Points of #PHMExcellence
March 31, 2023
Important Dates
Dear P-H-M Families,
In light of the recent school shooting in Nashville, the P-H-M Administration and School Board want to remind you of our longstanding dedication to safety and security protocols and capital improvements for our school communities. Your child’s safety is our highest priority.
Penn Harris Madison School Corporation is nationally recognized as a leader in school safety. We use best practices in evaluating school threats and threats of targeted violence. We are dedicated to ongoing professional development for staff, performing safety audits of our buildings and grounds, and conducting annual evaluations of school safety plans.
While we don’t publicly share all of our school safety features and possible responses to threats, it’s important to share with our community our dedication to making the safety of our schools and your children a priority.
Here is some important information we would like to share with you.
Each school has a Threat Assessment Team and Safe School Committee.
P-H-M has a District Threat Assessment Team and a District Safe Schools Committee.
P-H-M’s Director of Safety and Security, Mr. Tommy Teeter, serves as the St. Joseph County Safe School Commission chairperson.
Our school community, including Parents, Teachers, and Students, represents our strongest defense against threats to our schools. “See something, Say something” is strongly encouraged.
The Safe School Helpline, available 24/7 has four ways to report information.
Call 800-418-6423 extension 359
Text: TIPS to 614-426-0240
Online at safeschoolhelpline.com
Mobile Application on either iOS or Android
P-H-M has a three (3) Layer Approach to maintain a safe school environment. This includes:
Access controls
Primary and Secondary locked doors at all main entrances.
All classroom doors have locks
Security Corridors in all buildings.
3M Safety & Security Film is installed on the interior and exterior of glass windows to help protect our schools and gain response time.
The SafeVisitor Management System is used to screen all visitors.
P-H-M partners with the St. Joseph County Police Department, which provides two full-time School Resource Officers (SRO). These officers are trained by NASRO, the world's leader in school-based policing.
PHM contracts with VSS Security Services to provide additional police officers that collaborate with all schools. In addition, we have hall monitors in all secondary schools to assist with supervising and monitoring exterior doors and hallways.
We have partnered with the IDOE, local law enforcement agencies, medical emergency services, and the Department of Homeland Security to conduct active shooter simulations and training in our schools.
All schools participate in active shooter and lockdown drills.
Multiple staff members carry panic buttons that can trigger lockdown protocols and notify law enforcement immediately of a threat.
We encourage all families to carefully review the safety information on our website (www.phmschools.org) and the links in this message. Our united vigilance to promote a safe school environment is critical to our work as a community to educate our students.
April 1-9 - Spring Break
April 10-14 - Come Together Week at Horizon
April 17- May 12 - ILEARN Testing for Grades 3-5
About Us
Horizon Elementary School
An Indiana 4-Star School, Rated "A"
Mrs. Amy Fadorsen, Principal
Mr. Jared Melander, Assistant to the Principal
Email: afadorsen@phm.k12.in.us
Website: horizon.phmschools.org
Location: 10060 Brummitt Rd. Granger, IN 46530
Phone: 574-679-9788
Facebook: Facebook.com/HorizonElementaryGranger
Twitter: @HorizonPHM