Old Orchard's Parent Newsletter
October 2023
We provide innovative educational opportunities that ensure each student is prepared for their future.
We empower each and every student to lead and live a purpose-driven life.
- Student-Centered
- Student Ownership
- Safety and Wellness
- Culture of Positivity
- Growth Mindset
Our upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, October 25 from
4:30-7:30 PM and Thursday, October 26 from 8:00 AM- 7:00 PM with a scheduled lunch/dinner break from 11:30-1:00 PM. If you have not yet received a scheduled time to meet with your student's teacher, please call or email your them directly to set up a time. We are AIMING for 100% parent participation!
A GREAT BIG thank you to all who decorated a car for our first ever Trunk-or-Treat. We had a wonderful turn out and could not have done it without our PTO committee that planned and carried out the event. Please be sure to share your photo's our our Old Orchard Elementary Primary Facebook Page.
Student of the Month
Along with academics, Old Orchard continues to teach and model positive characteristics as part of a healthy social development. Each month will have a focus of a specific character trait. Students who best demonstrate the monthly character trait are selected by their teacher as Student of the Month. These students will be recognized with a special breakfast and certificate.
RESPECTFUL - Teachers will be looking for students who demonstrate the following respectful characteristics:
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Solve disagreements peacefully.
Respect others who are different from you. Listen to the point of view of others and try to understand their perspective.
Courtesy: Use good manners. Be polite and courteous to everyone. Do not hurt others by embarrassing them, putting them down, or insulting them.
“If we want our children to possess the traits we most admire, we need to teach them what those traits are.” ~ William Bennett
October is also National Bullying Prevention Month
I will be visiting classrooms talking to students about RESPECT, kindness and empathy. They will learn the definition of bullying, how to stand up for themselves and others, as well as how to report bullying.
The weather is changing, please make sure the children are appropriately dressed. Layers of clothing and a coat will be great.
We had a great Dental Outreach this year, there were a total of 152 children who received services. The Vision Outreach will be here the week of November 27th.
Please update your phone number if your numbers have changed. If you and your family do not have a health care provider and need one, please let me know. Health Partners of Western Ohio will provide health care services even if you do not have insurance. Please call the school nurse for more information.
Due to our AMAZING Trunk-or-Treat event, we will not be hosting a Halloween Parade this year. All Halloween Parties are at the discretion of the classroom teachers.
During the month of November, we typically host a canned food drive where all of our donations go to the University of Toledo's Food Pantry. This year, we are doing something different! We are asking each student to bring in at least one large box of cereal. If all of our students bring in the minimum of one box, we will have a total of 400+ boxes of cereal. We are going to have a building-wide activity using the boxes before we send them off to our neighbors at the University of Toledo!