Coach K's Health and Wellness Corner
Are you drinking enough water throughout the day?
Drinking enough water helps banish headaches, improves your mood, relieves fatigue, and boosts your energy levels. It also promotes weight loss, boosts your immune system, improves your complexion, and regulates your bodies temperature.
Well, Coach K, how much water is enough?
A good rule to follow is to take your body weight and divide that number in half. That number is the amount of water in ounces you should be drinking a day.
Ex: 160lbs / 2 = 80oz water daily
Don't forget to bring a water bottle to school everyday!
Nurse Information:
Absence Line West Elementary 417-582-5907
Picture Day is coming Thursday, September 15
Lifetouch Picture Day
1. You can either order online at mylifetouch.com with our picture ID of EVTQKVRB8 (individual pictures), or you can send in the money in the envelope in the mailer that will be sent home soon. Please see different picture package prices.
2. Class Picture order forms are also available online with a picture ID of EVTJTWBG8 (class photo), or you can send in the money in the envelope in the mailer that will be sent home soon. Class photos cost $10.00
Picture retakes will be on November 16, 2022. We will not be having Spring pictures this year.
PTA Mum Sale
You will pick up the flowers you purchased at Family Flowers at 2150 N Jackson, in Ozark on September 21-24th.
Carrie's Corner
As your School Social Worker, I am available to help with any needs you may
have or help finding resources for your family! Please don't hesitate to contact
me: carrienelson@ozarktigers.org or 417-582-5755
School to Home Communication
- Red Folders: Each student will be provided a red folder for school to home communication of student work, class newsletters, announcements and other information. Please make sure to check your child's folder each night.
- SeeSaw app: SeeSaw is a quick and easy way for teachers and students to share their learning. Your child's classroom teacher share how to get connect to their classroom.
- Email is also always an option to communicate with your child's teacher.
Key information to communicate with your child's teacher:
Please communicate directly with the classroom teacher about your child’s plan for transportation. If there are changes in transportation, please provide a hand-written note in your child’s red folder or email communication at the beginning of the day.
The afternoon for the office is a very busy time which makes any changes to pick-ups after 2:30 p.m (1:30 p.m. on Fridays) difficult. Please make contact about arrangements before such time to ensure that your child gets home safely with minimal miscommunications. We will do our best and do understand if it is an absolute emergency.
Shannon Merriman is our PTA board president.
Membership information:
- $5 per person to join
- Membership dollars go directly to our school and students.
Join our OWE PTA!
PTA Membership Form
What is PTA doing this year?
How to help our school with PTA
Dr. McBain & Mrs. Tabuya
Mission: Every member of our West school community will connect, learn, and grow to ensure a high-quality education for each student's future readiness.
Location: 3105 State Highway CC, Ozark, MO
Phone: 417-582-5907