Patriot Post
November, 2020
FREE 24/7 Online Tutoring and Essay Review
Will There be Semester Finals?
The short answer is “Yes.” With this year being a completely new format, we are discussing various options we have and what we hope to accomplish during the last week of the first semester. There is a desire for a culminating exam, or project, or extended writing to take place that week so that students have a chance to raise their final grade and demonstrate subject matter understanding. We are working with other TUSD high schools and our leadership team to create a schedule that meets several needs and will share the schedule as soon as we have it finalized.
Days off in November
Is there are grade advantage to being in Distance Learning or Hybrid?
PTO Corner
While remaining physically distanced off campus, PTO continues to bring community together by actively addressing Patriot community needs through dialogue and collaboration! This month, PTO has authorized funds to purchase additional electrostatic sanitation sprayers. This has tremendous lasting impact by keeping shared areas of campus clean and hygienic for every student and staff member. Our special thanks to the amazing BHS Grounds and Facilities team for the incredibly important work they do each day.
PTO programs like this are funded by your support. We welcome members at any time, and set PTO budgets and forecasts at the beginning of each school year. When you join PTO before 11/19, you may be eligible for opportunity drawings, giveaways and incentives! Simply visit www.beckmanpto1.com to learn more, and join!
Take advantage of this mild fall weather, and consider making family time outdoors to support BHS and TPSF’s virtual 5K Dino Detour! Remember by selecting BECKMAN as your school, $10 of each registration donation comes directly back to a deserving BHS teacher and classroom. www.dinosaurdash.net Use code BOO by 10/31 for your 10% discount!
EdFund Update
YOU can make a difference for us to meet our Blu180 fundraising goal!! Beckman Ed Fund is aimed at providing your students the financial support needed to maintain, enrich, and expand the school's educational programs not covered by State and District funds. By donating, you will be entered into a raffle, where the winning prize is a $250 Amazon Gift Card! Please consider making your donation today at www.beckmanedfund.org.