Letters from Lincoln
September 24th, 2023
Lincoln is celebrating each one of us and everyone for who we are! Each month we will be working on building our individual confidence and belief in ourselves! You will notice art projects, books, writing projects and more! We will be kicking this off with the book Be Who You Are by Todd Parr. Friday all staff and students are going to wear their favorite outfit!
Mark your Calendars! October 18th Early Out
October 18th is the first of four early out days
These early outs will allow teachers and staff to have professional development for the remainder of the day.
Early out days-
•October 18th
•December 22nd
•February 16th
•April 19th
Fargo Cass Public Health offering vaccines during school hours October 12th at Lincoln
Fargo Public Schools is excited to partner with Family HealthCare again this year to offer vaccines to students through their mobile unit. Attached is the letter (approved by Fargo Cass Public Health) that can be sent to guardians of students who are missing required vaccinations.
Family HealthCare’s consent packet is now online. Families requesting their child(ren) receive vaccines during school hours must complete this consent packet.
Cross Country Running Opportunity!
Does your student like to run? There is an Elementary Cross Country meet available to 4th and 5th graders Sept. 14 and Sept. 26 at Elephant Park 4:30pm(Percy Goodwin Park). It would be great to have our Lincoln students represent!
Bruin Buddies Registration is NOW OPEN!- SOUTH VOLLEYBALL
WHEN: Oct 9 & 10
WHERE: Fargo South High School (Main Gym)
WHO: Grades K - 5
Peyton Wegleitner
Head Volleyball Coach
Fargo South High School
C: 605-380-2947
ALICE Training
There is nothing more important than creating a safe and healthy learning environment for our students and staff. As part of our effort to realize this goal, Fargo Public Schools (FPS) has trained all building staff in options-based emergency responses. The District selected ALICE® as the foundation for the district wide training. We know it is crucial that our school community feels prepared to respond to critical incidents that may occur in our schools. A key part of that preparation involves your support. ALICE® is an age- and ability-appropriate training program that will empower staff and students to make decisions during life-threatening emergencies. Unlike the standard lockdown response traditionally practiced in schools, option-based training focuses on teaching proactive, multi-option response strategies that are evidence-based and trauma-informed.
The ALICE approach is designed to scale both emotionally and physically to students at any grade level, helping to increase retention and decrease negative emotional outcomes.
What Does ALICE Training® Teach?
Alert: A speedy response is critical to survival. Quickly recognizing signs of danger allows you to make the best survival decisions for the situation.
Lockdown: When evacuation is not an option, barricade entry points into the room and prepare for the next response strategy.
Inform: Communicate real-time information about the intruder with those in the immediate vicinity and first responders.
Counter: As a last resort, create noise, movement, distance, and distraction to decrease the intruder's ability to cause harm.
Evacuate: When it is safe to do so, retreat to an area that is out of harm’s way. We take every precaution to prevent critical incidents from occurring on our campus and we know there is value in preparing our community to respond effectively.
For more information on ALICE Training®, you are invited to view the ALICE for Families and Communities course at this link. Thank you for your continued assistance in making our school community as safe as possible and one in which our students can reach their full potential and thrive.
Lunch and Learn - Suicide Prevention
Lunch and Learn - Suicide Prevention
A virtual Lunch and Learn session on suicide prevention and response will be available on Thursday, September 28 from noon to 1:00 p.m. With help from community partners, the session will raise awareness about suicide prevention, equip participants with the knowledge and skills to identify warning signs, and provide guidance on how to respond effectively and compassionately. Fargo Public Schools aims to create safe and supportive environments for youth, making a difference in our community. Click here to register to attend.
Did you know our Lincoln PTA makes popcorn for all of our students?
Every month our Lincoln PTA makes our students a bag of popcorn! Here are the ingredients:
Dates of Note:
September 15th- Vision Screening
September 19th- School Picture Day
September 18th- PTA meeting- in the Library @ 6:45
PTA Meetings
Interested in joining PTA? Go to SchoolPay on PowerSchool!
- October 23th - @ 6:45-- Interested in being on the PTA board? Reach out! Elections tonight!
- November 20th - @ 6:45
- December 18th - @ 6:45
- January 22nd- - @ 6:45
- February 12th - - @ 6:45
- March 18th- - @ 6:45
- April 15th- - @ 6:45
- May 20th- - @ 6:45
Fargo Public Field Trip Descriptions
Fargo Public Student Handbook
Please take a few minutes to read through the Fargo Public School's Student Handbook.
One of the changes to note is that we will not be celebrating student birthdays with food. Classroom teachers will work with you and your child to celebrate their birthday in another way.
Help Keep Students Safe
Please remember at pick up and drop off times to ONLY drive North on 9th Street
School Drop Off Zone
Please keep our students safe at pick up and drop off time. Do Not Double Park! Do not leave your car unattended. The pick up and drop off clears out in about 5 minutes. Please be patient!
