Gahanna Lincoln High School
A Message From Mrs. Williams
The month of September is upon us and I want to highlight the importance of attendance and inform you that September is Attendance Awareness Month.
Good attendance is the cornerstone of academic success. When students attend school regularly, they are more likely to thrive academically, build strong relationships, and develop crucial life skills. Together we can help our students achieve excellent attendance and set them on a path to success.
Here are some simple steps you can take to support your Lion's attendance:
- Establish a Routine: Create a consistent daily routine that includes a healthy sleep schedule and a nutritious breakfast (at home or school) to ensure your Lion is ready to learn.
- Communicate: If your Lion is not feeling well or has an unavoidable absence, please notify the attendance office promptly at (614) 478-5515. Open communication is key.\
- Encourage Engagement: Show interest in your Lion's school activities and celebrate their achievements to keep them motivated.
- Set a Positive Example: Demonstrate the value of education by making attendance a priority in your family.
- Stay Informed: Attend school events and family conferences to stay updated on your Lion's progress.
Let's work together to make sure our students are in school and ready to learn every day. Thank you for your ongoing support in nurturing the success of our students.
Family Conferences
We will hold our 2023-24 GLHS Family Conferences Tuesday, September 12 and Thursday, September 21. Conferences will take place from 3:30-7:00 pm both days. We will once again have the option to meet in-person or virtually.
During these conferences, families will have the opportunity to connect with teachers, counselors and administration and learn more about your student's academic experience at GLHS.
Parents can schedule time to meet with individual teachers and staff members by using MyConferenceTime.com/glhs. When scheduling times to meet with teachers, please only reserve one (1) conference time per teacher and be mindful of the allotted time, as our staff's goal is to meet with as many families as possible each evening.
If you need assistance in signing up for MyConferenceTime, please view the following tutorial video here. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at (614) 478-5500.
Homecoming Dance
We will hold the Homecoming Dance in our gymnasium on Saturday, September 23 from 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM.
Purchase Homecoming Dance Tickets
Students are able to purchase tickets on Local Level Events (linked here) starting Monday, September 11.
Tickets are $15 each.
Paper tickets will be available during all lunch periods starting Monday, September 18. Only 100 paper tickets will be sold. Cash or check may be used to purchase paper tickets.
Guidelines and rules for purchasing tickets are below and should be read before purchasing a ticket. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to these guidelines.
There will be no cash or online sales at the door before entering the dance. All tickets must be purchased before the start of the dance.
Homecoming Dance Guidelines
Our annual Homecoming Dance will be held in the gymnasium on Saturday, September 23 from 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM.
HOMECOMING DANCE GUEST - If your student wishes to bring one alumni student or non-Gahanna Lincoln student guest to the dance, the approval of the Gahanna Lincoln High School’s principal is necessary. Please have the form linked here completed and returned to the Main Office by Friday, September 15.
SCHOOL-ISSUED ID CARD - Everyone that attends Homecoming MUST bring their current school-issued ID card and a ticket to enter the dance. If you do not have both of these items you will not be permitted to enter the dance. You may use your current school-issued ID or your digital student ID, and present that at the gate with your ticket to the dance. There are NO REFUNDS for not having your current school-issued ID. If you do not have a current school-issued ID that says 2023-2024 on the ID, you can go to the main office to get a new one for $5 or obtain your 2023-2024 digital student ID by following the instructions linked here.
DANCE ENTRANCE - Students will enter the Homecoming Dance at the main entrance of the building (Hamilton Road).
NO RE-ENTRY - Students will not be permitted to leave and re-enter during the dance for any reason. If a student exits the dance they must leave the premises.
CHAPERONES - If you are interested in helping to chaperone the Homecoming Dance, please click here to sign-up for a time slot.
If you have any questions, please contact the main office at (614) 478-5500.
Picture Retakes
HR Imaging, our partner in school pictures, will be on campus on Tuesday, September 19 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM for school picture retakes. This day is for students who need to retake their school picture or for those who were not able to have their school picture taken on August 18.
PSAT Information
As we have for many years now, we are very pleased to offer all Juniors the opportunity to take the PSAT/NMSQT for FREE here at GLHS on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023. All Juniors will be automatically signed up to take this test. SOPHOMORES may also take this test on that day, but Sophomores must OPT-IN to be scheduled for the test using the link below.
The PSAT/NMSQT stands for the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The SAT may be a household name, but the PSAT/NMSQT boasts many advantages as well! The PSAT can help students prepare for the format and "feel" of the SAT, while also steering students' test preparation for the SAT. Additionally, while PSAT scores are NOT reported to colleges/universities (which makes the exam itself low risk), a qualifying score on the PSAT can allow students to enter the National Merit Scholarship Program and enjoy the scholarship opportunities and national recognition that come with it.
On Wednesday, October 11th, there will be NO REGULAR CLASSES in session at GLHS. Students NOT taking the PSAT will complete work asynchronously from home. October 11th is neither an A Day nor a B Day. More information about the testing schedule & room assignments will be released closer to Test Day.
Additionally, we're very pleased to announce that students will take the PSAT digitally this year on their own school-issued Chromebook. More information about that will also be released closer to Test Day.
CLICK HERE TO SIGN A 10TH GRADER UP FOR THE PSAT/NMSQT. This form must be completed by 11:59PM on Thursday, September 14th, 2023.
