The Messenger
The Monthly Newsletter of Blessed Savior Lutheran Church
A Message from Pastor DeArmond
On October 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Germany, Luther posted his thoughts about God and the Church. His teachings gained purchase with many. The result was the 150-year movement in Europe that became known as the Reformation and that continues to have an impact today. Luther was not alone in his struggles and desires.
The Reformation reminds us that our fears and needs have not changed. With all our progress and knowledge, we are still concerned about questions of death and our place in the universe. The answers Luther found in the Reformation address our concerns today. How does God feel about us? What do we do in the face of an overwhelming reality like death?
Luther read the Bible and discovered that God has made Himself known to us as a God of love. Luther’s fundamental discovery was in how he read the Bible. Luther’s heart skipped for joy when he understood God’s character. God shows mercy to the guilty and love to the unlovable. Luther saw himself as the recipient of God’s undeserved kindness, not the target of His deserved anger. Luther discovered that God is love. God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross as a sacrifice for sinful mankind. Jesus wasn’t guilty of any sin. His death paid the price for sin. God’s wrath over sin and all who do wrong was poured out on Jesus.
The Reformation is summed up in a brief statement by Luther: I must listen to the Gospel. It tells me, not what I must do, but what Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has done for me.” Because of Jesus, God turns toward humanity in love. God forgives all those who have faith in Jesus. After His death on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead. He conquered death for all those who believe in Him.
In the Reformation, Luther taught that humans don’t earn God’s love by trying to please Him. God’s love is a free gift because of Jesus. This is the good news of the Gospel. Faith in Jesus as God’s Son and our Savior gives forgiveness of sins and eternal life.
Humanity’s situation hasn’t changed. Luther needed answers. He found them in God’s love. Luther taught everyone that God sent Jesus to forgive sins and to give eternal life. Where are you looking for answers?
This is not an attempt to convince you with human reason or logic or a suggestion to reject all you know, but rather t is an invitation to embrace God’s love for you through Jesus Christ, our Lord!
In Christ,
Pastor DeArmond
Preschool News
"Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning."
Psalm 30:5
Paul has quite the experiences to share with us and his account in Acts 27 is no different. Paul had been arrested for preaching and teaching the Gospel and he was being taken across the Mediterranean in a ship to stand trial in Rome. The journey by sea was very difficult and Paul tried to tell the sailors that it was not safe to continue, but rather than listen to Paul, the sailors kept on. A storm hit and for three days things continued to get worse and worse. The other prisoners and sailors began to fear for their lives, but Paul shared an important message with them. He told them an angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him not to be afraid, that everything would work out. Paul told them to take courage because he trusted God and he knew that God would do what He said He would do. It was difficult for the sailors to trust a prisoner, but what other choice did they have?
After being tossed about for 14 days they were finally shipwrecked. The sailors were considering killing the prisoners so they couldn’t escape but Paul told them if they did that, they wouldn’t survive either. Paul knew that GRACE was over his life and theirs. God told Paul that all was going to be okay. God was with Paul and even though these circumstances were terrible and very difficult, Paul hung on to the promise God gave – GRACE. So, the chief officer of the boat started to tell everyone to swim or float to safety.
We too have storms like Paul. We too feel shipwrecked, at our absolute worst, that nothing else could possibly go wrong, right? There are times when we feel the pressure is just too much and we are going to drown – but we are still here aren’t we? Maybe you didn’t have the strength to swim to shore, but you were able to grab a lifeline and float to safety. You were able to take one of the broken pieces of the shipwreck and make it! The thing that you felt would end you has made you the person you are today, and you are standing because of it! We hear in Psalm 30:5, weeping may last for the night, but JOY comes in the morning! Shipwrecks and storms in life can be terrifying, but you made it! You survived it all because of the promise that you have over your life! YOU are a child of God, He loves you so much, He protects you, He cares for you, He forgives you, He grants you eternal life! Maybe you have been through storms or are going through one right now or will face storms in the future, do so knowing that YOU will make it! Because of the One that watches over you – you will make it!
In His Service,
Jennifer Leinss
Join our Team
Blessed Savior Lutheran Preschool is looking to add to our childcare team for the 2023-2024 school year. We are looking for individuals that are caring, outgoing, passionate, energetic, and love working with children. Coursework and/or experience in this field is preferred, CPR and first aid are a must. Teachers are responsible for ages 2-5 in our multi-age classroom. Contact Jennifer Leinss at jleinss82@gmail.com.
Preschool Day Hurray!
