Longhorn Futures Committee
Cedar Hill ISD Families, Staff and Community Members
The Cedar Hill ISD Board of Trustees and administration plan to convene a committee of Cedar Hill stakeholders to evaluate, assess, prioritize and report their findings on future capital project needs for the CHISD.
The Longhorn Futures Committee will be made of a thorough cross-section of the CHISD community which will include:
- Parents and non-parents
- Young adults and senior citizens
- CHISD staff
- CHISD scholars
- Cedar Hill business owners
- Cedar Hill community and civic leaders
The committee will meet on Thursday evenings starting in March with their work expected to wrap up in June.
Interested in Serving on the LFC?
Complete this short questionnaire by Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Who Can Serve on the LFC?
CHISD is looking for 45-60 stakeholders who:
- are respected in the community
- work well with others
- are not be afraid to speak up or take action
- have the scholars’ and district’s best interests at heart
- can commit to attending Thursday evening meetings
Any CHISD parent, employee and community member can complete the required questionnaire for consideration.
The Longhorn Futures Committee Charge:
- Represent the entire community in the facility planning process
- Review, assess and prioritize the District’s current and long-term facility needs
- Consider the educational needs of all scholars and align recommendations with CHISD’s mission, vision and student outcome goals
- Consider the district’s current financial position and funding methods to develop a recommendation that is fiscally sound
- Report their findings to the Cedar Hill ISD Board of Trustees to include recommendations on how to proceed with a long-range facilities plan.
Connect with Cedar Hill ISD
Email: webmaster@chisd.net
Website: chisd.net
Location: 285 Uptown Boulevard, Cedar Hill, TX, USA
Facebook: facebook.com/CedarHillISD
Twitter: @CedarHillISD