Huffman Headlines
August 23, 2021
Great First Week!
Thank you all for a great first week of school. It was wonderful to see students back in person and able to move around the school to different areas. This week we are looking forward to welcoming our kindergartners back to school!
I am so thankful for the warm welcome I have received from the Huffman community. It will take me awhile to learn everyone's names, so please excuse me if I ask your name again or introduce myself for the third or fourth time!
Starting in September, I will send two school newsletters per month. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions, concerns, or celebrations to share.
Molly Hickox, Principal
Huffman Elementary School
Arrival and Dismissal Reminders
Student safety is our priority during arrival and dismissal, and I know that this can be a stressful time for families when the lines are long. Please review the map and follow these guidelines so that we can get all of our students safely to vehicles.
- On the map, follow the blue arrows only for drop off and pick up and do not try and sneak into the bus loop or the side parking area from the main road
- Drop off and pick up in the red area only on the map
- Students must enter and exit on the passenger/curb side
- Continue to pull all the way forward to the end of the red zone in the loop when there is room
- If you choose to park in the back or side parking lot, you must walk with your children to the sidewalk using the crosswalk. Do not drop them off and tell them to go alone.
- No students can be unattended in any parking lot during arrival and dismissal
Thank you for helping us keep all students safe. When everyone is following the rules, we can all focus keeping the line moving as quickly as possible.
Absence Reporting
Huffman Elementary School
Location: 12000 Lorraine Street, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5650