Tiger Ambush
September 17, 2023
What's going on at The Pines...
September 11th - EVERYONE Wear Red, White, and Blue
September 18th - 22nd - Start with Hello Week
September 19th - NJHS Meeting (see flier below)
September 20th - Wear Green for Mental Health Awareness
September 21st - School Advisory Council Meeting
September 22nd - Evening Party for Students from 6-8pm (see flier below)
September 25th - NO SCHOOL - Fall Holiday
September 26th - Million word challenge reward at lunch
September 26th - Suicide Prevention for Parents @ 6pm
October 6th - Last day for Reading Counts Quizzes for Extra Credit Card
October 6th - College Friday - Wear your College Shirt or College Jersey
October 9th - Picture Day - Must be dressed in dress code - info forthcoming
October 12th - End of First 9 week marking period
October 13th - Teacher Work Day (NO School)
October 17th - Showcase of Schools for Choice Programs at Fairgrounds
November 1st - Teacher Professional Development Day (NO School)
September 13th - Girls Softball @ Wellington Landings
September 14th - Boys Baseball @ Wellington Landings
September 18th - Girls Softball against Polo Park (@WPMS)
September 19th - Boys Baseball against Polo Park (@WPMS)
September 20th - Girls Softball @ Crestwood
September 21st - Boys Baseball @ Crestwood
September 22nd - Girls Softball against Osceola Creek (@WPMS)
September 26th - Boys Baseball against Osceola Creek (@WPMS)
September 27th - Girls Softball @ Lake Shore
September 28th - Boys Baseball @ Lake Shore
September 29th - Girls Softball @ Wellington Landings
October 2nd - Boys Baseball against Wellington Landings (@WPMS)
October 3rd - Girls Softball @ Polo Park
October 4th - Boys Baseball @ Polo Park
October 5th - Girls Softball against Crestwood (@WPMS)
October 6th - Boys Baseball against Crestwood (@WPMS)
October 9th - Girls Softball @ Osceola Creek
October 10th - Boys Baseball @ Osceola Creek
October 11th - Girls Softball against Lake Shore (@WPMS)
October 12th - Boys Baseball against Lake Shore (@WPMS)
Picture Day Info
Picture Day Info
Western Pines Word of the Day
This is 10% of your final ELA grade so make sure you are studying (see flier below for more information).
Word of the Day:
Sept 13 - Introduction - the first paragraph of a text or essay
Sept 14 - fore - prefix meaning before
Sept 15 - Thesis - A one or two sentence statement that sums up an essay
Sept 18 - There (place), They're (they are), Their (belonging)
Sept 19 - Summarize - a brief statement of the main points
Sept 20 - Quiz
Back to School Bash
Tickets are going fast. First come, first served on https://palmbeach.schoolcashonline.com.
Important Title I Information
Parent and Family Engagement Plan Summary (English)
Parent and Family Engagement Plan Summary (Spanish)
Parent and Family Engagement Plan Summary (Creole)
Parent and Family Engagement Plan Summary (Portuguese)
School Parent Compact (English)
School Parent Compact (Spanish)
School Parent Compact (Creole)
School Parent Compact (Portuguese)
Western Pines Title I Schoolwide Plan
Click HERE for the School District of PBC Parent / Family Involvement Plan
Plan ahead - Annual Sport Calendar below
Clubs, tutoring, sports, and other info below
Before and Afterschool Clubs, Tutoring, Etc.
Parents and Students -
Click on the link below to see all the extra curricular (non-athletic) activities we have to offer. If you are interested in your child being a part of any of these, please contact the sponsor by email. We make a flier for a lot of them, but here it all is, in one spot.
Get involved!
NEW Daily Schedule this year
In years past, we have had White, Maroon, and Gold Days.... each of those days starting with a different period of the day. This year we are moving to a 6 period rotation. Each day will start with a new period. For example, the first day of school will start with the student's 1st period class. The second day of school will start with the student's 2nd period class and so on. On a "Second Period Day" the rotation will be 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 and on a 4th Period Day, the rotation will be 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3. This gives every class the opportunity to start the day and end the day. It also helps with early releases for sports. Don't worry, we will help our students know what period we are starting the day with and help them throughout the day. Below is our rotational schedule for the year. Whatever number appears on that date, is the period we start with for that day.
Morning Care and Afterschool
Morning and After school registration forms are available in the front office. Stop by Monday thru Thursday from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM to register.
Morning school begins 8/10/23 through 5/30/24 from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM (Monday thru Friday)
Afterschool begins 8/28/23 through 5/16/24 from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM (Monday through Thursday Only). There is a nominal fee and it varies by month.**
Tutoring and a variety of clubs and activities will be available.
If you have any questions please to contact Shelbie Chaney at shelbie.chaney@palmbeachschools.org or (561) 792-2519
Campus Safety
School District of Palm Beach County Student and Family Handbook
Please click here for a letter from our Superintendent, Mr. Mike Burke welcoming all students back to school with a handy print out of school calendar dates.
Also, please click here for access to the School District of Palm Beach County 2023-2024 Student and Family Handbook.
Who to turn to
6th Grade Assistant Principal - Mrs. Jimenez (liz.jimenez@palmbeachschools.org)
6th Grade School Counselor - Mrs. Hurtado (melinda.hurtado@palmbeachschools.org)
7th Grade Assistant Principal - Mrs. Stuart (christina.stuart@palmbeachschools.org)
7th Grade School Counselor - Mr. Shields (ryan.shields@palmbeachschools.org)
8th Grade Assistant Principal - Mr. Krupa (james.krupa@palmbeachschools.org)
8th Grade School Counselor - Mrs. Bednarek -(lori.bednarek@palmbeachschools.org)
Student Services Secretary - Ms. Chaney (shelbie.chaney@palmbeachschools.org)
Counselor's Office Secretary - Mrs. Bosco (gisela.bosco@palmbeachschools.org)
ESE Coordinator - Ms. Schwab (terri.schwab@palmbeachschools.org)
ESOL Coordinator - Mrs. Jimenez (liz.jimenez@palmbeachschools.org)
School Tech Coordinator (Chromebooks) - Mr. Delgado - (walter.delgado@palmbeachschools.org)
Choice Academy Coordinator - Mrs. Jimenez (liz.jimenez@palmbeachschools.org)
WPMS Transportation (Bus) Coordinator - Mrs. Stuart (christina.stuart@palmbeachschools.org)
School Data Processor (Registration) - Mrs. Navarro (martha.navarro@palmbeachschools.org)
School Treasurer (info on obligations) - Mrs. LeBlanc (tammi.leblanc@palmbeachschools.org)
Principal's Secretary - Mrs. Bennett - (robin.bennett@palmbeachschools.org)
Principal - Mr. Preddy - (philip.preddy@palmbeachschools.org)
Western Pines Middle School
Website: https://www.palmbeachschools.org/WesternPinesMiddle
Location: 5949 140th Avenue North, Westlake, FL, USA
Phone: (561) 792-2500
Facebook: facebook.com/WesternPinesMSOfficial
Twitter: @philippreddy