Eagle News 🦅
Issue 5: September 23, 2023
Upcoming Dates/Events:
9/25: Holiday (schools and offices closed in observance of Yom Kippur)
9/25: FDHS Class of 2025 Fundraising Event at Nando's PERI-PERI - Woodbridge 5pm - 9pm
9/28: Latino Information Night- @ FDHS 6pm - 8pm
10/2: Flu Clinics - FREE - see below for additional information
10/09: Touchbase / Divisionwide Professional Learning Day (No school for students)
10/10: Edu-Futuro begins their parent engagement series at Freedom High School
10:09: Flu Clinic- FREE - see below for additional information
10:13: Flu Clinic - FREE - see below for additional information
10/16 - 10/21: Homecoming Week
10/18: PSAT Day
10/18: Freedom's Specialty Program and Advanced Academic Night via Zoom 6pm - 7:30pm
Freedom High School Specialty Programs Information Session
10/23:Flu Clinic - FREE - see below for additional information
10/26: SAT Day for Seniors
10/27: Flu Clinic - FREE - see below for additional information
10/30: Flu Clinic - FREE - see below for additional information
Principals Advisory Council (PAC)
Principals Advisory Council (PAC)
from Mrs. Ellis, PAC President
The Principals Advisory Council serves as a voice to promote communication amongst our Principal, Freedom HS Staff, Students, Parent Liaisons and our Community.
- Help identify school needs
- Communicate important dates and events at our school
- Listen to ALL questions and concerns from the Eagle community
Join us every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm-7pm via zoom.
Meeting ID: 813 8637 5495
Passcode: 165468
Parent - Teacher - Student Organization (PTSO)
from, Ms. Ferdinand, Parent
Please join our Eagle family to help aid our students to have a successful year!!!!
My name is Setoria Ferdinand and I am taking the lead to create a dynamic team of parents that want to support our students, faculty and administration!!!
We need members as well as officers. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
Let's get involved and make a difference!!!!
Contact me
email: mslilly1973@gmail.com
phone: 571.375.5941
Class of 2025 Fundraising Event at Nando's Peri-Peri
Dine in or carry out at Nando's Peri-Peri, Woodbridge on Monday, 9/25 and 40% of the fundraising proceeds will go to the Class of 2025!
Noche de Informacion Latina
Toda la informaion estara disponible en su idioma. Jueves, 28 de Septiembre, 2023; de las 6 a 8 de la tarde.
Freedom Specialty Program and Advanced Academics Night
Mark your calendars! On Wednesday, October 18th we will be hosting our Freedom Specialty Program and Advanced Academics night. Learn about the programs that Freedom High School offers our students.
PWCS will be hositn flu clinics through the Kaiser Permanente Mobile Health Vehicle for FREE.
The following information is provided by Ms. Brielle Anderson, PWCS Wellness Coordinator
October 2nd, 2023: 8am-4pm
Kelly Leadership Center
14715 Bristow Rd. Manassas, VA 20112
October 9th, 2023: 8am-1pm
Potomac Transportation Center
3435 Panther Pride Dr. Dumfries, VA 22026
October 13th, 2023: 8am-1pm
Potomac Transportation Center
8001 Limestone Dr. Gainesville, VA 20155
October 16th, 2023 11:30am-4pm
Independence Nontraditional School
14550 Aden Rd. Manassas, VA 20112
October 23rd, 2023: 8am-4pm
Unity Reed High School
8820 Rixlew Ln. Manassas, VA 20109
October 27th, 2023: 8am-4pm
Woodbridge High School
3001 Old Bridge Rd. Woodbridge, VA 22192
October 30th, 2023: 8am-4pm
Beville Middle School
4901 Dale Blvd. Woodbridge, VA 22193
Click HERE to schedule your flu appointment!
Other Places to Receive a Flu Shot
- Your primary care Doctor ($0 co-pay with insurance)
- Local pharmacies ($0 co-pay with insurance)
- Local Health Department
- Churches
- Free clinics
For more resources, please visit the websites below:
Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report | CDC
Prevent Seasonal Flu | CDCEdu-Futuro
Speak with your student's administrator or counselor and see if your student may be reommended for services through Edu-Futuro.
Edu-Futuro Parent Workshops
Parent Engagement Workshops on Tuesdays begins on October 10 through November 21. Please register to attend; when registering, please inform them you are a Freedom High School parent.
QR Code to register for Edu-Futuro Parent Empowerment Services in Spanish workshop.
PWCS: Adult Education and GED
Interested in Re-Enrolling in School to Get Your High School Diploma? Join us at the Kelly Leadership Center and register for Adult Education & GED classes! Friday, October 6th from 12pm-4pm Wednesday October 11th from 8am-12pm Wednesday, October 18th from 3pm-7pm We will have food and Prince William accessories for you!