News from the Nest
November 10, 2023
The Week Ahead
Monday, 11/13 (Day 2)
-Service Hawks 20th Anniversary Spirit Week
-World Kindness Day
-Class Color Day
- Kindergarten: Red
- 1st Grade - Orange
- 2nd Grade - Yellow
- 3rd Grade - Blue
- 4th Grade - Green
- 5th Grade - Purple
-Home and School Meeting 7:00 PM -8:00 PM in the 2nd Grade Pod
Tuesday, 11/14 (Day 3)
-Book Fair
-VF's Smart Mart School Store
-Disney Day
Wednesday, 11/15 (Day 4)
-Book Fair
-VF's Smart Mart School Store
-Hat Day
Thursday, 11/16 (Day 1)
-Book Fair
-Superhero Day
-Service Hawks 8:00 AM -8:30 AM Third grade pod
Friday, 11/17 (Day 2)
-Book Fair
-Sports Day
Last HSA meeting of 2023
Babysitting will be available in the Kindergarten pod.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Vernfield's Smart Mart Opens 11/14
Starting on Tuesday, 11/14 through Wednesday, 11/15, the Vernfield mobile Spirit store will be visiting the school Pods with items for purchase to help students celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vernfield.
More information was sent home with a description and cost associated with each item. You can also view the items at the below link:
On the back of that information sheet are the days and times that the Spirit Store will be visiting each Pod, along with a plastic bag that can be used to send in money with your student.
Students who are absent on their shopping day will get another chance to shop at future school stores, which will be held throughout the school year.
Questions? Please contact Lisa Springart at LNJ11808@gmail.com
Vernfield Book Fair Is Starting on 11/14
Our Vernfield Book Fair will be held starting on November 14th, with students visiting the fair during their library class.
Please use this link to view the book fair schedule:
Though cash will be accepted, setting up an e-wallet is easy. For information on setting up an e-wallet, please click here:
If you are available to volunteer during the fair, there are still some spots available:
Fall Spirit Wear sales ends 11/12
Anyone interested in purchasing Spirit Wear through the fall sale, should do so via the below link by 11/12/23. We will not be able to accept orders after 11/12/23 to ensure items are delivered prior to the Holidays.
Ordering Link: https://vernfieldfall23spiritwear.itemorder.com/shop/home/
This Spirit Wear Sale includes a design by 5th Grader Alice Wesley, whose design was chosen to be the winner, out of 94 entries, by a panel of judges. Congratulations Alice!
Questions: Lisa Springart LNJ11808@gmail.com
Vernfield News: Spirit Assembly
Spirit's 20th birthday celebration was a whirlwind event!
Students competed in a fun and frenzy competition of hula hoop passing, cup stacking and cone knocking.
This will be a birthday Spirit will ALWAYS cherish!
HSA Board Openings for next school year
There will be 4 open HSA Board positions available for the 2024-2026 term. Voting will be held during an HSA meeting in the Spring, so that there is enough time for the transition from current board members.
Available roles include:
-VP, Fundraising
-Co-Treasurer (1 of 2 positions)
Anyone who is interested in learning more about running for an HSA board position could reach out to Kristin Emmons for more information. kristin.m.emmons@gmail.com.
Easy Ways to Help Fundraise!
Please consider helping to raise funds for Home & School using the following:
- Box Tops Bonus App: Download the Box Tops Bonus App for your phone or tablet! Find offers, buy products, scan your receipt and earn even MORE box tops for Vernfield!
- Coca Cola Give: Sign up at https://us.coca-cola.com/give/schools/ then just scan your product or enter your product code and watch the funds grow.
Upcoming Dates
-No School for Students - Parent-Teacher Conferences
-Book Fair
-No School for Students - Parent-Teacher Conferences
-Book Fair
-No School for Students - Parent-Teacher Conferences
-Book Fair
11/23 - 11/24
-Thanksgiving Holiday - Schools and Offices Closed
HSA Executive Board Members
President: Kristin Emmons; kristin.m.emmons@gmail.com
VP Fundraising: Diane Meyer; szish.diane@yahoo.com
VP Communications: Mandy Merrill; amhansen@gmail.com
Secretary: Vanessa Plumley; vrf24@hotmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Sarah Osiol; sarah.osiol118@gmail.com
Co-Treasurer: Kristen Viscardi; keviscardi@gmail.com
Stay in Touch with Vernfield Home & School!
Vernfield Elementary School
Website: vernfield.soudertonsd.org
Location: 960 Long Mill Road, Telford, PA, United States
Phone: 215-721-0606
Twitter: @SASD_Vernfield