Anderson School News! 11/2/20
Digging "IN"to Learning!
Dates to Remember
- Tues. Nov. 3 - Election Day (no student attendance) - NEW THIS YEAR!
- Mon. Nov. 9 - Remote Learning Planning Day for Staff (non-attendance day for students)
- Wed. Nov. 11 - Veterans Day Virtual Assembly
- Fri. Nov. 13 - End of 1st Trimester
- Mon. Nov. 23 thru Fri. Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Break
- Mon. Nov. 30 - School Resumes
- Wed. Dec. 2 - HAC Opens
- Thu. Dec. 3 - PTO Zoom Meeting 7:00pm
- Mon. Dec. 21 thru Fri. Jan. 1st Winter Break - No School
- Mon. Jan. 4 - Teachers Work Day - No School for Students
- Tues. Jan. 5 - School resumes
Who's the best book character? Let's VOTE!
This year, Anderson Elementary students will have the opportunity to participate in a mock election! During the week, they will see campaign posters and hear campaign ads to persuade them as they vote for their favorite fictional book character. Students will be voting on a fictional character for president, and if students are in person, they will also be voting on two school referendums. Voting will take place on Monday, November 2nd. The LRC director will also introduce the election process through literature to provide some background knowledge. Happy voting!
Attached you will find a link for remote families to participate and vote.
Link for Remote Families:
CogAT Test for all 3rd and 5th Grade Students
Between November 9 and November 20, 2020, 3rd and 5th graders will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The test consists of three short sections, 90 minutes of total test time, broken into nine 10-minute tests.
The CogAT is not an achievement test. Instead, it measures a student’s verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning abilities which can facilitate learning and problem-solving.
Let's Honor our Veterans!
All of our students will be able to view a recorded virtual assembly that a team of our staff members is putting together. It will include an interview of Mr. Jarot talking with one of his older brothers who has been serving in the USMC for almost 20 years. Our Anderson Orchestra will be playing "America the Beautiful", and our students will be able to show their thanks and appreciation through a variety of activities.
In order to make this event meaningful for our students, and the Veterans we want to honor, please take a few minutes to fill out the two pages below.
You can either fill out a digital version by clicking on the link below or wait for your child to bring home a paper copy of this sheet. Either way is fine, whatever is easier for you.
Anderson's Veteran of Honor: (Click this link to fill out a digital version)
I am thankful for the freedom to: (Click this link to fill out a digital version)
(We will send home paper copies, but if you need another paper copy to print at home simply click below)
Click here if you need another paper copy of the "I am thankful for my freedom" page.
Click here if you need another paper copy of the "Anderson Veteran of Honor" page.
Please send these to school by Wednesday, November 4th.
Free Winter Clothing Pick Up at Anderson!
Friday, Nov. 6th, 3:30-5:30 PM.
Come choose winter gear for your family for the winter months. Options include winter coats, snow pants, hats, and mittens. Clothes are a combination of new and gently used items and are provided free through donations.
From the Anderson PTO
PTO Meeting this Thursday Night via Zoom
Join us for our monthly PTO meeting! All families are welcome!
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Nov 5, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 2892 5336
Passcode: 074905
Anderson Spirit Wear
NEW THIS YEAR! Our spirit wear store will remain open the entire school year! Order online and it will ship directly to your home! Perfect idea for your holiday shopping!
Show your school spirit! Order your Anderson spirit wear at the link below. All orders will be placed online this year. Questions? Contact Lisa at: ptosecretary.andersonfoxes@gmail.comORDER HERE!
Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Toy Drive
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300