Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-October, 2022
Bee Informed
Medina High School Names October Students of the Month
Medina High school has named its October Students of the Month seniors Julia Gardner and Kaitlin Horner.
Julia is a kind, polite, and motivated student who always has a smile on her face. Julia is always willing to help another student, showing concern for others having a bad day or helping to understand something using her words that make the lesson click.
Julia’s class schedule consists of Advance Placement and College Credit Plus classes. She earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude her freshman, sophomore, and junior years. She is a National Honor Society, Link Crew, HUDDLE, and Spanish Club member. Julia is a four-year Medina High School Girls Lacrosse team member and played club Lacrosse this past summer. In addition, she has participated in competitive dance for the past ten years.
In her spare time, Julia volunteers at the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor and as a buddy at Medina Top Soccer, an adaptive soccer program for special-needs athletes. She is also a youth leader at Heartland Community Church and works at Schoolhouse Scoops.
After graduation, she plans to attend college, majoring in Engineering/STEM. Julia is the daughter of Brian and Wendy Gardner.
Kaitlin is not just an excellent student but is always a positive presence in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. There is never a time she does not have a smile on her face. Kaitlin also possesses tremendous artistic gifts. Last year, every art project she submitted for the Ohio Junior Classical League Convention finished in the top ten in the state, including four first-place finishes.
Her classes have consisted of Advance Placement and Honors courses. Kaitlin earned the Medina High School Academic Distinction Award Summa Cum Laude her freshman, sophomore, and junior years. She is a member of the National Honor Society, Link Crew, and HUDDLE Latin Club’s Co-Consul, and was a member of Junior Leadership of Medina County.
Kaitlin is very involved in theater at the high school and as part of the Medina Show Biz Company. She has performed in The Music Man, The Addams Family, Shakespeare in Love, and Tinfoil Memories. She volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor, Feeding Medina County, and Safety Town. Kaitlin is also a neighborhood gardener and pet sitter.
Kaitlin is planning on attending college and would like to go into Theater. She is the daughter of Mark and Stacy Horner.
Julia Gardner
Kaitlin Horner
Medina City Schools Foundation to Host Harlem Wizards
Come on out and see some of your favorite teachers and principals play. Who will you see?
- Ms. Katie Ruby, a kindergarten teacher at Blake Elementary
- Mr. Chris Brentar, a fourth-grade teacher at Blake Elementary
- Mr. Steve Perry, principal of Fenn Elementary
- Mrs. Chauncey Ritandaro, art teacher at Fenn Elementary
- Ms. Lauren Merkle, a fourth-grade teacher at Fenn Elementary
- Ms. Pam Wagner, paraprofessional, Sidney Fenn/bus driver
- Mr. Steve Richnavsky, physical education teacher at Garfield Elementary
- Mr. Dan Miller, a custodian at Garfield Elementary
- Mr. Austin Argabright, a fifth-grade teacher at Heritage Elementary
- Ms. Maggie Britton, a kindergarten teacher at Heritage Elementary
- Mr. Robert Lempner, a fourth-grade teacher at Northrop Elementary
- Mrs. Kelsey Geanuracos, a fourth-grade teacher at Northrop Elementary
- Mr. Joe Ortenzi, physical education teacher at Waite Elementary
- Mr. Brian Fozio, language arts teacher at A.I. Root Middle School
- Ms. Nicole Gregory, gifted intervention specialist at A.I. Root Middle School
- Mr. Steve Knowles, paraprofessional at Claggett Middle School
- Mr. Matt Cajuste, intervention specialist at Medina High School
- Mr. Ryan Heath, a business teacher at Medina High School
- Stacy Wilson, health teacher at Medina High School
- Mr. Craig Komar, Director of Technology
- Mr. Ryan O'Cull, Business Director
- Mr. Devonte Marable, Evolve Academy
- Ms. Lisa Goins, Evolve Academy
Tickets are on sale now. Click here to purchase tickets. Proceeds from this event benefit the Foundation and the programs and services they provide to our students and staff.
Medina City Schools Foundation Hosts Holiday Raffle
Each raffle entry is $50. To purchase raffle tickets, please click here or scan the QR code in the image below. 100% of the net proceeds will directly support Medina City Schools students and staff through the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center, staff, grants and awards, and student scholarships.
For questions, please email info@medinacityschoolsfoundation.org.
ABOUT THE FOUNDATION: The Medina City Schools Foundation was established in 1984 to support and enhance learning opportunities for the students in the Medina City School District. The Foundation is an independent organization comprised of committed community members who support programs that benefit district students in collaboration with the teachers and staff of the Medina City Schools. The Foundation is a private organization, not directly affiliated with the school board or the school administration. It is incorporated under Ohio laws as a non-profit organization and is funded by various members of the Medina area through the generous individual support and community support of our annual fundraising activities.
Thinking About Volunteering?