Preschool is well underway and our students and staff have adjusted well to another new school year. We thank God for the continued blessings He grants us as each and every day we get to share His love, pray, sing, and learn more about Him. Children are a gift to us and we are blessed to be a nursery of faith to watch the Holy Spirit work in the lives of His children!
Fall Fest
Make plans to join us for Fall Fest on Saturday, October 21st from 4:00-7:00 p.m. We will have many games and activities for all ages including pumpkin carving, bounce house, pumpkin bowling, bingo, hammerschlagen, bake sale, flash light candy hunt, and so much more! We will end the night with a delicious pig roast and pot luck! Watch for more information to come!
Children's Ministry
Reformation Celebration
Make plans to join us Sunday, October 29th for a Reformation Celebration! During the education hour that day we will gather together to celebrate what the Reformation means to us! Join us for food, fellowship, and so much more!
Sunday School Offering
Our first quarter Sunday School offering will be designated for LUMIN (Lutheran Urban Mission Initiative Inc.) schools in the Milwaukee area. Along with your tithes we would also encourage you to bring in NEW: soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, playground balls, hula hoops, and jump ropes! All items collected will be distributed throughout all 7 LUMIN schools. For more information on LUMIN schools check out https://www.luminschools.org/.
Operation Christmas Child
Empty boxes and idea lists are now available. All boxes are due back by November 5th and can be placed above the mailbox cubbies. Happy stuffing as you share the love of Jesus all over the world! Head to https://www.samaritanspurse.org/what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/ for more information!
We are looking for volunteers willing to deliver our boxes during National Collection Week (Nov. 13th-17th) If you are able and willing to help with such a task please contact Jaime or Jennifer.
Men's Bible Study
Veterans Day Dinner
Quarterly Missions
As we enter the fourth quarter of our year, our Special Mission Offerings will support Bethany Lutheran Church and Food Pantry. Bethany Lutheran is located at 2031 N. 38th St. in Milwaukee. Bethany has been serving God's people since 1893! Their mission is to be a beacon of light reaching out into the neighborhood with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Some of their mission work includes distributing clothing and blankets to the homeless, making and serving food to the hungry and maintaining a food pantry. Food collected by Blessed Savior already is delivered several times a year to Bethany to help maintain the food pantry. Besides continuing to collect food, our fourth quarter Special Mission Offerings will also go to Bethany for help with these mission projects! To God be the glory!
Save the Date!
October 21st at 9am Divine Shepherd will be hosting the LWML Fall Rally. See the LWML bulletin board for more information.
LWML will be hosting a bake sale at our Blessed Savior Fall Harvest Fest on Oct. 21st. We are looking for donations of yummy bakery items. All proceeds will go to our grants for the year.
On Saturday Oct. 28th at 9am, Journeys Lutheran School in Hales Corners will be hosting a Meeting Special Needs of God's Children event. See the LWML bulletin board for more information.
Coupons Needed
We are looking for more coupons to send to an Air Force Base in England. These coupons are in newspaper inserts, magazines and other sources. The coupons help military families to stay within their tight budgets. Ask your family, friends and neighbors to save these coupons for you. Expired coupons can be used up to 6 months past the expiration date on our bases overseas. Place cut or uncut coupons in one of the two receptacles in the fellowship hall.
Canceled stamps are needed to send to the Lions Club of America, who In turn helps with services for veterans. Please leave about 1/4 inch around the stamp.
We continue to send your donations to the USO in Korea. In the Fellowship Hall is a green plastic container with suggested items that can be sent, and the items you donate can be placed in this container.
If you have a family member or friend who is actively serving in any of the military branches, overseas or stateside, we would love to keep in touch with them. We send spiritual items (Portal of Prayer, etc.), cards on birthdays and holidays or maybe just a note to let them know they are being thought of and prayed for. Please contact Jackie O'Neil or the church office to add someone to our list.
We thank all who have helped with these projects in the past, and even if you cannot help with the projects, your prayers for our military are also appreciated.
Thank you,
Bev Krause
Church Improvements
Fellow Parishioners,
The new sump pump system for the church’s basement was successfully installed by Premistar on Tuesday, September 19. This included:
1. Two new sump pumps to pump water out faster and reduce the load on each motor.
2. A digital control panel which includes an alarm, water level reading, and run time.
3. 2 batteries with a charger for back-up power in case of a power outage.
4. All new PVC plumbing.
There is also a WIFI alarm option that came with the set up, but we were shorted the proper wiring. Premistar is currently working to get us the necessary items for that.
Also, Premistar’s plumber, Alec (pictured), was able to remove the plastic construction wrap that was caught 56 feet down inside the drain tile, causing water to fill inside the drain tile pipe and leak into the basement.
