Lester Park School Newsletter - #15
November 22, 2023
Upcoming Dates:
- Nov 23-24...NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving)
- Nov 27...Giving Tree Project begins
- Dec 15...Last Day for Giving Tree Donations
- Dec 4...NO SCHOOL (Staff Development Day)
- Dec 7...PTA Holiday Craft Night
- Dec 19...Giving Tree Delivery!
- Dec 21...School Spirit Day (Pajama Day!)
- Dec 22-Jan 1...NO SCHOOL (Holiday Break)
- Mar 7...Grandparents' Day!
Lester Park School Calendar is on our website HERE.
The Specialist (Day 1-4) Calendar can be found HERE.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and be safe if traveling!
REMINDER - Lester Park School is a Toyland Express Drop Off Site!
If you see some great Black Friday deals on toys and would like to donate them, just drop them off at Lester Park School! The Salvation Army has a box in the hallway near the front doors. The box will be here until at least December 12th. Toys should be new in the box and unwrapped. Thank you!
Grandparents' Day - March 7, 2024
Here's what many of you have been waiting for...
GRANDPARENTS' DAY will be Thursday, March 7!
On this day... grandparents and special friends of students will be invited to visit the school. There will be specific times for our visitors to come, and we will again have a shuttle that runs from the school to a nearby church to help with our limited parking. More information about this special day will be provided by the school and your child's teacher in a couple of months.
Giving Tree Project Begins Monday!
Today or early next week...your child will come home with a Family Letter about the Giving Tree Project. You can also read the Family Letter by clicking HERE. This is the 21st year Lester Park School has done this learning project!
- This project starts on Monday, Nov 27.
- It ends on Friday, Dec 15.
- The trees and patient gifts will be delivered on Tuesday, Dec 19.
Thank you for participating in this Lester Park tradition!
Lester Park Spirit Wear for Sale!
A message from the Lester Park School PTA:
The PTA has partnered with Big Frog to offer Spirit Wear! You can now place orders online with the option to direct ship to your home, or pick up at the local store (5115 Burning Tree Rd).
Click here: https://lesterparkelementary2023.itemorder.com
Or click HERE to view the flyer.
Orders are made on-demand and take 4-10 business days depending on availability and shipping. Allow 14-20 days for embroidered items.
New - Staff Shout Out Form
NEW to Lester Park! If you would like to shout out any teacher or staff at Lester Park for going above and beyond, please recognize them through our "Staff Shout Out Form"!
Please try to be as specific as possible when writing your shout outs and please include either the person’s first and/or last name and job title/position. These will be anonymous in our weekly newsletter. Thank you!
OPTIONAL Student Directory
Many of you filled out the OPTIONAL Student Directory form that was in school newsletters earlier this fall. We will share the student directory to families in the Infinite Campus message that has newsletter links. Please save the link from this email after it is sent out.
If you didn't fill out the online form but would like to have your child's contact information in the directory, please email ptalp709@gmail.com.
A huge thank you to our PTA for making this directory possible. While the Lester Part PTA helps collects the data, they are not the source of the information, therefore has no control over its accuracy. They will remove information from the directory upon written request, but this process may take a few days due to the volunteer nature of our organization. Parents/Guardians who submit their contact information acknowledge that they have read the terms in the form, and understand that the Lester Part PTA is not responsible for misuse of any information you choose to make public through this directory.
Dear Families,
As we wrap up #AttendanceHERO — Here, Every day, Ready and On time — Month at Duluth Public Schools, we just want to remind you of a few facts regarding regular attendance and give you some tips to keep your child healthy and avoid unnecessary absences from school.
A regular attendance routine is important for your child’s well-being, learning and long-term success. Having a regular bedtime and morning routine can cut down on absences and tardies.
Ensure your child eats a good breakfast every morning, whether it’s at home or at school. Every school offers free breakfast and lunch for all students. Maintain a regular bedtime and morning routine and try to keep screens out of the bedroom and limit use prior to bedtime.
As we learned during the pandemic and every flu season, good hygiene is key to better attendance. Stress good hand washing, particularly before eating and after using the restroom. Remind your child to brush their teeth twice a day and try to avoid close contact with individuals who are sick. Even consider getting your family vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19.
If you have questions about whether or not your child is well enough to attend school, visit www.isd709.org/families/health-services.
Families can also make school attendance a priority by:
Talking about the importance of showing up to school every day so your student knows this is your expectation.
Encourage your student to maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework or getting a good night’s sleep.
Identify a quiet place for your student to do school work.
If your child seems bored or anxious about school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents for advice on how to make your child feel safe and excited about learning.
Be aware that if a student is absent 15 consecutive days — excused or unexcused — the Minnesota Department of Education requires we unenroll your students. This would require you to go through the enrollment process all over again for them to attend school once again.
As students grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure they participate or get to school safely every day.
Let’s keep working to be an #AttendanceHERO by making sure students are Here, Every day, Ready and On time!
How to volunteer at Lester Park School...
You can find the information on our school website. Click on "Parents" on the menu bar...then "Family Involvement".
For mini-background checks...
you will only be notified if you do not pass it.
For Positive COVID Results or Symptoms:
please click HERE.
What do I do if my child is going to be absent from school?
Email lesterattendance@isd709.org (the office & nurse will both see these emails)
or call attendance line 336-8875 then “3” to leave a recorded message
Please list any specific symptoms.
Teachers may have a preferred way for you to report an absence to them.
If the office does not know why a student is absent, an automated phone call and an email message will be sent out at sometime between 8:30-9:00. This is for safety reasons.
Some helpful links:
- Is My Child Well Enough To Go To School
- You can also call our school health office at 336-8875 x2654
Community Flyers & Registrations
Thanksgiving Softball Rookie Camp
6-week Winter Softball Catching Clinic
Nordic Spirit Youth Ski League Lessons
Previous Community Flyers can be found HERE.
Email: lesterpark@isd709.org
Website: https://www.isd709.org/lester-park-elementary
Location: 5300 Glenwood Street, Duluth, MN 55804, USA
Phone: (218) 336-8875
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lester-Park-Elementary-1900216436910729