November 1, 2023

Omaha Central High School Newsletter
Important Dates
- November 1 - No School--Teacher Work Day
- November 8-- Pathways Showcase Night 5:30-7:00 (Freshman and guardians)
- November 20-24 -No School-Thanksgiving Recess
School Improvement
Academics - Pathways
During their Freshman year, Central High School students will select a pathway. Students in pathways take their core classes (English, math, social studies and science) along with career-focused classes and electives. Student choices are what determine the differences in the high school experience. At Central High School , Pathways are a series of four or more classes focused on a group of related careers, or cluster. Students in a pathway take classes with a wide range of other students across career interests. All freshmen will select their Pathway in their Freshman Seminar course before Winter Break. Registration for the 2024-25 school year will occur in late January and early February 2024.
On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, all Central High School freshmen students are invited to attend the Central High School College and Career Pathways & Freshman Academy Showcase Night at Central High School from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Courtyard.
Behavior-Eagle Bucks
Community- Strive for 95
First quarter we celebrated students who met the strive for 95 benchmark. Students who miss less than 1.8 days per quarter meet the criteria.
Here is the data of students who met:
53% Freshman
47% Sophomores
41% Juniors
37% Seniors
School Counseling Department
From your CHS School Social Worker--
The NEST is an onsite toiletry, clothing, and basic needs closet that Central offers students. Student can access the NEST through their assigned Counselor or the School Social Worker by submitting a request.
Currently the NEST is seeking winter wear donations. If you have any new, or cleaned and gently used winter coats (adult sized S- XXL), hats and/or gloves would you please consider arranging a drop off donation with Ms. Hill? If your place or business, place of worship, or small group of friends would like to organize a donation, it would be very timely and helpful to serving our students.
The NEST is also seeking hoodies, sweatpants/leggings/joggers for all student sizes and needs. Cash is also a tax-deductible donation, kindly accepted for meeting student needs. Thank you for considering. Questions, contact Ms. Hill at dawnna.hill@ops.org.
External Community Resources
Looking for extra supports for your family? Wish you knew about community resources in our greater Omaha area? Ms. Hill looks to compile known community resources in her padlet, that is available for your access. Check it out and see if there is a community resource that looks to serve you and your family! Know about resources that aren't listed? Send them in! 2023-2024 Community Resources (padlet.org)
"Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied."- R. Boyce
AP Exam Registration
All students who are taking an AP class have the opportunity to take the AP exam for each AP course in May. Students are automatically registered for the AP exam when they join their AP Classroom. If a student does not wish to take the AP exam, they need to email Mrs. Meyer at angela.meyer@ops.org by November 5th. AP exams will be ordered on November 15th. If a student does not test when an exam has been ordered for them, CollegeBoard will charge a $40 fee.
ACT Sale!~ Register by November 3rd
Register for the December ACT and get a FREE ACT test for later. Students will receive a credit that can be used to take another ACT for free. Valued at $68. The credit will be added to your MyACT account no later than December 18, 2023. Use you free ACT to build your superscore on any test through July 2024.
ACT: Seniors-do you need to retake your ACT? Juniors—want to take the ACT? The next ACT is Saturday, December 9th . Students register themselves online at MyACT.org by November 3rd. After November 3rd, a late registration fee will apply. Students who qualify for educational benefits (free/reduced lunch) can receive up to 4 fee waivers to take the ACT for free. The fee waiver will cover the late fee. Email angela.meyer@ops.org for a fee waiver.
SAT: The registration deadline for the December 2nd SAT is November 2nd, late deadline November 21. Fee waivers are also available from Mrs. Meyer, room 134. Register online at SAT.org.
Freshman Academy
CHS Mentor Program
November 6th will be the first meeting for our CHS Mentor Program for Freshman. We have 40 Upperclassmen Mentors that we are pairing with 40 freshmen to help support them throughout the remainder of their Freshman Year. We are excited for the community we are building here at Central to support our Freshman Students and the opportunities for leadership we are providing for our upperclassmen.
We invite all parents to sign up to be a member of PEP which is Central's parent organization. Central High School prides itself on having a very supportive group of parent volunteers, and we always welcome more! Your membership dollars are our principal source of income and allows us to support the Central community. Additionally, if you plan to volunteer in any capacity at Central High, you must be a member of PEP so that you are covered under our personal liability umbrella.
Thank you for helping support Central! We encourage everyone to SIGN UP HERE for a PEP membership for only $15.
