Saint Kateri School's Newsletter - September 22, 2021
Principal Newsletter
Hello SKS families ~
Happy 1st full day of Autumn and the weather is cooperating ~ you can feel the coolness in the air.
Thank you to everyone that attended our Ice Cream Social to Kick-Off the 2021-2022 school year ~ it was a great success. The weather was perfect ~ Thank you to Katie Stam and Nicole Guido, our Parent's Association Co-Chairs, for coordinating and being our friendly ice cream deliverers! Stay tuned for more fun activities from PA in the future.
This year we will hold a Virtual Curriculum Night starting on Monday, September 27th at 6:00pm. At that time you will receive a link which will include a Principal Welcome and Encore Class presentations through my Virtual Office. During the week of September 27-30, classroom teachers will offer a Classroom Zoom Meeting to present on what you can look forward to this year and what the expectations are for families and students ~ Presentations will be recorded for families unable to attend at the designated time. Your child's teacher will be sending out Zoom link information prior to the date and time.
Thank you for all you for our school and have a very safe and blessed week!
Peace and Light!
Mrs. Terri L. Morgan, Principal
Phone: (585) 467-8730
From the Main Office:
- The deadline to return the beginning of the year paperwork was Friday, September 17th. If you have not handed in yet, please do as soon as possible.
- Remember to send in a cloth towel or napkin in your child's lunch box each day. They are used as a clean place to set their food on during snack or lunch. They should come home every night and a clean one sent in the next day.
- EXTENDED CARE: Remember to sign in and out each day, with a signature and time. We use these sheets for billing and/or attendance questions that come up.
- EXTENDED CARE: We continue to monitor all individuals in our building to follow COVID protocols. Please sign out your child at the sign-in/sign-out station by the door and wait for an Extended Care Assistant to get your child. We are discouraging families from coming in and out of the Extended Care rooms. Thank you for your cooperation.
COVID-19 Updates
Please see our 2021-2022 school reopening plan on our website for details on what the school is doing to keep families and staff as safe as possible this school year. But you are our first line of defense and the most important measure you can take to help us is to keep your child home if they show ANY of the COVID-19 symptoms:
- fever or chills
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- fatigue
- muscle or body aches
- headache
- new loss of taste or smell
- congestion or runny nose
- nausea or vomiting
- diarrhea
Please monitor your child(ren) closely in the morning as you complete your Daily Health Screening. Please do not medicate your child to ease symptoms and defer to your medical provider to make any determination of diagnosis. We are relying on these steps to help our school stay safe as we move through the this school year.
If your child has a COVID symptom, in order to return to school they must:
- See a medical provider and receive a Release Letter allowing them to return to school
- Provide documentation of any COVID test recommended, which includes the type of test given.
- Be symptom free for 24 hours without medication
Car Lines for Preschool Families
Thank you!
Our closing prayer each day
Upcoming Calendar Dates:
- 9/27: Milk Program will begin
- 9/28: Quiet Mass (4th/1st)
- 10/1: Lunch Program begins
- 10/1: Quiet Mass (3rd/K)
- 10/6: 1st Parent's Association Meeting - in person 6:00-7:30pm
- 10/8: NO SCHOOL ~ Superintendent's Conference Day
- 10/11: NO SCHOOL
- 10/12: Morning Prayer Service 8:45am
- 10/19: Quiet Mass 5th/2nd
- 10/21: Bishop Mass 9:00am Christ the King Church (more information to follow)
- 10/26: Quiet Mass 4th/1st
Boy Scout recruitment event
If you are a boy or girl in grades K-5 interested in scouts:
- Sept 23 - 6:30PM Pack Meeting - Irondequoit Library
More info: Philip Schroeder,, Colleen Trevisani,;
Facebook: SKTCubPack233
UPDATED Parent's Association Meeting information
UPDATED 9/17/2021
Welcome back families, we are so excited for another great year together!
As a parent at Saint Kateri School, you are automatically a member of our Parent Association! This year, like last, will be different in many ways, but the Parent's Association will still continue to be a much needed way to serve our students and families. Involvement is not only a fun community builder but necessary to keep our school (and it’s activities) running. We will have many volunteer opportunities to help get things done in our school and we need you!
Parent Association meetings alternate between in-person (following social distancing guidelines) and ZOOM. They will take place from 6:00-7:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month unless otherwise specified.
Below you will find our meeting dates for this school year:
October 6 In person
November 3 Virtual
December 1 In person
January 12 Virtual
February 2 In person
March 9 Virtual
April 6 In person
May 4 Virtual
June 1 In person
In addition to parent involvement through the Parent's Association, there will be the opportunity for you to volunteer as your student’s Room Parent. Each classroom should have TWO Room Parents. If you are interested, please contact your child’s teacher. These individuals will be responsible for
Attending the monthly Parent Association meetings (at least ONE Room Parent, if not both, must attend)
Communicating between teacher and families
Coordinating with Classroom Teacher any class party/celebration sign-ups
We look forward to a great school year together!
Keep an eye out for updates and reminders about the
Parent Association in the weekly school newsletters!
Nicole Guido (Jax, 2nd grade)
Katie Stam (Molly, 2nd grade and Lucy, PK4)
Saint Kateri School
Location: 445 Kings Highway South, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 467-8730
Twitter: @StKateriSchool