I would like to thank the congregation for their patience, understanding, prayers, and assistance while considering this project, which protects the well-being of our classroom teachers and students.
Matt Birr
On Sunday, October 15th, we will be joined between services by Sergiu Trifa, the 21 year old son of Rev. Sorin Trifa who is the head pastor of the Lutheran Church in Romania. During the 9:15am Education Hour, he will share with us how they aided 15,000 Ukrainian refugees over the border into Romania in March of 2022. Sergiu is currently a student at Concordia Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN. In addition to a free will offering, we will also be hosting a lunch of Ukrainian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Greek foods at 11:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults, kids 12 and under eat for free. Please see Linda Phillips at the table in the Narthex to purchase tickets. All proceeds will go to providing monthly meals for Ukrainian families.
Young at Heart
On Thursday, October 5th at 11am we will carpool to lunch at Pop's Pub on Pioneer before heading to the newly updated New Berlin Historical Society for a tour. Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend!
And save the date for some of our future events:
November 2- Bingo
December 7- Harmony Singers and Christmas Party
January 4- Movie Day!
Youth Group
Youth in grades 6-12 should make plans to join us for Youth Group on Sundays October 8th and 22nd from 6-8pm. On the 8th we'll have a game night at church, and on the 22nd we'll do a Fast Food Progressive Dinner. Please watch the bulletin inserts and the Youth News for more information!
Craft Night
Raise Right
Raise Right (formerly known as SCRIP) gift cards are now available for purchase in person on Sunday mornings!
Raise Right cards are a fundraiser of the Board of Education where you purchase gift cards at face value, and we get a small percentage of the cost back as an organization. There is no additional cost to you, and the cards spend just like cash at the stores. The Board of Education then uses the profits to help provide additional tuition assistance to families who need it, and to purchase educational items that are outside of our budget.
If you are interested in purchasing gift cards, please stop by the table in the hallway between services. At this time, we accept cash and check (made out to Blessed Savior). If you would like a larger selection of available cards, or if you are unable to be here on Sunday mornings, please fill out the attached order form and mail it and your payment to the church office.
What is Stewardship?
Gather Together to Build Us Up
Matthew 9:37- "The Harvest is plentiful but the Laborers are few, therefore ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out Laborers into His Harvest Field."
Sharing your unique gifts will help you and your church grow. When Christians worship and work together, they unite to share in the love, hope and strength that comes from serving God. In Matthew 5 Jesus said "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Show your light as we as a congregation get ready to take "The Challenge" next month. Being active in your church helps you grow as a person. God's Stewards live intentionally in the light of God's eternal purpose.
Please join us at the next Stewardship board meeting on October 5th at 6:30pm.
****If your net in not in the water you won't be catching any fish****
Financial Update
***Not available at time of press***
2023 - through August
General offerings: $
General Expenses: $
Net: -$
Designated income: $
Designated expenditures: $
Net: -$
Preschool income: $
Preschool expenses: $
Net: $
Average Weekly August Attendance: 190
Average YouTube Worship Views: 60
Average Weekly Regency Attendance: 23
Official Acts
New Members:
Membership Loss Due to Transfer:
Membership Loss Due to Death:
LaVerne O'Connor
Janice Burton
Vice Chairman -
Steve Hammill
Secretary - Pat Mundstock
Treasurer - Don Kazel
Board and Committees:
Altar Guild - Janet Steinhaus
Education - Terry Ratayczak
Elders - Jeff Driessen
Evangelism - BobbieJo Koski
Stewardship -
Joan Hammill/Anita Burow
Trustees - Matt Birr
Endowment Committee - Jason Herried
Greeter Coordinator -
Lay Reader Coordinator -
Carla Herried
Personnel Committee - Steve Hammill
Women's Ministries - Joy Ward
Worship Schedule
The Sunday services will be at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. with our educational hour in between at 9:15 a.m.
The Thursday evening service at 7:00 p.m.
Holy Communion
2nd & 4th Sundays (Thursdays)
Pastor DeArmond
Jaime Greene, DCE
Jennifer Leinss,
Preschool Administrator
Kim Woller, Music Director
Julie Luetzow
Teaching Staff:
Jennifer Otto
Kate Dodge
Angela Heisler
Blessed Savior Lutheran Church
Email: blessedsavior.nb.lcms@gmail.com
Website: www.blessedsaviorwi.org
Location: 15250 West Cleveland Avenue, New Berlin, WI, USA
Phone: 262-786-6465
Facebook: facebook.com/BlessedSaviorNBWI
Twitter: @BlessedSaviorWI