KES Family Newsletter
September (Second Edition), 2021
Message from the Principal
We are back in business! If you are in or around the building, or talking to your child after school about the day, you will notice a certain familiarity already setting in. Staff have quickly jumped right back into teaching and building relationships with your child. Students are learning new content and are excited to share anything they can with me as I stop in their rooms or pass by them in the hall. At this point in September, your child should feel comfortable with the routines of the day and are starting to acquire new knowledge as they embark on the 21-22 school year.
- Fall is officially here. If the temperature is below 60 degrees, we are asking that students have a light jacket or sweatshirt on. They are more than welcome to keep one here at school if that is easier for your family. If you are in need of any of these items, please reach out to us in the office. You can find a detailed list of Recess Clothing here.
- We want you to reach the school and person you are trying to reach quickly and efficiently to best meet your needs. Please add our school phone number to your cell phone contact list, 262-626-3101.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, September 29th: Club Choice Fundraiser Ends
Wednesday, October 6th: McTeacher Night
Thursday, October 7th: 4th Grade Ice Age Field Trip
Friday, October 8th: No School for Students-Professional Development Day for Staff
Tuesday, October 12th: 3rd Grade (Hubbard/McCone) Horicon Marsh Field
Wednesday, October 13th: 3rd Grade (Rink) Horicon Marsh Field Trip
Thursday, October 14th: School Board Meeting 6pm
Tuesday, October 19th: 4K Pumpkin Farm Field Trip
Thursday, October 21st: Picture Re-take day
Tuesday, October 26th: Conferences 4-8; PTO Cookie Dough Pick-up 3-6 at the Annex
Friday, October 29th: Trunk-or-Treat 6pm
- KEYS Walk/Run is coming up! Please consider registering for this fantastic event! https://runsignup.com/Race/WI/Kewaskum/KEYS5K
- Congratulations to Mrs. Tarras on her new baby boy, Oakley.
Message from the Counselor
Classroom Guidance is underway! We are starting the year off with a review on emotional regulation. "Zones" is what we call it. Here are some of the skills taught during The Zones of Regulation:
* Identifying your emotions by categorizing feelings into four zones (blue, green, yellow and red)
*Self-Regulation: Achieving the preferred state of alertness (zone) for a situation. This is all about regulating your body and emotional regulation.
*Identifying triggers: Learning what makes you feel angry, worried, upset, etc.
*Coping strategies: Various techniques and strategies that help achieve emotional regulation and manage strong emotions.
*Size of the problem: Introduces the idea that the size of your reaction should match the size of your problem, how to identify the size of your problem, and strategies for problem solving.
*Expected behavior vs. unexpected behavior: This covers perspective taking and how your behavior affects the thoughts and feelings of the people around you.
Stay tuned for an upcoming parent presentation so you can learn more.
Ms. Mundigler-Hemauer
School CounselorThank you PTO!
4-H Open House
Ever wondered what 4-H is about? Join the Kewaskum 4-H’ers on Thursday, October 7 to get your questions answered. Members will have projects on display and there will be ice cream for all. Open house will be held from 7-8pm at the Town of Kewaskum Community Center.
9019 Kettle Moraine Dr. Kewaskum
Questions: kewaskum4h@gmail.com
Resources Links
Shelley Hyde
Email: shyde@kewaskumschools.org
Location: 1415 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3101