If you would be interested in any volunteer or donations, SignUpGenius will be posted soon.
Our next PEP meeting is on November 13, 2023 at 7:00pm in the Central High School Library
Merchandise can be purchased at http://omaha-central-hs-pep.square.site
Please contact us at omahacentralhspep@gmail.com if you have any questions.
PEP Donations for Teachers
Please help Central PEP (PTO) spoil our staff by donating towards our initiative to give each Central staff member a small gift before the holidays. Please follow the link and sign up to donate towards the cause. A donation link is included in the the sign up.
Educational Benefits Form--Please complete
Completing this form online or on paper can give you access to many student and family opportunities. See the links below.
Educational Benefits Form-English
Educational Benefits Form-Spanish
Student Academic Support
Central High School and the Omaha Public Schools offer academic support outside of the school day to our students. Students are welcome to take advantage of the following supports:
- This is an open-door program available to all students. No reservation is required to receive tutoring: "No sign up; just show up!". It is staffed by Central teachers in the core subjects and funded by the Central High School Foundation.
- Tutoring is available in the library from 3:15 to 4:15 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
- The program also funds essay help on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings in rooms 229 and 235.
Online tutoring platform available on-demand for all students is called Paper
Through online tutoring with Paper, students in grades 3-12 have access to:
- 1:1 live chat tutoring sessions with experts
- Support in 200 subjects
- Available in English, Spanish, French and Mandarin
- Expert review of written work (essays, creative writing, poetry, lab reports)
- Hundreds of resources and activities for families support students at home
- Interactive shows and activities to expand learning beyond the classroom
- Students can access online tutoring seven days a week via the Clever dashboard on their iPad until 11 p.m.
- 1:1 live chat tutoring sessions with experts
First Semester Exams
Athletics and Activities
Unified Bowling
Winter Sport Participation
Students interested in participating in a winter sport should be reaching out to the coaches to begin conditioning. Students who wish to participate in after-school sports for 9th through 12th grade are also required to have a sports physical. The physical can be done on or after May 1 of the upcoming school year. For more information, please contact the coach or Mr. Locken, Athletic Director.
Winter Sport/Activity Coach - contact about preseason conditioning.
- Girls Wrestling Mr. Foster corbins.foster@gmail.com
- Girls Basketball Mr. Kroupa michael.kroupa@ops.org
- Girls Swim Mr. Berzins kristoff.berzins@ops.org
- Boys Wrestling Mr. Storm matthew.storm@ops.org
- Boys Basketball Mr. Chubick bchubick@fbhl.com
- Boys Swim Mr. Berzins kristoff.berzins@ops.org
- Step Team Mrs. Corell deborah.corell@ops.org
- Bowling Mr. Kreber gerald.kreber@ops.org
Girls Track Team
If you are interested in joining the girls track team in the spring and you are not participating in a winter sport. You can get in great shape before the season with our strength and conditioning program. Conditioning is held after school Monday-Thursday. Please sign up in the counseling office or email coach Hunter at todd.hunter@ops.org. Be there or be slow!
Winter Weather Procedures
Our district works proactively to make the best decision possible when winter weather or emergencies require us to adjust our regular learning routines.
Our toolkit of alternatives includes the following options:
- Remote Learning Day
- School Closure (no remote learning, schools are closed and district offices remain open)
- District Closure (no remote learning, schools and district offices are closed)
- Late Start (two-hour delay)
- Early Release (two-hour early dismissal)
On a Remote Learning Day, teachers will contact students through email, Seesaw, Teams or Canvas with independent learning activities by 8:30 a.m. Teachers will have virtual office hours from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. if students and families have questions or wish to visit with the teacher about their academic progress. Attendance will not be taken on Inclement Weather Remote Learning Days.
Whenever possible, our district will announce changes to a daily routine the night before. However, we know weather conditions and other emergencies can develop rapidly and a decision the morning of a school day may be necessary. When that happens, we will communicate as early as possible in the morning.
We will follow our communication routines. If weather, power outages or other circumstances force a change to our normal day, we will communicate directly with all staff and families. That communication will be through email, text message and phone call. Families should ensure their contact information is current in Infinite Campus. We will also share the information on our website and through local media.
124th North 20th Street Omaha, NE 68102-4895
Main Office: 531-299-2700
Website: www.ops.org/Central
Social Media
Twitter: twitter.com/OPS_Central
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OPSCentralHS