What's Up, Westy Academy!
Week of September 26th-30th 2022
What's Up, Westy Academy?
It’s survey season! Throughout the school year, we like to get input from the community on how effective our efforts are and how we can improve as an organization. This is part of our efforts with Marzano Academies High Reliability Schools program. Last year, WAIS achieved level 1! We are hoping to achieve level 2 and possibly level 3 this school year. It’s a big undertaking, but we are confident we can reach this goal. Below are three different surveys for you to complete. Please take each as they are different.
The first survey is inquiring about the culture and climate of the building. The second is about teacher effectiveness at WAIS. They both take under 5 minutes.
The third survey is a needs assessment that WAIS is conducting: We are attempting to build wrap around services to help our community with essential needs. It takes less than five minutes.
HRS1: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/westminster/HRS-1-Family/surveys?language=en
HRS 2 and 3: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/westminster/HRS-2-3-Family/surveys?language=en
Family Needs: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFsaXKfonArD7dO2gha_AdZ_9ZCZ9OKijPYsJ6Nztu4lmLKQ/viewform
Upon completing the third survey, your name will be entered into a drawing for a prize!
Thank you for supporting us in our improvement efforts. As always, if you have thoughts or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call us!”
Russ Warwick
Pre-pay for your admissions and rentals BEFORE you get to Skate City. Click the link below to purchase your admission and skate rentals to present at the time of arrival for quick entry!
Westy Academy receives a portion of all skate city sales! This is an amazing fundraiser for our school :)
Homecoming Parade --Come Join Us!
Come join us as we help kick off Westminster Public Schools and Westy High's Homecoming Week at the parade!
Students and families are encouraged to join Westy Academy as we march in the parade with other district schools, on Saturday Oct. 1st! We will meet in the High School parking lot at 9:30am, with the parade starting at 10am.
The theme this year is "Happily Ever After". Ms. Michelle will help provide fairy tale themed costumes to interested kids, as needed. Feel free to dress up in your favorite fantasy fairy tale costume, and come have some fun!
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING US, please complete the below form, so we can be aware that you are coming, and we can plan to see you there!
Renaissance Assessments for Students
Parents, you will receive an email from Renaissance asking you to enroll. Renaissance is our local assessment that students take periodically throughout the school year as an external validation of their progress in literacy and math. When you enroll, you will receive your students score immediately after they take the assessment! This is a great way to celebrate your student’s progress with him or her and staying informed on your student’s progress in general. We hope you enroll!
Calendar of Events
- September 26th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- September 26th: After School Skate City Party from 2p-4p @ Skate City Arvada
- September 30th: Coffee with the Principal @ 8:15am--Westy Academy Lounge
- October 1st: Westminster High School and District Homecoming Parade @ 10am
- JOIN US! https://bit.ly/WPSHomecoming22
- October 3rd: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- October 3rd-7th: Homecoming Spirit Week at Westy Academy
- October 5th: Nature's Educators Assembly for all students; during school day
- October 5th: PTO Meeting @ 5:00pm in classroom #15
- October 6th: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:00pm-8:00pm
- October 7th: Dollar Dress Down Day
- October 10th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- October 10th: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences; 2:00pm-8:00pm
- October 17th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- October 18th: Chiptole Fundraiser for 5th grade Washington D.C. trip
- October 21st: Rocky Mountain Pumpkin Patch Field Trip; Pre-k, Barnett, Hurrle, Anderson, Moore and Byrd's classes
- October 24th-25th: Fall Break-NO SCHOOL
- October 31st: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- October 31st: Trick or Treat Street @ 5:00pm-6:00pm
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences; Oct. 6th and 10th
Parent Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching! Students were sent home with Conference Scheduling forms for parents to complete and return to school. Please make sure to circle your options, and we will do our best to accommodate you and your family needs. Make sure to select "translator" shall you desire bilingual help during your student's conference. We look forward to chatting with you about all the wonderful things your student has been up to!
Thursday October 6th; 4:00pm-8:00pm
Monday October 10th; 2:00pm-8:00pm
Nature's Educators is Coming to Westy Academy!
During the program, we will dive into the characteristics that define raptor birds and why they are important to our ecosystems. The students will discover the various types of birds of prey found all over the world, what it takes to care for a bird of prey, and learn how Nature's Educators is permitted to keep raptors. The audience will learn about their personal histories, anatomy, hunting strategies, and habitats.
This is a GREAT example of student activity fundraising efforts at work for the students! Thanks to fundraising such as Dollar Dress Down Days and Skate City Parties, we are able to provide these awesome opportunities for the kids!
Chipotle Fundraiser for Washington D.C. Trip!
Visit Chiptole on Tuesday, October 18th from 4-8pm and 33% of your meal total will come back to Westy Academy to support the Washington D.C. trip! Do Good with Chipotle!
7303 Federal Blvd. unit 1 Westminster CO