 @ 5:30 p.m.
Shully's Watermark - Thiensville
MTSD Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, February 26 @ 6:00 p.m.
Range Line Community Center