Message From Asst. Principal
Cindy Parravano - April 5, 2022
Testing schedule for the week starting Tuesday April 12th, 2022
Dear South Families,
I have some important information to share with you about the week of April 12, 2022. Every year in April, schools are required to administer a battery of tests which provides the district and state with pertinent information about college readiness and the strength of our curriculum. During the week of April 12th is when students will have the opportunity to take the tests required by the State of Michigan. Please note, the State of Michigan requires testing for juniors and there is not an option under state or federal law to “opt out” of the test. Unless a student is absent from school, they will be required to take the exams on the days designated below.
The testing schedule is as follows:
· Monday, April 11: Regular bell schedule - no testing
· Tuesday, April 12: Regular bell schedule - MSTEP testing for juniors (check posting for designated time)
· Wednesday, April 13: No classes for seniors
- PSAT 8/9 for freshmen
- PSAT 10 for sophomores
- SAT for juniors
- Testing starts at 8:00 am - students should be in their assigned rooms by 7:55 am.
- Students will be dismissed after testing - lunch will not be served
· Thursday, April 14: Regular bell schedule - Workkeys for juniors 8:00 am
· Friday, April 15: No school
Juniors will test for three days to complete the battery of tests; freshmen and sophomores will generally only need one day to complete their test. If a student has approved accommodations through College Board, the testing period will take longer. Parents of students with an IEP or 504 plan will receive a separate communication about the timing of tests and the number of days they will be testing. This communication will be sent prior to the end of this week.
Later this week, students will receive notification of their assigned testing location. Testing locations/times will be posted via Schoology and in the hallway by the assistant principal’s office.
On Tuesday, all students report to school at the normal time and classes will run on the normal bell schedule. Juniors will report to their assigned testing location at their designated time and take the MSTEP test. There will not be a makeup session for the MSTEP. Juniors who are in quarantine on April 12th should not report to school.
On Wednesday, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will report to South between 7:30 and 7:55. Preadministration for testing will start at 8 am so students will need to be in their assigned room by 8:00 am. There will not be a makeup session for the PSAT 8/9 or PSAT10. A makeup session will be scheduled for juniors who are not present for the SAT. Students who are in quarantine during testing may not attend the testing sessions. The makeup exam for the SAT (JUNIORS ONLY) is scheduled for April 27th.
On Thursday, all students report to school at the normal time and classes will run on the normal schedule. Juniors will report to their assigned testing location at 8 am and take the WorkKeys. After completion of testing, students will report back to class. There will not be a makeup session for the WorkKeys. Juniors who are in quarantine on April 14 should not report to school.
If you have any questions, or concerns please feel free to contact Cindy Parravano at parravc@gpschools.org or 313-432-3511.