Parents as Teachers Newsletter

March 2023
In other exciting news, Spring begins on March 20th! Like so many, our home visitors are eager to have some warmer weather to enjoy in the coming months. In this newsletter, you will find updates about upcoming group connections, fantastic community resources, as well as information about Conscious Discipline. We look forward to seeing you at the Early Learning Resource Fair on March 14th!
PAT Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey
If you are currently participating in the NKC School District's Parents as Teachers program, we would love your feedback!! Please take a moment to complete our Parent Satisfaction Survey. We thank you in advance! Your responses may be submitted anonymously.
The results of this survey are used to shape our programming and staff training for future years.
Additionally, the results may be shared locally with our school board as well as at the state level to demonstrate the impact that our program has on the families of North Kansas City Schools.
2023 Early Learning Resource Fair
Join us on Tuesday, March 14th from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Early Education Center, 6479 N Prospect Ave, Gladstone, MO 64119 for our annual Early Learning Resource Fair. We are so excited to have over 70 vendors committed to sharing their resources and services with you as well as some give aways and door prizes. Some of our vendors include:
- Harvesters giving out pantry packs and produce boxes to 100 families
- Mid-Continent Public Library bringing The Reading Rocket
- Sporting KC
- Children's Mercy Clinics
- Kansas City PBS
- Community Centers, Community Programs, Dentists, Preschools...and so much more!
Sign up is not necessary and this event is open to the community! Bring a friend!
2023 Spring Group Connections
March 14th, 2023, 5:30-7:30 PM Early Childhood Resource Fair at the EEC (all ages)
April 3rd, 2023, 5:30-7:00 PM Math: It's More than Numbers (all ages)
May 4th, 2023, 5:30-7:30 PM Picnic on the Playground (all ages)
Kindergarten Readiness Information/Changes
Parents Assessment of Protective Factors (PAPF) Survey
Strengthening Families is a research-based framework developed by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) that has identified 5 protective factors that when present, increase the overall well being of children and families.
This spring parent educators will be asking randomly selected parents/families to complete a survey called the Parents Assessment of Protective Factors (PAPF) during an upcoming home visit. This survey will ask you to read 36 statements about parenting. You will then rate how you feel each statement relates to you and your parenting experience/beliefs.
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Information gathered from this survey will be used to guide some of our group connections next year.
Kindergarten Round Up Dates (By Feeder Pattern):
- Staley/ North Kansas City High School: April 6, 2023
- Oak Park High School: April 19, 2023
- Winnetonka High School: April 20, 2023
Click the picture to connect to the district website to
- find your elementary school
- look up your Kindergarten Round Up information
- learn about the enrollment process
- watch videos about kindergarten readiness skills, bus safety and so much more.
Conscious Discipline Corner: Redefining Discipline for Future Generations
Community & Parent Resources
Daniel Tiger Family Activity Information
Clay County Health Mobile Food Pantry Information
Start a garden with Kansas City Community Gardens
1000 Books before Kindergarten Memory Book at MCPL - Antioch
Spring Book Suggestions
Spring Activities for Little Learners
Grass Cutting Fine Motor Activity
Blocks and Bubble Play for Infants and Toddlers
NKC Schools Free Preschool
NKC Schools is proud to offer a variety of FREE full-day and half-day early education programs, as well as tuition-paid preschool, to meet the needs of our community. All of our programs provide opportunities for exploration, discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and social interaction. Interested students must complete a developmental screening to assist with placement.
We are currently scheduling developmental screenings for children with a birthdate between 08/1/2018 & 07/31/2019
Go to nkcschools.org/screenings to sign up today!
Success by 6 is Open
Success by 6 is a free toy, game, and book lending library open to all families in Clay and Platte county. See below for the days/hours we are open during March.
Success by 6 Hours:
Tuesday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Help us Spread the Word About PAT!!
PAT is always looking to grow and support additional families. If you have a friend or family member that is interested please share our newsletter with them. We always welcome referrals!
NKC Schools Parents as Teachers
Email: jennifer.hansen@nkcschools.org
Website: https://www.nkcschools.org/Page/699
Location: 6479 North Prospect Avenue, Gladstone, MO, USA
Phone: 816-321-5453
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NKCParentsAsTeachers
Twitter: @NKCPAT