Phoenix Flyer
Volumen 13, Edicion 7 - Noviembre 15, 2019
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School
Minutos de Mrs. Hutchins
Immersion Education – Teaching academic content in another language
Hello Fronteras Families!
So many beautiful young ladies and handsome gentlemen graced our school today in their most fanciest outfits! Thank you for supporting them in enjoying Fancy Day!
During Monday’s professional development day, all Fronteras staff renewed our CPR & 1st Aid certification. It’s such great information – we learn new things with each training!
If you have some free time tomorrow, we hope you will stop by the school and visit our annual Holiday Bazaar from 10-4pm. Thank you to parent, Becka Lopez, for once again organizing this wonderful event! After browsing all the bazaar booths, stop into the library for the 2 for 1 sale!
Next Thursday the 21st is our annual Friendship Feast. Grades K-5 are doing a full lunch while middle school has opted for a dessert bar only. Please contact your child’s teacher(s) for details and needs.
Please see further down in the newsletter for an important message and call to action. Your attendance is needed at next Wednesday’s school board meeting in Palmer!
Thank you to all the volunteers we had in our school the last couple of weeks! Your help and support is greatly appreciated!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Most Sincerely,
Mrs. Hutchins
2019 Fronteras Annual Holiday Bazaar!
Join us at this family friendly event and fundraiser for the 8th grade trip to Puerto Rico! Get an early start to your holiday shopping with something for everyone!Saturday, Nov 16, 2019, 10:00 AM
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School, North Seward Meridian Parkway, Wasilla, AK, USA
Scholastic Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
Volunteers needed for Book Fair: Monday, November 18th and Tuesday, November 19th after school from 2:30-4:00pm and Saturday, November 16th from 10:00am-4:00pm during the Holiday Bazaar.
This is a Buy One Get One Free Book Fair so it’s a great opportunity to earn more books for our library!
Please donate your time if you are available on any of those days. Sign-up on the sheet on the library door or contact Kirsten at 315-7753.
Friendship Feast!
Our annual Fronteras Friendship Feast is next Thursday, November 21st. Please email or call your child's teacher for needs and time of feast. We hope you will be able to join us for a delicious lunch that day!
Thank you parents for continuing to share your WHY with us!
This one is our favorite!
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
P.E. News!
2019-2020 Fronteras Yearbook Ordering!
Communication is Key!
Toys For Tots!
It's On The Website!
School Cash Online!
Not sure if your check or cash made it to the school to pay for that important field trip or activity? Who lost it? The school? you? your child? Funds weren't received, therefore, your child can't participate?
Have no fear, SchoolCash Online is here! For safety, efficiency and the reduction of cash and checks coming into our schools, the MSBSD has implemented SchoolCash Online! It takes less than 5 minutes to register to start enjoying the convenience of paying online and fast!
School Dismissal Manager!
SDM sent families an email on Wednesday, August 14th with necessary information to access SDM. Parents/guardians of Fronteras students no longer need to call the front office to make changes to their child’s afternoon dismissal plans. You will do it all at your convenience!
Visit today to download the app or visit Kami at the front desk for a personal demonstration!
Guest Teacher Recruitment
Hello Fronteras Families!
Are you looking for an enriching and fulfilling way to spend those lonely daytime hours you find yourself with? How about being a guest teacher at Fronteras?
Below are the district prerequisites for all classroom substitute teachers:
· Must hold a GED or High School Diploma
· Must be out of high school for a minimum of 3 full school years
· Must enjoy working with other people’s children!
It’s easy to apply! Follow the directions below to find the application and resources to help apply:
· Go to district website at:
· Click on Video Tutorial How to Apply
· After watching the video, click on APPLY HERE
*To be a guest teacher ONLY at Fronteras, you must interview with Principal Hutchins (interview form is included in the Substitute Packet)
*To be a guest teacher at ALL district schools, you must interview at the school district office
We would love to see you in our classrooms working with our students! Thank you for considering fulfilling an important role for our students and our school(s)!
Contact Amber Allen at 746-9245 with any questions you have after watching the video tutorial!
After School Enrichment Clubs
After School Enrichment Club Fun!
Sra. Martinez’s class reads their Spanish books to Sra. Hutchins.
November Birthdays!
Fronteras Twins!
Staff Professional Development - CPR Training!
Miss Solveig, Mrs. Hutchins, and Miss Shawn work with CPR trainer, Scott Luna, to correctly roll a patient with a spine injury. Thank you Miss Kami for being a perfect patient!