Mrs. Ezzelle

What To Expect?
Every grade level will have a performance for PTO! Look for those dates coming soon!
November: 4th and 5th grade will give our annual Veterans Day performance
December: 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will present their annual PTO performance
May: Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grades will present their annual PTO performance
We are also planning a Talent show in the Spring for all 3-5 again!
What Are We Learning?
Our Year in a glance:
What is music?
- Beat
- Our Voice
- Rhythm
- Pitch
- Melody
- Meter
- Instruments
- Dynamics
- Tempo
- Duration
- Listening
How do we start?
- We will learn about safety in the classroom
- We will learn by reviewing what we learned last year first
- We will prepare for a performance
- We will play music games, sing new songs, and do hard things
Meet Mrs. E!
Mrs. E loves her family!
I have two crazy labs who love to run, play, and snuggle!
Mrs. E is a mom!
I am a new mom to handsome little Colton. We are so happy he is here!
Email: ezzellek@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org/
Location: Wilkesboro Elementary School, 1248 School St, Wilkesboro, NC 28697, USA
Phone: (336)838-4261