Cougar Connection
GCJHS - October 22, 2021
2. Parent Teacher Conferences are on October 25 and 27 from 3:45-7:30 pm .
These can be in-person or virtual conferences (parents' choice).
Here is a link to a page where parents can sign up for p/t conferences: https://signup.com/group/66699572754998405
All teachers are listed on this site. Parents can click on the "View" button to see the schedule for an individual teacher that they would like to meet with. They will then see all of the available time slots for October 25 and for October 27. To sign up, they should click the green "Sign Up" button next to the time slot they want. They will enter their email address, their name, and their student's name.
Teachers will reach out to the parents who sign up to discuss whether they want an in-person or virtual conference.
3. Our GCJHS Family Literacy Night will take place on October 28th (see flyer below for more details). We are accepting donations for Door Prizes and also in need of a sponsor for our snack that night (students will be making s’mores). Please contact Mr. Davis if you are interested in learning more about this perfect opportunity to promote your company/business while helping us create a special event for our kids!
4. We will have a Scholastic Book Fair in our school library from October 25 - November 5th. Click here for more information.
5. College Go Week is an annual campaign to promote enrollment in colleges and universities across the state of Indiana. In our efforts to celebrate College Go Week, we will have some planned activities that begin on Monday. Some of these activities include daily announcements, dress up days, and classroom visits from our counselors. Please see the attachment below for the list of dress up days.
6. Friday, November 12, will be a planned e-learning day for all Greenfield-Central Schools. Students will not report to school and will complete learning activities from home. Teachers will be on-site for professional development, and they will communicate times for office hours to students. There will be a second planned e-learning day on Monday, February 14.
7. After school transportation changes -- If you need your student to ride a different bus on a particular day, please communicate this in writing to the school office by 3:00pm. This will allow us to get a note that your student can present to the bus driver. If your student will be changing from bus rider to car pick-up, or vice versa, you would only need to communicate that change to the office if you need us to notify your student at school.
8. Fall sports pictures were delivered this week. Unfortunately, we noticed several pictures with errors (student’s name misspelled, the wrong team picture included, etc). To get these issues corrected, please contact Lifetouch through the phone number found in the picture materials your student-athlete received.
9. Wrestling practice will begin Monday, November 1 from 3:30-5:15 in the auxiliary gym. In order to participate in practice, athletes must have a physical turned into the Student Services office and have the online athletic forms completed online through RankOne.
10. Are you in need of Food Support? Check out the Food Support Resources 2021-2022 document in the download section below to find locations and times for specific food support.
11. Hancock County Christmas Connection- matches families with a variety of resources available to families in Hancock County for the holidays. Depending on family needs and resources available, families may be assisted through a donor program (where a family is “sponsored” for the holidays) or a community service group program (assistance provided according to service group guidelines). Attempts will be made to serve every family in need of assistance, but please know that completion of this application does not guarantee that your family will receive holiday assistance.
12. Applications for holiday assistance will be available in Student Services from November 1-19. If you have any questions regarding the program or applications please contact Kristy Tweedy, School Social Worker, 317-477-4616, ktweedy@gcsc.k12.in.us
Conferences are 3:45-7:30 pm on October 25 and 27.
These can be in-person or virtual conferences (parents' choice).
Here is a link to a page where parents can sign up for p/t conferences: https://signup.com/group/66699572754998405
All teachers are listed on this site. Parents can click on the "View" button to see the schedule for an individual teacher they would like to meet with. They will then see all of the available time slots for October 25 and for October 27. To sign up, they should click the green "Sign Up" button next to the time slot they want. They will enter their email address, their name, and their student's name.
Teachers will reach out to the parents who sign up to discuss whether they want an in-person or virtual conference.
Family Literacy Night @ GCJHS
Flyers & More!
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Festival of Jack-o-Lanterns
Calling ALL kids!
GCHS Drama!
DRESS UP Days = College Go! Week
Math Help
ALL Season Sports Pass = GCJHS
Poetry Cafe
4-H Open House
Click here to learn more about 4-H.
21st Century Scholars
Calendar for GCJHS
Builders Club
News Club
Officer Jeremy Galloway
Riley Park
FREE food for all students!
Services for Students through the Bowen Center
Learn more about our 'Student Assistance Program'
Student Days continue for Hancock Co.
Wrestling Club = K - 6th Grade
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
2021-2022 GCSC Calendar
Protocols for 'close contact' students returning to school in GCCSC
COVID Exclusion Early Return Option
Mask Mandate for GCCSC
Download Section = pdf.'s
Greenfield-Central Junior High School
Email: mdavis@gcsc.k12.in.us
Website: https://gcjhs.gcsc.k12.in.us/
Location: 1440 North Franklin Street, Greenfield, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 477-4616