A Quick Guide to Research
at the ERHS Library Learning Commons
Free eResources from the Eastvale Public Library
Did you know? The Eastvale public library has free eResources! With your public library card, you have access to databases, homework help, and more. Go to the Eastvale Public Library website, then click on "eResources" to check it out.
Don't have a public library card? Stop by the library to pick up an application, and turn it back in during public library hours. Applications must have a parent or guardian CA driver's licence or I.D. # and their signature.
eResources: Reference and Encyclopedias
Online database. You can access this database for free with your public library card.
Gale is an electronic database of scholarly articles from periodicals and journals. These articles are written by researchers and scholars who are considered experts in their fields. The articles have been peer reviewed (read, and double checked by other experts). This vetting process tells you these sources are reliable.
Refine your Search with Boolean
rugby AND football
ponies OR donkeys
baseball fields NOT United States
Go here for more information on how Boolean logic works:
Google Hacks-How to do an efficient search.
This is a great resource by super librarian Kristi Ortiz, teacher librarian at Carl Junction High School Media Center. These hacks are also helpful for database searches.
Before you EasyBib....citation help from Purdue University
Learning citations allows you to understand the reasoning of how the particular citations works, and how it fits into your overall paper. So, before you EasyBib, here are style guides and help from Purdue OWL, the one stop shop for properly citing your sources.
Don't forget about ACTUAL BOOKS!
Nadine Loza, Teacher Librarian
Email: nloza@cnusd.k12.ca.us
Website: erhsmustanglibrary.weebly.com/
Twitter: @erhs_library