Wharton Wildcat News
February 23, 2024
A Note From Ms. Modiest...
Dear/Parents and Guardians,
February is the shortest month!!! The Wharton Wildcats packed in several learning opportunities. Just to think we still have a few days to go. This week our students participated in an amazing Blues performance by Mr. Handley and his group. We met one of the lead Blues singers who grew up on the westside of Chicago, went to college to be a teacher, and retired as a police officer. What an awesome story to share during Black History Month!
We appreciate your continued support in the following:
*Making sure your child arrives on time and attends daily.
*Completing all classwork and homework assignments.
*Promoting a love for reading!
Kids Heart Challenge
Wharton School Raised $1045.04!!!
Thanks to our Wharton Community and Student Council for supporting the Kids Heart Challenge. Our students did a fine job becoming aware of such an important challenge. A big shout out to our PE teacher Mr. L for leading this event.
Erin's Law Information...
The state of Illinois requires schools to educate all students (pre-school through 12th grade) about sexual abuse and assault awareness. Our School Social Worker will be teaching lessons starting February 13th-March 8th. Be sure to sign and return the form to school. Any questions you may contact Ms. Schilsky at 708-458-0640.
5Essential Survey
The 5Essentials Survey for the State of Illinois is active now through March 29, 2024. We encourage all parents to complete this survey. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey and value your input. http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
Leap Year 2024
We will be celebrating the LEAP year on Thursday, February 29, 2024. Students can wear GREEN and we will be doing a frog leaping contest in Art and STEAM.
Valentine's Day at Wharton School!!!
Second Grade/ Valentine Fun
First Grade/ Valentine Bingo!!!
Kindergarten Valentine Fun!!!
Spirit Week!!!
ELearning Plan
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
I am pleased to announce that Cook County School District 104 is now able to offer an e-Learning program for our students when needed. The “e” in “e-Learning” stands for electronic, or online, learning. These e-Learning, or online lessons, will be used to prevent lost instruction from snow days or other building emergency days; eliminating the need to add “make up” days at the end of the school year.
An e-Learning day allows teachers and students to interact through a virtual classroom setting allowing students participate in learning from home. The e-Learning days are designed to avoid interruptions in instruction that occur when school cannot be held due to severe weather conditions or other building-wide emergencies (Utility interruption, structural damage, etc.). In accordance with the Illinois School Code up to five (5) e-Learning days can be used each school year. The District’s e-Learning Plan is available for review on our website www.sd104.us.
We are excited to provide this online learning environment to our students; and believe this will enhance the learning opportunities for all of our children. Please contact your building principal if you have any questions related to the e-Learning program.
Troy J. Whalen
Estimados padres/tutores:
Me complace anunciar que el Distrito Escolar 104 del Condado de Cook ahora puede ofrecer un programa de aprendizaje electrónico para nuestros estudiantes cuando sea necesario. La "e" en "e-Learning" significa aprendizaje electrónico o en línea. Estos e-Learning, o lecciones en línea, se utilizarán para evitar la pérdida de instrucción en días de nieve u otros días de emergencia en el edificio; eliminando la necesidad de agregar días de “recuperación” al final del año escolar.
Un día de aprendizaje electrónico permite a los maestros y estudiantes interactuar a través de un salón de clases virtual que permite a los estudiantes participar en el aprendizaje desde casa. Los días de aprendizaje electrónico están diseñados para evitar interrupciones en la instrucción que ocurren cuando la escuela no se puede llevar a cabo debido a condiciones climáticas severas u otras emergencias en todo el edificio (interrupción de servicios públicos, daños estructurales, etc.). De acuerdo con el Código Escolar de Illinois, se pueden utilizar hasta cinco (5) días de aprendizaje electrónico cada año escolar. El Plan de aprendizaje electrónico del Distrito está disponible para su revisión en nuestro sitio web www.sd104.us.
Estamos entusiasmados de brindar este entorno de aprendizaje en línea a nuestros estudiantes; y creemos que esto mejorará las oportunidades de aprendizaje para todos nuestros niños. Comuníquese con el director de su edificio si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con el programa de aprendizaje electrónico.
Troy J. Whalen
Back to School Information
Regular School Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
7:50 AM (arrival)
2:50 PM (dismissal)
Wednesdays (Late Start)
8:50 AM (arrival)
2:50 PM (dismissal)
Office Hours
August 21st-May 31st
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Free Breakfast
Breakfast will be available every morning for students.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays starting at 7:20 AM.
Wednesdays at 8:20 AM.
School Uniforms
Students are required to wear a maroon collared polo or dress shirt with long/short sleeves. The polo/dress shirt may be plain or have the district logo. No other logos are allowed. Plain black or white undershirts may be worn under the maroon collared shirt. Shirts must extend to waistline.
Students may wear a plain black or maroon sweater/sweatshirt over their collared school shirt or over a plain white or black undershirt.
Must be black or khaki and worn at the waist. This includes shorts, Capri pants, and skirts. Leggings may be worn, but only when a shirt extending to mid-thigh is worn as well.
Students may wear their Wharton school spirit shirt with jeans every Friday.
- Student clothing (including accessories) may not advertise, promote, or a picture of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, violent behavior, or other inappropriate images.
- Student clothing (including accessories) may not display lewd, vulgar, obscene, offensive language/symbols nor gang signs.
- Hats, coats, bandanas, and sunglasses may not be worn inside the building, during the school day.
- Dress and accessories that pose a safety hazard are not permitted in the bathrooms and educational classrooms.
- Clothing with holes, rips, or tears, that reveal skin and/or undergarments may not be worn at school.
- The length of shorts or skirts must be appropriate for the school environment.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Open-backed footwear is not permitted.
Dates to Remember
Feb. 27th, Tuesday: End of 2nd Trimester
Feb. 28th, Wednesday: Late Start
Feb. 29th, Thursday: Leap Year/PBIS Celebration
Mar. 1st, Friday: Report Cards Sent Home
Mar. 4th, Monday: No School/Casimir Pulaski Day
Mar. 5th, Tuesday-Mar. 20th Wednesday: IAR Testing
Mar. 6th, Wednesday: Late Start
Mar. 10th, Sunday: Daylight Savings Begins/Ramadan Begins
Mar. 13th, Wednesday: Late Start/Board Meeting @ 7:00
Mar. 17th, Sunday: St. Patrick's Day
Mar. 19th, Tuesday: First Day of Spring
Mar. 20th, Wednesday: Late Start
Mar. 22nd, Friday: Early Dismissal 1:50 p.m.
Mar. 25th,-Mar. 29th, Spring Break (No School)
Kindergarten will receive an IPad and charger on their first day.
First Grade will be given their device, charger and case on the first day.
Second, Third, and Fourth Grade will need to bring their device and charger from the previous year.
Fifth Grade will need to return their old device with the charger to receive a new one.
You can call our Main office if you have any questions or concerns.
Main office:
Stay Connected
- Download the free district app to stay up to date with important information. Search Summit School District 104 in the app store.
- Facebook: Summit School District 104
- Instagram: @schooldistrict104
- Twitter: @104Summit
- Website: https://www.sd104.us/o/wharton-es