Looking for Camps and Other Activities? Check Flyer Central Digital Bulletin Board
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Monday, November 21, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
Monday, December 19, 2022
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM-Medina High School-Professional Development Center (location subject to change)
The Board of Education meetings are open to the public. Location may be subject to change. Meetings may also be viewed live on Medina City Schools' YouTube channel, MedinaTV Facebook page, and Armstrong channel 201.
Replays of the meeting will also be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel and Armstrong Channel 201.
County Parks Fall Program
Online Ticketing Through Hometown Ticketing
Kids First Medina Offers Decorative License Plate
Kids First Medina is a group of volunteers that help to provide a voice to community members, families, and students of Medina City Schools to help shape educational opportunities for our students.
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Helping Hands Preschool Accepting Applications for Typically Developing Peers
The program provides high-quality learning experiences that are rooted in the Ohio Early Learning Content Standards in preparation for kindergarten. There are two sessions offered, Monday-Thursday. The morning session runs from 9:00 AM-11:40 AM and the afternoon session from 12:40 PM-3:20 PM.
To register typically developing peers, please call 330.636.4601 for directions to complete the online registration and screening information. For more information, please click here.
Free Youth Physicals Offered
Important Information About 5th & 6ht Grade Girls Volleyball Open Gyms
New Student and Kindergarten Registration is Open for the 2022-2023 School Year Only
Encore Entertainment Company Presents Dancing with Encore
Encore Holiday Extravaganza
The musical portion of the Encore Holiday Extravaganza, beginning at 7 pm, includes singing and dancing to medleys of many holiday musical favorites as well as several small group performances and sing-alongs for the entire family. The performance is an expanded version of the holiday show typically seen by many hundreds of students and adults in the Medina community each year. Before the performance, beginning at 6 pm, younger audience members will enjoy holiday crafts, games, stories, cookies, and a chance to take pictures with Santa Claus. Children are welcome and encouraged to attend the activity and musical performances. The Encore Holiday Extravaganza welcomes audience members of all ages, especially those who may be too young to attend other performances.
This new show is presented only on Friday, December 2, at the Medina Performing Arts Center, 851 Weymouth Rd., Medina. Activities for younger children begin at 6 pm in the lobby, and the performance begins at 7 pm in the main auditorium. Reserved seating tickets are $10 ($4 for children under 12) and can be purchased using the link on medinachoir.com. Tickets will be on sale starting in late October.
Medina High School Choral Music Department Presents Holiday Choir Concert
Choirs perform on the main stage of the Medina Performing Arts Center (851 Weymouth Rd., Medina). Tickets are available at the door. The cost is $7 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. Tickets can also be purchased online using the school's Hometown Ticketing service. More information will be available at Medinachoir.com later in November.
Explore Engineering
Engineering is expected to be a growth sector in the upcoming decade and is considered a top career choice. Do you know that there are over 40 different types of engineering degrees, all within six major branches of engineering? How do you learn the differences? Which type is most suited to your interests? Come to Explore Engineering to learn about differences and have a chance to speak with current engineers.
This event for students in grades 6-12 will be held at Medina High School in the media center on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM and is co-sponsored by the Medina County Economic Development Corporation. Students can explore career opportunities with professionals from multiple engineering fields. Items discussed could include information about showcasing problem-solving skills, defining the different types of engineers, and engaging in professional mentoring. Students who attend will also have an opportunity to explore and connect the various engineering classes taught at Medina High School and Medina County Career Center.
Opening Remarks will be given by Cleveland State University's Washkewicz College of Engineering.
VOFT Hosts Successful Blood Drive
National Honor Society Students Give Back to the Community
Medina High School Drama Club Announced Season
After a very successful year last year with the productions of The Addams Family Musical, Clue On Stage, and Puffs (or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic), Drama Club is off to an amazing and extremely busy year again. Close to 200 students are signed up to be part of this year’s lineup.
The Medina High School theater season kicks off with the stage version of Shakespeare in Love (Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard). Young upstart Will Shakespeare struggles to find love and has a horrendous case of writer’s block. Based on the 1998 Gwyneth Paltrow/Ray Fiennes romantic comedy of the same name, the show was cast in August with over 30 members and a huge crew and has already completed two months of rehearsals. The performances are on November 11th and 12th at 7 pm and November 13, 2022, at 2:00 pm on the Medina High School Middle Stage. The show has some mature themes and mild language/ innuendos, and some pretty amazing Renaissance costumes.
In conjunction with the Dazzles program, Drama Club also sent four students to Playhouse Square to participate in a vocal Masterclass led by Les Misérables’ Fantine, Haley Dortch. Haley is currently a junior at the University of Michigan, making her Broadway Tour Debut with Les Mis at Playhouse Square. She is also a 2019 Jimmy Awards participant from Dallas, TX.
COMING SOON: Underclass play (Middletown) auditions, S.P.I.C.E. (talent show) auditions, and Musical (Something Rotten!) auditions.
Interested students should email Mr. Douglas at douglasr@medinabees.org.
GSA Hosts Annual Ally Snack Break
Unity Day 2022
Medina High School Tennis Courts Dedicated to Late Coach
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road, Medina, OH, USA
Phone: 330.725.8831
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1