Waikari School Newsletter
Term 1, Week 2
Waikari School
Email: principal@waikari.school.nz
Website: https://waikari.school.nz
Location: 23 Princes Street, Waikari, New Zealand
Phone: (03)314 4250
Tumuaki Update
Kia ora e te whānau,
Its hard to believe we have started off the school year already. I do hope that you have all had a wonderful summer, and enjoyed the warm weather. It has been great to be back at school hearing about everyone's highlights of their summer. It sounds like many fish have been caught and many children spent lots of time in the water.
I have been impressed with the way that Waikari students come back to school, ready to crack straight into their learning. The benefit of a small school is that students know their teachers and are therefore sitting at their desks ready for maths first thing on Monday morning, straight back into learning.
I have enjoyed watching the 'new' game of capture the flag being played on the field and how the younger and older students continue to interact with one another - it is always a pleasure to watch.
Teachers spent some days during the holidays meeting and discussing our curriculum. We are really excited about the learning that will take place across the year. Whanaungatanaga “Belonging” - Waikari is our Place, filled with all our People - is the key concept that is leading our curriculum this year. Alongside this we will begin the year with our health & science topic on healthy eating, Harold's visit and Science - Material World - participating in some kitchen science experiments. I know all students will enjoy this.
Thanks to all those who attended our Back to School Party - it was great to see parents and children enjoying the crazy bikes from Pedalmania. We look forward to having these guys back at our school again.
As always, my door is open for you. Please feel free to schedule an appointment if you'd like to discuss anything.
Ngā Mihi Nui,
Phoebe Todd
Principal | Tuamuki
Waikari School
A couple of reminders
Please complete the Permissions and Consent Form if you haven't already - this needs to be completed asap. LINK HERE
Hawarden Swimming - We hope that the Hawarden Pool is back in action next Wednesday for our swimming session. I will update you on Hero - students will need to be here at 8:40am.
Upcoming Events
Greta Valley & Waikari School Swimming Sports
Greta Valley and Waikari School swimming sports will be a little different this year. The whole school will attend the swimming sports, and any student who can swim a length of the Waikari School Pool or touch the bottom of the Amberley Pool (no matter the year level) can participate. Those junior students who are not confident or tall enough to participate will have the opportunity to in the coming years. If you would like to see how your child's swimming is progressing please contact Kerry Florance kerryf@waikari.school.nz and organise a time to come and watch.
When - 26th February Morning exact times TBC
Where - Amberley Pool
Who - Greta Valley & Waikari School
Need - Togs, towels x2, goggles, lunchbox, drink bottle
Transportation: If you're able to provide transport please let Caryn in the office know.
From the Staff
Back to Basic's Policy
As you may know, the National Government has mandated that we are required to teach an average of 60m of reading, writing, and maths per day from 2024. Many schools across the country (ours included) already do this. The Government has stated that:
This policy will safeguard explicit teaching time for reading, writing, and maths (or pānui, tuhituhi, and pāngarau). The expectation is that, on average, schools will be doing five hours a week of maths (pāngarau) and 10 hours a week of reading and writing (pānui and tuhituhi).
Does the hour have to be taught in a single block? No, it does not. Teaching can take place in smaller chunks that equal an hour a day. This policy will be practical, allowing teachers to continue planning suitable blocks of time that are appropriate for young children, so you can keep learning engaging and focused on student needs.
Can we integrate maths, reading, and writing with other curriculum areas? Yes, as long as that learning is intentional and connected to the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. Cross-curricular learning opportunities will remain important.
At Waikari School, we believe that with high teacher: student ratios, explicit & direct instruction of literacy & maths, our tamariki are thriving. Below are samples of Weka and Kea timetables so you can see how we are meeting the Government's requirements.
For more from our Education Minister - watch the video
Weka Room Timetable
Kea Room Timetable
Student Leaders 2024
We are excited to announce that we are going to have year 7 & 8 student leaders. This year we will be selected 3 year 7&8 students to take on this responsibility. A reminder that if your child is interested they will need to nominate themselves to Miss Todd by the 9th February, speeches & voting takes place on the 13th February and the leaders will be announced on the 19th February. We look forward to the announcement.
From the Tamariki
Back to School Pancake Breakfast
Straight back into Learning
Back to School Party
Positive Behaviour for Learning
PRIDE Fortnightly Focus - Perserverance
Check out these awesome individuals—who had a great start back to school.
This coming week we will be discussing our goals for 2024, and persevering through the tough times. We look forward to awarding some certificates soon.
Home Challenge
From the Office (Weekly Reminders)
- If your child is not going to be at school please contact the school before 9:00am.
School Bank Account
- Automatic payments are also welcome (weekly & fortnightly) and our Student Management system can also handle Payments in Advance.
School App
- Reminder to check Skoolloop regularly so see any updates from the teachers and the office.
Office Hours
- School office will be manned by Caryn from 9-9:30 and 1:30-3:00
Break Times
- 10:45-11:10 Morning Tea
- 12:45-1:20 Lunch
From the B.O.T
School Uniform
Kia ora e te whānau,
During the final BOT meeting of 2023, we reviewed our school uniform policy.
Please read over the school uniform policy and ensure your child is meeting these requirements. Please note that hoodies are not part of our school uniform policy.
We have noted that many tamariki are wearing Macpac Merino Jersey, which are branded. As of January 2025, we will no longer accept Macpac Merino's to be worn. If you would like to purchase an unbranded Merino Jersey, this can be done through Trufleece.
Any questions, please reach out.
Ngā mihi,
Waikari School Board of Trustees
Policies & Procedures
Policies being reviewed this term are:
Te Triti o Waitagi
Board Responsibility
Parent Involvement
Communicating with Parents
Community Conduct Expectations
School Planning & Reporting
Reporting to Parents on Student Achievement
You can use the SchoolDocs website to participate in a review. https://waikari.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Username: waikari
Password: pride
We as a B.O.T really value your feedback.
Upcoming Events
Term 1 Calendar - 2024
- Tuesday 13th February - Student leaders speeches
- Wednesday 14th February - BOT Meeting 6pm Staffroom
- Monday 19th February - Flocktime, student leaders announced
- Friday 23rd February - Constable Ken Visit - Bus & Road Safety
- Monday 26th February - Greta Valley & Waikari Swimming Sports
- Saturday - 2nd March - AgriKids
- Friday 15th March - Kahui Ako Teacher Only Day
- Wednesday 28th March - Hurunui Duathlon
- Friday 29th March - Good Friday - School Closed
- Monday & Tuesday 1st-2nd April - Easter Monday & Tuesday - School Closed
- Monday 8th April - Teeball/Softball Tournament
- Thursday 11th April - Assembly
- Friday 12th April - End of Term 1
From the Community
We are excited to introduce Futsal School Leagues to our Term 1 Programmes. Students can enter as an individual (we will put your student in a team) or as a School team. We don't want anyone to miss out on this fast-paced game!
Enter your team/individual on our Website www.waimakunited.org.nz, selecting Futsal Programmes.
Entries close on Friday 23rd February 2024.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Deb Foord
General Manager – Waimak United Football Club
Postal Address: P O Box 545, Rangiora, 7440
Club Office: 289 Coldstream Road, Rangiora, 7400
M: (021) 192-4625