MAP Testing Information
The MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Assessment measures student achievement and academic growth over time. It also compares student, class and grade level performance with other students’ performance across the country. The MAP Assessment is web-based and adaptive to measure your child’s instructional level. Students take this assessment on a Chromebook. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next question is easier. The results are one data point that will help to provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn, helping staff better plan instruction to meet their needs.
Our MAP Testing Plan:
- Students in Algebra 1, Geometry, English 9, and English 10 classes will be given a Fall MAP test during the two weeks of 9/5 and 9/11.
- The school will operate on a normal schedule, and those students will take their respective tests during their math and english classes over the course of two class periods with their classroom teacher.
- The English teachers will give their test sometime during the week of 9/5 and the Math teachers will give their test sometime during the week of 9/11, with an opportunity for make-up testing occuring during the week of 9/18.
- Students should come to school prepared with their fully charged Chromebook and a full night's rest.
- The MAP tests will be given one more time this year, during Dec/Jan.
- The MAP test is not a high-stakes test, but gives valuable results that are used by teachers to inform their instruction to help students succeed on the End-of-Course tests for Algebra 1, Geometry, and ELA 2.
Building Safety
At Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools we are proud to provide high-quality learning experiences for all students. We also recognize that children enter our classrooms with a variety of lived experiences and circumstances. As a school district, we are fully committed to meeting the needs of the whole child, and understand that student learning and achievement are best supported in a physically and psychologically safe environment. Our school, family, safety, and mental health agency partnerships are the cornerstone of our whole-child approach to teaching and learning, and ensure that all children are able to navigate their school experience in the way that best meets their unique needs.
Our school has adopted The “I Love U Guys” Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP). Students and staff will be training, practicing, and drilling the protocol. The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is based on an all hazards approach as opposed to individual scenarios. The premise is simple - there are five specific actions that can be performed during an incident. The SRP is based on the following actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.
Click here to learn more.
Academic Support
Our PASS (Positive Academic Support Solution) Room is now open after school! It is open Monday - Thursday from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, and is located in the library. The PASS Room is operated by GLHS teachers who are ready and willing to provide academic support on assignments. Click here to view the PASS Room schedule.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Updates
Infinite Campus is our parent portal and student information system. This site will allow parents/guardians to access school information electronically. For example, Infinite Campus will allow you to update email addresses and other important information regarding your child as well as view your child's report card electronically.
ALL Families (either new to GLHS or returning families) need to update your information in the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. Directions for how to update Infinite Campus are linked below:
Log into the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus at: https://gahannajeffersonoh.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/gahanna_jefferson.jsp
Click MORE from the left hand column
Click on ONLINE REGISTRATION from choices on the right
Click START next to "Existing Student Registration"
Go through each step to complete the registration
If you need assistance, please call the main office at (614) 478-5500.
Updated Food Service Information
Due to excessive negative meal balances across the District, all Gahanna-Jefferson schools will be reinstating a previously used meal charge policy. Starting Sept. 5, 2023, any student with more than five lunch charges this school year will receive a substitute meal in the cafeteria. At the elementary level this means accounts with more than $13.75 in negative charges and at the middle and high school levels, this includes accounts that have accrued more than $15 in debt. The substitute breakfast will consist of a breakfast bar, fruit and milk and the substitute lunch will include a cheese (turkey for dairy substitute) sandwich, fruit and milk.
Families will receive a phone call and/or email starting with the second negative charge to alert you of the deficit in your student's account.
If you need to add funds to your student’s account, you can do so through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or with a check or cash. Additionally, if you think your family would qualify for free or reduced meals, you can apply via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, print a paper application from the District website or fill out a paper application found in the office at each building. Any student that is approved for free or reduced lunch for the 2023-24 school year will receive a regularly menued meal. Families with a negative balance from a previous school year will be contacted by the District office to ensure full payment by the end of the 2023-24 school year.
Food Deliveries
Students are not permitted to have food delivered to GLHS from UBER eats, Grubhub, Door Dash, etc. These delivery drivers will not be permitted to enter the building to deliver food, and our office staff will not accept the deliveries.
Encourage Your Lion to Get Involved!
We have OVER 40 clubs/activities and 27 sports at GLHS! Being involved in the PRIDE offers so many benefits, such as:
- Improves academic performance
- Allows students to explore interest and create broader perspectives
- Increases social opportunities
- Builds essential life skills (time management, goal setting, teamwork)
Click here to see our growing list of clubs/activities and sports, and encourage your Lion to get involved at GLHS!
Volunteer Process
To increase safety and security protocols, all GJPS volunteers who may have the potential to interact with students in an unsupervised setting or may have access to confidential information will be required to complete an online application that includes a background check. The district will provide the background checks at no cost to the volunteer. Background checks are required EACH school year. If you completed a background check last school year, you will need to complete the process again for the 2023-2024 school year.
Please contact Mrs. Williams (williamsje@gjps.org) for the link for the Volunteer Application.
Support Our GLHS Lions
Gahanna Lincoln Athletics uses an online platform to sell tickets for all home athletic events. Click the button below to purchase GLHS Athletics Tickets.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
September 12 Family Conferences
September 19 Picture Retakes
September 21 Family Conferences
September 23 Homecoming Dance
September 25 Teacher PD Day No School for Students
October 20 End of 1st Quarter
October 23 No School
October 24 Teacher PD Day No School for Students
140 S. Hamilton Rd.
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 478-5500