Raleigh Hills Newsletter
August 31, 2020
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Weekly Message
Dear Raleigh Hills Community,
Today the teachers and I are beginning our work to prepare for back-to-school. I am thrilled to be able to work shoulder-to-shoulder with them as we take on learning under these new conditions. We are paying particular attention to teaching in the digital environment, social emotional learning, forming strong relationships and anti-bias, anti-racist work. With all that is happening around the world and in our own city, we know that it is more important than ever to work collaboratively with the staff and our community to create an environment where all feel safe, valued and welcome. I'd like to share with you my anti-racism commitments for the upcoming year.
- To keep the conversations on the staff going in regards to anti-bias and anti-racism. We will devote many of our staff meetings each month to training and PD
- To conduct and equity audit of our school so that we can identify areas where we have work to do to break down barriers to full access
- To continue working with the PTO to find ways to promote inclusivity
- To do the inner work myself so that I can better advocate for outer change
I know that working together as a school community, we can be the generation that eradicates systemic racism.
We will continue our learning fo the next two weeks and we will be ready to welcome your students on September 14th. Below you will find a lot of information that you will need in the upcoming weeks. I know that there will be a lot coming at you between now and the end of September. I believe that an investment of time now will pay dividends as we work together to help your children learn and succeed.
Warm regards,
iPad & Chromebook Pick Up
- Who should come? Every K-2 student and any student in grades 3-8 who has a broken chromebook or who is new and does not yet have a chromebook. Also, if you ordered a school supply kit, you can pick it up on September 3rd.
- What should we bring? Your chromebook and charger if you were issued one last year. You may also bring any library books or other materials that you need to return from last year. Also bring this card printed out and completed if possible. It will make the line go quicker. You can find your student's ID number on ParentVue under student info. If you cannot print the card, just write that information on a piece of paper.
- What time? 10-12:30. We have an iPad for everyone so there is no need to rush to be first in line or to arrive early. Everyone will get an iPad or a chromebook who needs one.
- Who should not come? Students in grades 3-8 who have a chromebook in good working order from last year. Eventually, we will swap out those chromebooks for new ones, but hang tight for now until we get this first wave of deployments completed.
This will be a drive up event. Show your card and we will check out the iPad or chromebook to you and set it on the table. You can get out of your car and retrieve it so we can maintain social distance. We will have bins set out to collect your old materials. Just set them gently in the bins when you collect your device.
Returning Materials if You've Moved
Kajeet Hot Spots
Kindergarten Orientation Tonight!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 8426 5864
Passcode: Panthers
Panther Week Drive Up Meet and Greet Events
September 9th
K: 9:00-9:45
1st: 10:00-10:45 (upper lot)
MS: 10:00-10:45 (lower lot)
3rd: 11:00-11:45
September 10th
2nd: 9:00-10:00
4th: 9:00-10:00
5th: 10:00-11:00
For the middle school event, you can pull through the lower lot to see each of the teachers. Form one line and drive around the inside lane. If you purchased a yearbook and did not yet get it, you can pick it up then. We also have additional yearbooks for purchase for $20.
For the elementary events, we will have signs on the lanes. Please pull into the lane labeled with your teacher's name. As you pull through that lane, you will be able to see your teacher at the end of the line. Please remember that teachers will only have about a minute to chat with you so that we don't back up traffic onto Scholls Ferry road. At the event teachers will be sharing how to connect with them on Zoom for a longer chat, but it will be so nice to see you in person.
For our teachers' safety, please wear a mask. We can't wait to greet you.
Panther Week Parent Academy
Students in grades K-2 will have assignments posted in Seesaw. Students in grades 3-8 will have assignments posted in Canvas. I encourage you to visit the district's Family Toolkit website to learn more about Canvas and Seesaw as well as a wealth of other topics.
I am pleased to announce that Raleigh Hills will once again be a site for lunch pick up for students. That means that during the 11-12 time, grab and go lunches will be available at the school again. There will be more information coming about this.
Classes and Cohorts
In the spring, teachers and I worked together to create balanced class lists for this year. We took into account many factors including friendships. We feel very confident that using these same lists in CDL will create cohesive, vibrant learning communities of students. In addition, this year our teachers will be working closely with one another on teams to make their classes as similar as possible. They will also follow the same schedule as a grade level team. I believe that both of these modifications will help as you are working together with friends and family to support your learners as we begin the year remotely.
Day Care Option with Club K
At this time, for the first quarter of the school year, Club K will be able to offer three choices to families who need care and one choice to families who choose to keep their children home. NEW: Registration will be by the quarter to allow for public school scheduling changes and family’s needs during the pandemic. https://www.clubkafterschool.com/registration/
Option A - Full Day Plan
Monday-Friday 8:15 AM -5:15 PM
Includes Comprehensive Distance Learning support during the school day and After School Enrichment activities after school, snacks included throughout the day.
Beaverton location - McKinley Elementary
Additional locations in Tigard, Tualatin, and Wilsonville
Option B - School Day Plan
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM -1:30 PM
Includes Comprehensive Distance Learning support during the school day, a snack is included in the morning.
Beaverton location - McKinley Elementary
Additional locations in Tigard, Tualatin, and Wilsonville
Option C - After School Enrichment Plan
Monday-Friday 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM
Includes After School Enrichment activities and snacks.
Beaverton location - McKinley Elementary
- Additional locations in Tigard, Tualatin, and Wilsonville
Option D - Club K Digital Connections
Online learning platform to enhance learning outside of the classroom through various engaging topics.
Digital Interactions - Topic focused, live interactions via Zoom, meeting once a week for 4 weeks. (4 classes total)
September Sessions are open for registration. Classes take place in the afternoon after the school day ends.
October Sessions coming soon!
Digital Explorations - Engaging STEAM inspired activities shared weekly through pre-filmed video tutorials. Build your library and watch at your convenience.
Sign up at https://clubkdigitalconnections.com/
Please contact Amanda Lybarger, Regional Manager, for more information. fieldmanager02@clubkafterschool.com 503-643-9059 ext. 206
To Do Checklist for Parents
- Complete online registration verification
- Set up learning space at home - see infographics below
- Make sure your internet is up to speed or apply for free internet
- Plan to attend Panther Week Sept 8-11
- Round up old chromebook and charger
- Round up any books that need to be returned to school
- Get school supplies or email for support
- Get your student ready to engage with teachers beginning September 8
- Plan time for Parent Academy Sept 8-11
- Commit to 150% engagement with your student and school Sept 8-18
Important Dates
August 31 - Teachers return to school for professional development
September 1 - Family Toolkit launches
September 7 - Labor Day
September 8-11 - Panther Week! See additional information above.
September 8-11 - Family Toolkit and teachers make connections with students and families
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8