Please make sure to drive ONLY North on 9th street at drop off and pick up times. This makes sure we don't have students running across the street. Thank you!
Student Attendance Matters
Elementary school is an exciting and important time for your child-the most foundational years of their school career.
Having great attendance in elementary school will prepare your child to do well academically throughout their school years.
What can you do?
- Set an early bed time, start getting ready for be 30 minutes before bedtime. Children are most able and willing to learn when they have plenty of sleep.
- Set your alarm clock to be certain everyone gets up on time. School opens at 7:50 and starts at 8:05 am and breakfast is served at school.
- If your child rides the bus, put the bus schedule on the refrigerator.
- If you drive your child to school, set up a plan with someone who can bring your child to school in case you are not able to.
- Allow time for the unexpected. Have clothes and backpacks ready the night before, and plan plenty of time to get ready.
- Communicate with the school and let them know if your child will miss school or if you are having a difficult time getting your child to school. The school may be able to help you.
- Communicate with the school if you have concerns or changes in your home that you may need assistance. This could include divorce, death of an important person, trouble with providing food and clothing to your child.
Hello Families,
As the temperatures outside are starting to feel like spring- just a reminder that the school doors do not open until 7:50 am. We do not have supervision outside in the front of the school. That is when we have supervision and the students are able to come into the building to get ready for the day.
Thank you for your help in keeping students warm in your cars as they wait for the first bell.
Tech Tip!
Community Resources
School counselors and staff are available during the school day to assist students.
The following information is intended to support students and families during the COVID-19 pandemic and any time there is a mental health need.
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
If this is an emergency call: 9-1-1
FirstLink: Call 211 or text 701-235-7335;
Receive free, confidential support, referrals to resources, and crisis intervention including access to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Rape & Abuse Crisis Center: 701-293-7273; 800-344-7273; info@raccfm.com
Services victims of domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, trafficking, and child sexual abuse
Recovery Support: 1-844-44TALK2
Connect with a trained support specialist who has experienced addiction similar to the caller
Prairie St. John's: Call 701-476-7200
Providing a full continuum of care for all ages living with mental health and substance use challenges
Text A Tip: 701-730-8859
Report crime information anonymously
Ask A Nurse (Sanford): 701-234-5000
Essentia Health: 701-364-8000; essentiahealth.org
Sanford Health: 701-417-2100; sanfordhealth.org
Mobile Mental Health Team: 701-298-4500
Works to respond within 30-minutes to resolve a crisis and prevent hospitalization
If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1
Accessing E-Books- Sora
The Fargo Public Schools (FPS) library and technology team would like to remind students, staff, and families of the wide variety of reading options offered by accessing our district e-book collection through Sora. We have a number of great opportunities and resources to encourage our students and staff to keep reading over the winter break!
Sora can be accessed on all student PLDs and on just about any other electronic device using the Sora app. Even older devices such as outdated phones that you may no longer use as a phone could still be used as a reading device with the Sora app. If you have a Fargo Public Library card, you can also access the public library e-book collection through your Sora account. If you have never accessed Sora before, check out these directions for how to access your school account!
BGC May 2023 School Newsletter Content
- The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Red River Valley (BGC) offers affordable and flexible youth development programs for before school, after school, and school-out days for youth K-5th grades, and The CLUB Teen Center at our BGC Midtown location after school and summer for teens 6th through 12th grade.
- We’ve increased our capacity for after-school activities at The CLUB Teen Center at BGC Midtown, cost is only $10 per teen annually, and registration opens in May. Spots open for Summer 2023!
- And we’ve launched the Maris Academy, a year-long program designed specifically for grades 6-12 that provides exciting career exploration opportunities right here in our community!
- Register for the BGC Driving Great Futures Charity Golf Tournament, Monday, May 15 at Suite Shots! BGCRRV.org/events
Visit our website at BGCRRV.org for more information.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Red River Valley
Scheduling, Registration, & General Information
701-235-2147 | schedule@bgcrrv.org | BGCRRV.org
Lincoln Title One Information
As a Title I school, Lincoln Elementary receives federal funds for Title I programs that are part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a recipient of these funds, Lincoln Elementary has committed itself to providing enriching learning activities for its stakeholders and sharing responsibility with both parents and students to improve academic achievement, as outlined in the School-Parent Compact. Additionally, Lincoln Elementary is required to notify parents of particular components outlined in the law. Through the Interactive Dashboard, parents are able to be notified regarding the performance measures outlined in the state’s accountability system. The Parents Right to Know document is also a valuable resource as it lays out what information parents have the right to request and ascertain from the school regarding topics like the professional qualifications of staff, state and local policy, and parental rights regarding student participation in mandated assessments. Additionally, the District School Parent and Family Engagement Policy outlines what actions FPS and the school will be taking to provide effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student achievement and school performance. Copies of each of these documents can be found below, and you are encouraged to read through them.
Dustlynn Aipperspach- Assistant Principal- Lincoln Elementary
JoDee Holzer- Administrative Assistant