Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, Feb 15, 2024
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
Getting Underway
I hope the term has got off to a great start for all our families, and I’m pleased to report it’s been another excellent start to the school year thanks in no small part, of course, to the hard work of our dedicated staff.
Board News
Having held the first Board meeting of the year, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Richard Pook, who has stood down from his role as trustee and Deputy Presiding Member after many years of service to the school. Richard’s insight has been of great value to the Board, and he’s made a significant contribution to governance and Board initiatives in recent years, so his input will be missed.
I’d also like to acknowledge Annette Quesado for supporting the school in her capacity as outgoing Presiding Member (the official title of Board Chair these days). This is a position requiring considerable commitment, expertise and good counsel (which was certainly put to the test during the COVID period). Annette will remain on the Board, stepping back from Presiding Member duties, and I'm sure everyone will join me in thanking her for her leadership during this time.
Following on from that, I'd like to warmly congratulate our new Presiding Member, Virginia Brown, and Deputy Presiding Member, Nigel Sinclair. As highly capable, established trustees, I know both Virginia and Nigel will continue to make an invaluable contribution to the Board.
We look forward to hopefully seeing you around school in the weeks and month ahead, and always encourage dropping by school if and when you can - even if just to say hi!
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Parent Helpers Tues, 20 Feb
We are currently undergoing an audit of maths equipment and resources across the school, and are looking for parent helpers. This would involve a 'working bee' one day next week sorting and checking for any missing equipment.
If you might be able to make time for this to help at school next Tuesday, 20 Feb (from 9am), please email: traceyb@mteden.school.nz - we'd appreciate your help!
Events & Reminders
Tuesday 20th February: Swimming lessons begin for Rooms 10, 12, 14, 15
PTA News
Welcome from the 2024 PTA!
What is the PTA?
The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) are a group of volunteer parents/ caregivers who organise fun community building and fundraising events/initiatives to support MENPS. MENPS relies on local fundraising efforts to fund vital aspects of school life such as extra teaching staff, support staff, library facilities and upgrades to technology used in classrooms, as well as facility upgrades/additions. For example, last year we saw the construction of the canopy and this year you will see the remainder of the top courts resurfaced in Tiger Turf for our kids to enjoy!
2024 PTA Calendar
Mark your calendars with these key events (event specific details to follow):
Term 1:
- PTA Welcome Picnic, Tuesday 27 February, 5pm- 7pm - MENPS field. This is an informal event to come along and meet other families - bring the whole family and a picnic dinner.
- Parent informal drinks - Monday 25 March 7pm at Morningside Tavern. Come and join the PTA for a drink to kick the year off - informal community event, all welcome.
- Colour Run!! Details to follow soon.
Term 2:
- Dragon Boat Festival - Saturday 8 June at MENPS.
Term 3:
- Parent Social Event + Auction – Details to follow.
Term 4:
- Halloween Disco - Friday 25 October, MENPS Hall.
Alongside these events, our team will be running ice-block sales after school on Friday twice a term (mid term and end of term), the annual Kids Art Works fundraiser, and the Second Hand Uniform Shop (see the newsletter for opening times). Plus other fun events and initiatives throughout 2024!
How does the PTA communicate?
This year we will be sending out information and event invites via the HERO APP! As well as our standard update in the weekly school newsletter with key dates and upcoming events. Major events will have updates on our website menpspta.co.nz. If you have any questions, email us: menpspta@gmail.com
How can you get involved?
- Come along to the events, we look forward to meeting you!
- We welcome everyone to attend the PTA Meetings (2nd Tuesday of each term).
- Our Uniform Shop and Ice-Block team would love more helpers on their rosters to help sell - please contact us if interested.
- We always need extra hands to help run the events - we will appeal for help to run individual events in the lead up to them (see newsletter), or if you would like to help organise any event then we encourage you to get in touch!
- We currently have a vacancy for our Deputy Chairperson role - if you would be interested or have any questions about what the role involves, please get in touch.
- As always, if you have any feedback or ideas for the PTA - please email us on menpspta@gmail.com.
Term 1 PTA Meeting Minutes
Thank you to everyone who attended the PTA Meeting held on Tuesday 13 February. It was wonderful to see many new faces! Please see the minutes for the meeting HERE. Any feedback or questions, please contact us - menpspta@gmail.com.
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Chairperson Pam Clifford
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Class Coordinator Leader Svantje Reiber
Advisor/Coordinator Melanie Woollard
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
Communications Sarah Eason
School Representative Hilary Edwards
Safety Message from Auckland Transport
As you know, rubbish trucks visit our school and neighbouring areas daily to collect trash and recycling. While these routine pickups are necessary, they can also pose safety risks to children walking to and from school that we must be mindful of.
Drivers may not see a small child who walks behind or too close to these large vehicles with limited visibility. To help keep our students safe, I strongly encourage you to go over a few key tips with your children:
- Walk on the walkways only, not on the road. If there is no walkway, walk as far from the road/traffic as possible.
- Cross streets at pedestrian crossings or intersections. Look both ways before crossing.
- When a vehicle is backing up, such as a rubbish truck, stay far back until it has completed the manoeuvre. Never walk behind it.
- If possible wear bright or reflective clothing so you are visible.
- Remove headphones so you can hear traffic and vehicles around you.
- Obey traffic signs/signals.
- Walk, don't run. Rushing can lead to accidents.
Please discuss these safety tips with your child and remind them to be alert and aware when walking, especially around large trucks or vehicles. Doing our part to follow good safety habits can help prevent accidents. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this important issue. Let me know if you have any other concerns.
Travelwise Team - Edward
Auckland Transport
Short Term Rental
"Fully-furnished 3 bedroom house (plus office) available for rent from April-October/November 2024 (dates flexible) on Shackleton Road. Perfect if you are renovating and need a place to stay for this time. Contact Jane for more details: 021 995159."
Gumboot Friday Gumboot Design Competition
I am Hope are running a gumboot design competition in collaboration with Number 1 Shoes and Hannahs, with the winning design being used as our limited edition gumboot for this year's Gumboot Friday campaign. For a budding designer or artist they will get to see their creation come to life and for sale at stores around New Zealand - raising funds for free counselling sessions through Gumboot Friday.
Please see details and entry form at the link below.
Saint Kentigern Girl's Scholarship
Dear Year 6 Parents and Caregivers
Saint Kentigern Girls’ School offers scholarships at the Senior School level (Years 7-8).
Girls in Year 6 from all New Zealand schools (including Saint Kentigern Girls’ School) are eligible to apply for these scholarships, which provide fee assistance for education at the Girls’ School in Years 7 and 8.
Scholarship Application forms are also available from the School’s main reception, or on our website.
Scholarship applications close on Wednesday 1 March 2024 and all applicants must sit a scholarship test on Wednesday 13 March 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Ph 529 5750.
Kind regards
Meena Nathoo
Admissions Manager
Saint Kentigern Girls’ School
a world of opportunity for girls...