Shark Bytes
March 22, 2021 - Parent Newsletter
MRMS Families,
I hope that everyone was able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend, as the winter winds of Friday blew us into Spring on Saturday. Signs of renewal are making their way out hibernation. Symbolic, as hints of Spring are each year, this year the symbolism seems to carry a little more weight, perhaps to account for the heaviness of the last year. As I was able to spend some time in the yard with my kids this weekend, my senses were heightened at the signs of Spring. I suppose our hiatus from normalcy has created a deeper appreciation for some things that I perhaps took for granted in the pre-pandemic era. As the school year moves forward and we see glimpses of a return to normalcy, my appreciation for the opportunities ahead for our students is paramount, and I am excited for you to read about some of them below.
In partnership,
Adam O'Shea, Principal
Monomoy Middle School
Spring Sports and Clubs: We are working behind the scenes and we hope to be able to offer clubs and sports beginning after April break. Stay tuned for more information.
Harwich Recreation Spring Outdoor Programming: Please see the attached flyer for opportunities with the Rec Center.
Coping with COVID: Our schools, our communities, and our families have been managing life in a pandemic for a full year now. The past year has impacted the social and emotional wellbeing of our children in a variety of ways. How can we talk to our children to best help them through these challenging times? Join our Parent University: Coping with COVID on Monday, March 22, 6 p.m. via Google Meet at This virtual event will offer insight and practical advice to help parents and caregivers support young people during this pandemic. There will be time for questions at the end of the session.
MCAS Update: Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) will be continuing for students in grade 5 for the subjects of ELA, Math, Science. The testing dates will be May 25th, June 1st , and June 8th. For grade 6/7 the MCAS has been postponed.
Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st: Check out the Best Buddies Spirit Week Schedule: March 22nd-MArch 26th. Get in the SPIRIT!
Are you interested in swinging the bat?
MRMS School Store: Click link for all the Monomoy merch!
Principals' Forum: This month's principals' forum will be hosted afterschool. Drop-in and ask questions. The meeting date is scheduled for March 29th from 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm at this link.