Wiggin Street Parent Update
December 2, 2022
Better Together
Dear Wiggin Street Families,
We hope all hade a nice Thanksgiving weekend! This week we have focused on showing kindness, having empathy and gratitude, and showing appreciation. Thank you for sharing such thoughtful children with Wiggin Street each day.
This has been a short, busy week! This update has lots of information regarding events over the next couple of weeks. Make sure to look at our Upcoming Events for information regarding the visit next week by author/illustrator, Richard Cowdrey, our Holiday Shop, the Kindergarten Gingerbread Man Play, Grades 3-5 Winter Concert, and holiday parties.
Have a wonderful weekend!
With Warm Regards,
Christy Grandstaff
Food for the Hungry
Congratulations to Mrs. Clippinger's class for winning the Pizza Party for donating the most "cans"! Also, Hadley Curry had the greatest donation and was offered the opportunity to be on the LIVE broadcast with other schools' winners on the day of the Drive and received a goody bag.
Dec. 9th- Winning students are interviewed LIVE and the broadcast can be viewed at https://www.foodforthehungrycares.org/
Thank you to all that donated, and congratulations, Hadley!!!
Lost and Found- Being Donated after December 16th over the Break
Donations will be made over winter break, so please remind your child to check out the Lost and Found.
Please remind your student to get their sweatshirts and jackets from lost and found. You can also submit this form to let us know what you are looking for, and we will do our best to get it to your child.
Remember that it is helpful to label all jackets, lunchboxes, bookbags, etc.
Richard Cowdrey- Visiting Author/Illustrator
We are excited that Richard Cowdrey, bestselling author and illustrator of the Fiona the Hippo series and Gambier resident, will visit Wiggin Street on December 8th, and the pre-order books have arrived in time for the visit.
We will have a limited number of books to purchase on the day of the author visit for those that missed the preorder sale. Cash, check, and/or card will be accepted that morning. Paragraph's will have a table set up in front of the office during morning drop off.
Holiday Shop and FOW
Any students that will not be shopping will still have the opportunity to make an ornament. These are provided by Friends of Wiggin Street. Due to drying times, Ornaments will not coming home till Monday Dec. 12th. Happy Shopping!
Next FOW meeting is Dec. 6th @ 5:00 pm in the school library.
Grades 3-5 Wiggin Street Winter Performance
Students in Grades 3-5 are preparing for the wither program on December 13th. All students will be walking to Rosse Hall in the afternoon to watch the dress rehearsal, so please have your child dress for the weather. More details about the program and day of rehearsal are below.
Gingerbread Man Play
2nd and 5th Grade Science Collaboration
Mrs. Croswell's 1st period 5th grade Science class acted as the experts for 2nd grade students' by providing information on ecosystems and factors that limit populations during the game. The 5th graders then supported the 2nd graders in groups as they used their animal research to develop their own game.
The teachers designed this lesson as part of the district's Model Schools initiative this year. District administrators observed the lesson to give teachers feedback on student engagement. The students did a wonderful job!
Recent Health Advisory from KPH
We wish happiness and good health to all of you over the holiday season!
Kinderbuddies read Eric Carle books and recreated the illustrations with chalk
Kroger Community Rewards and AmazonSmile
As grocery and online shopping pickup over the holiday season, Friends of Wiggin Street School (FOWS) would like to inform teachers and parents of two easy ways to earn cash-back rewards for the school. Below are instructions provided by Kroger and Amazon on how to sign-up for their charitable rewards programs.
Kroger Community Rewards
Create a digital account, link your card to the organization "Friends of Wiggin Street School” and cash rewards are sent directly to this charitable organization at no added cost to you
To use AmazonSmile, simply go to smile.amazon.com on your web browser or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app on your iOS or Android phone within the Settings or Programs & Features menu. On your web browser, you can add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping with AmazonSmile.
Upcoming Events
6 FOW Meeting, 5:00
7 Gifted Seminar @ Fieldhouse
8 Richard Cowdrey- visiting author/illustrator
9 Holiday Shop; 8:30-11:15
13 Grades 3-5 Winter Performance Dress Rehearsal during school
13 Grades 3-5 Winter Performance @ Rosse Hall; 7:00 pm (Students arrive at 6:30)
15 Gingerbread Man Play Dress Rehearsal during school
15 Gingerbread Man Play 6:15 pm (students arrive @ 6:00)
16 Holiday Parties
19-Jan. 2 Winter Break
Idle-free Zone
Principal-Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: https://www.mt-vernon.k12.oh.us/wigginstreetelementary_home.aspx
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street