Coleman Connection
Return to School Edition - August 2021
Newsletter Translation Available/Traducción de Boletines Disponibles
Bienvenidos al comienzo de un nuevo año escolar. Este boletín contiene información útil para los padres. Abra en su navegador para ver el boletín completo. Para español, haga clic en el botón traducir.
Welcome to Coleman School!
First Day of School is Monday, August 16
Who is my Child's Teacher?
Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Loading Zone Procedures (Along Sherwood Ave by Parking Lot)
- Parents must stay in their cars while in the loading zone
- Parents should drop off and depart. Please do not sit and wait for your child to enter the building. This backs up other parents who want to drop off their child.
- For older students it is suggested parents park a little farther up or down Sherwood or on Oakhill Rd. and let your child walk to your car. (Have a plan). You will find that you won't get caught in the dismissal car congestion.
- Drop off and pick up should ONLY be on the SCHOOL SIDE of the street. A one way traffic pattern will be established during pick-up and dismissal times.
- Cars should form a line and pull up into the designated loading zone. We will not allow students to run into the street.
- Please be patient and extra observant in the school zone, especially on the street corners. SCHOOL ZONES ARE A NO CELL PHONE ZONE BY ILLINOIS LAW.
- Parents are also welcome to park on the east side of the building on Luda St (by the laundromat) and cross to pick up students by the flagpole. DO NOT PARK IN THE BUSINESS LOT by the laundromat. You may park BEHIND Baker Hill for dismissal pick-up.
FIRST THREE DAYS OF SCHOOL: All students will line up on the blacktop by teacher. All teachers will be on the blacktop with a sign for your child to line up. Other staff will be on the blacktop to guide your child to the correct line.
BEGINNING ON THURSDAY: All students will line up inside the building following these protocols:
GRADES Kinder, 1st and 2nd: Enter the building at Door #1 (Parking lot entrance) - will line up by their classrooms. Adult supervisors will be in the hallways to assist students.
GRADES 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th: Enter the building at Door #2 (by Gym) - will line up in the Gym
DISMISSAL: Students will exit the building at the following doors:
Kinder: Car riders and walkers on Sherwood Ave: Door #1; Walkers on Dundee Ave.: Door #8
1st and 2nd graders: Car riders and walkers on Sherwood Ave: Door #1; Walkers on Dundee Ave: Door #7 (by flagpole)
3rd & 4th graders: Car riders and walkers on Sherwood Ave: Door #2 (by Gym); Walkers on Dundee Ave: Door #6
5th & 6th graders: Car riders and walkers on Sherwood Ave: Door #4 (by playground) or Door #5 (Oakhill Rd)
First Day of School
U-46 Will Follow First Day Exclusion for Students Missing Physicals or Immunizations
Water Bottles for Students
School Supplies Provided for Students This Year
Free Breakfast and Lunch for ALL Students
Lunch at School
All students will have 20 minutes to eat lunch and 20 minutes of recess. In order to accommodate all students in our cafeteria, we will continue to use student desks for lunch time. Once distancing requirements are eased, we can return to using the lunch tables.
1st Lunch 10:30-11:10 AM Kindergarten
2nd Lunch: 11:10-11:50 AM Grades 1 & 2
3rd Lunch: 11:50 AM-12:30 PM Grades 3 & 4
4th Lunch: 12:30-1:10PM Grades 5 & 6
Back to School Blacktop Party
Due to limited parking, we encourage you to walk, if possible, and enter by the playground off Oakhill Rd., or by the fence on Sherwood Ave. to receive your food tickets.
REMEMBER to bring a blanket (to eat on the lawn), and a mask for when you're talking with teachers, reps, and other families.
We look forward to seeing you!
With school returning to a more "normal" schedule this year, we hope to bring back some of our favorite and start some new activities for families....but WE NEED YOU.
You will be hearing from Coleman soon about getting involved in a number of ways at school:
- Joining committees (School Improvement Team, PBIS)
- Helping with family activities/fundraisers (thorough our PTC - Parents/Teachers of Coleman group)
- Assisting at an event - Book Fair, Family Nights, etc.
It takes a village...and that is true at school, too. Please consider giving some time to help make Coleman an even better place to learn and grow. We'll be in touch with you soon!
Thank you!
Student Chromebooks or Ipads
1st graders: You will be returning your Ipads and receiving Chromebooks once school starts. Info about this swap will be sent home after the 1st day of school.
Kindergarten families: You child will be receiving an Ipad once school starts. More info about using the Ipad will be sent home.
Coleman 2021-22 Staff
ILP: Mrs. Hoglund, Ms. Thonn
1st grade: Ms. Cina, Ms. Sanchez, Mrs. Sprague
1st/2nd: Mrs. Santiago
2nd grade: Ms. Carranza, Mr. Gonzalez, Mrs. Reuter
3rd grade: Mrs. Kamenjarin, Mr. Marquez, Mrs. Maloney, Mrs. Vazquez
3rd/4th: Mrs. Martinez
4th grade: Mrs. Castro, Mrs. Frohlich, Ms. Jiacomin, Mrs. Patino
5th grade: Mrs. Flam, Mrs. Flanigan, Mrs. Gutierrez de Rios
5th/6th grade: Mr. Pamatmat, Ms. Sakko
6th grade: Mrs. Leaver, Mrs. Trygar, TBD
Art: Ms. Calverley
Music: Ms. Nystedt
PE: Mr. Stanis, Mr. Grossi
Resource: Mrs. Kostecki, Mrs. Villanueva
Speech: Ms. Grant, Ms. Munoz
Social Worker: Ms. Bailey
School Nurse: Mrs. Alzate-Soto
MTSS Coach: Mrs. Arreguin
Reading Interventionist: Ms. Ankebrandt
Library Paraeducator: Mrs. Camacho
Title I Paraeducators: Mrs. Muro, Mrs. Diaz
Special Education Paraeducators: Mrs. Goetz, Mrs. Quillantan, Mrs. Barazo
Principal's Secretary: Mrs. O'Malley
Part time Secretary: Mrs. Martinez
Home School Liaison: Noemi Perez
School Custodian: Gary Lungren
Head Lunch Lead Supervisor: Karen Roman
Assistant Lunch Lead: Constantina Valle de Munoz
Assistant Principal: Mr. Granadillo
Principal: Mr. Stark
Contact us!
Location: 1220 Dundee Avenue, Elgin, IL, USA
Phone: 847-888-5190
Twitter: @colemanschool