Bear Cave Newsletter
Bloomingdale Elementary School
From the desk of Principal Lam
Hello Bloomingdale Bear Families!
Welcome to the first edition of the Bear Cave Newsletter for SY23-24!
We had an amazing first two days of school. We are looking forward to an exciting full week ahead. I highly encourage you to review this newsletter regularly. Some items will remain the same for convenience; other items will update throughout the year depending on our schedule, needs, and events.
We appreciate your patience and understanding with our arrival/dismissal procedures. Starting Monday, we ask that all parents either use bus transportation, Ybase, or the carpool line to drop off your student(s). Don't worry - we'll make sure your child gets to where they need to go. This also helps to build independence in our students.
For carpool, please remember to stay in your car, pay attention to staff directions, and display your car tag. Help us teach your child their car tag number to speed up the process.
Please ensure that you have completed your Free/Reduced lunch application - even if you think you may not qualify!!
We will also begin iReady testing this week for all students in grades K - 5. Be sure to remind your student to take their time and do their best. This is important data so we can identify your child's specific learning needs to develop a plan to support or enrich their learning!
Again, thank you for a great first 2 days!
On and ever upward,
Principal Lam
Power Up Parents with PowerSchool
Tuesday, Aug 8, 2023, 09:00 AM
1700 Highgate Boulevard, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Bus Stops Now Available!
Morning Drop-off & Afternoon Pick-up Route
Students who qualify for reduced lunch will receive free lunch this school year!!
September 5, 2023: First Day of 21st Century
Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023, 04:00 PM
1700 Highgate Boulevard, Bloomingdale, GA, USA
Complete your Forms Today
- Code of Conduct Agreement
- Family Protection Plan for devices (pay in SchoolCash)
- Device Loan Form - required to take home a device for e-learning days