Liberty Ridge Elementary Newsletter
Upcoming Dates
11/15/23-11/17/23 Early Release, Conference Days 11:40
11/21/23 Early Release, Conference Day 11:40
11/22/23-11/24/23 No School, Thanksgiving Break
Principal's Message
Dear Thunder Eagle Families,
This is a repeat of my message last week, but it is very important so please read regarding what our plan is to assist with traffic flow for pick up and relieving traffic on 120th.
As you know our car pick-up area is very crowded each day. Our staff is doing a great job of keeping students safe and moving cars along as quickly as possible. However, our dismissal line-up traffic is still backing up on 120th. This is presenting a safety issue and we have had some close calls on the county road. Therefore, we would like to try and remedy this situation ASAP and we have a few ideas that will help:
Consider carpooling with neighbors. If we had multiple families that decided to carpool, this could greatly impact the overflow of traffic.
Most of our students have a school bus available to them, please consider having your child ride the bus to and from school.
Along with the two ideas above, we are making a change in our dismissal that will help with the situation. Starting on the week of 11/20, we are dividing our dismissal times into two parts.
- If your car pick up number is 1-200 please arrive from 3:10-3:17
- If your car pick up number is 200+, arrive from 3:18-3:25.
- We will now start opening the gate at 3:00. If your number is in the later group and you arrive with the first wave of cars, we request that you pull into a parking slot and wait until your pick up time. To achieve success with this new plan will require families to stick to the new pick-up schedule.
Again, these steps are necessary to make our dismissal as safe as possible for everyone.
Thank you for partnering with us to make our main road safe!
Parent-teacher fall conferences; early dismissals
Elementary conferences: Early release Nov. 21
Elementary fall parent-teacher conferences are continuing to take place Tuesday, Nov. 21. On this day, elementary schools release students according to their early dismissal schedule, which varies by school. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Elementary early release for Nov. 21
11:40 a.m.: Crestwood, Daffodil Valley, Liberty Ridge, Maple Lawn, Victor Falls
11:50 a.m.: Sumner Early Learning Center
12:15 p.m.: Bonney Lake, Donald Eismann, Emerald Hills, Tehaleh Heights
Note: On early dismissal days, afternoon bus stop drop-off times will be 3.5 hours earlier than when students are currently dropped off.
Elementary schools are using ParentSquare for conference signups. Schools will communicate details directly with families.
Community Connections- Thanksgiving meal and holiday support
Sign-ups are currently open for the Community Big Give. The Community Big Give provides the ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal and is delivered to your home the weekend before Thanksgiving. Please sign up at to get your family on the list for delivery.
With the holidays quickly approaching, we are gearing up for our family support for those in need. If you need additional food for weekends or assistance for the holiday season, and you haven’t already done so, please complete the Community Connections Survey and we can get your information on the list. You can also use this survey to let us know of other needs your family might have.
If you want to adopt a student for our Holiday Giving Tree you can also sign up through the Community Connections Survey and we will let you know when we have tags ready :)
A Note From The Health Room
Cold and flu season are upon us. Here are some of our current guidelines on when to keep your child home from school:
- Fever of 100.4*F
- Continuous, nagging cough
- Diarrhea (two or more episodes)
- Nausea/Vomiting
- Thick continuous drainage from eye/s or eye/s that are sealed shut with drainage after sleep.
- New or developing rashes
Basic ways to stay healthy include:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water and for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects
- Stay at home and away from others if you are sick.
If you are questioning whether your child should stay home please contact the school nurse and she may be able to help.
Liberty Ridge Elementary
Location: 12202 209th Ave Ct E, Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4800