NVHS 2023 - 2024 Newsletter #3
It's Game Time!
The uniforms have been washed, the playing field is ready, and the game plan has been studied. The final step is to get our players on campus. Whether this is your first week of high school or your last first week of high school, we hope that you come with enthusiasm, work ethic, and open minded to our goal.
- All 9th & 10th grade students report to school for classes.
- Juniors and Seniors will not report. The make up orientation will be rescheduled for another date.
- Everyone attends in uniform.
Friday, August 11:
- All juniors and seniors report to school this day and should be in the gym by 7:15
- 9th & 10 grader students do not report this day.
- Everyone comes in uniform this day. We will address any breaks in your schedule this day.
- We will be entering school through our new pavilion.
- If you are dropped off at the overflow lot by the football field, exit your car as quickly as possible and walk to the pavilion near the gym.
- If you are driving to school. We will have teachers in the parking lot directing you. We will be filling in the spaces in order and will not skip parking spots. More directions will follow.
- There will be A LOT of traffic this day. Plan to be at school early to avoid frustration.
- All students who attended orientation should enter wearing their ID.
- Everyone should be in proper uniform.
Morning Procedures:
- Once entering the building, students may either report to breakfast in the cafeteria (Remember it's free!), or they will report to the gym.
- When you get to the gym, pick up a new schedule and sit in your designated area.
- We will have teachers available to direct you to your area.
- Once everyone has their schedule, we will have a short assembly, then report to 1st hour.
First Hour:
- When dismissed from the general assembly, students will report to their 1st hour class.
- During this class period, teachers will collect the forms you received at orientation and your book of forms.
- If you did not attend orientation, you will receive your forms in this class.
Other Info:
- We will call for students during the day who need to pay fees or pick up their ID or handle other business.
- If you only ride in the afternoon and you don't know the number, you must know your address. There will be time during lunch for us to look up the bus number for you.
- If you ride a bus, we will dismiss you to report to the front of school and you are expected to get on your bus without hanging around to visit.
- If your parent is picking you up in the student parking lot, your parent must be parked in a parking spot by 2:25 and you will find them.
- If your parent is picking you up from the front of school, you will wait under the covered walkway.
- If you are responsible for bringing a middle school student to school, you will be required to wait for them under the covered walkway at the front of school. This is to ensure the safety of everyone. Be patient these first few days, because they may now walk out with the first wave of students.
Things to know:
- We have processed paperwork for over 600 students in a very short amount of time. If you paid for something and we unable to collect it at orientation, we thank you for your patience. We believe all issues were fixed.
Parking passes:
- All 11th & 12 grade students are allowed to drive to school on the first day. If you paid for a parking pass, but did not get it, we will have it for you Friday, Aug 11.
- We will be calling for you when we are ready to collect forms, payment or hand these out.
- Everyone who paid fees and paid for the parking pass will have their pass before the end of the day Friday.
Students taking Comptia A+ and Welding:
- Orientation will be at the SLCC campus in Abbeville on Wednesday, August 9th at 10am. Classes will begin at SLCC on Monday, August 14th.
Office Hours
Monday, August 7: 8 am - 2 pm
- The office will be open to pay fees
- The teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators will be on campus making final preparations.
- The wait time may be long to see a counselor as there are parts of our day they will not be available due to mandatory meetings.
Tuesday, August 8: 8 am - 2 pm
- The office will be open to pay fees
- The teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators will be on campus making final preparations.
- The wait time may be long to see a counselor as there are parts of our day they will not be available due to mandatory meetings.
Wednesday, August 9: 8 am - 2 pm
- Admin and guidance will be on campus this day. If possible, please schedule appointments ahead of time.
Uniform Guidelines
The entire student dress code can be found in the 23-24 VPSB student handbook, but here are the most common dress code items that students and parents ask about. Students should pay attention to the acceptable length of shorts and skirts to be worn. This is the policy that was approved at the school board meeting last week.
- Color must be solid navy, red, gray, black, or a school issued uniform sweatshirt (This includes the uniform sweatshirt or the spirit wear offered at orientation).
- Emblems, monograms, or stitching are allowed unless small enough to be covered by an ID
- Although sweatshirts may have a hood, the hood MUST be removed in the school building upon entrance. (Jackets will be taken and returned at the end of the school day for noncompliance.)
- Trench coats are not allowed.
- School Administrators can determine what is appropriate. (We will discuss at orientation.)
- Color must be khaki, navy, or black. Denim, corduroy, or jean material not allowed.
- No cargo pockets or pockets on the leg allowed.
- Pants must be worn at the waist.
Shorts or skirts:
- Same colors and style as pants
- Length must not exceed 6 inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor 2 inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.
- Skirts are allowed to be worn to the ankle.
- No crocs, slides, or other shoes without a full back.
- Slippers are not allowed.
Hair & Jewelry:
- Extremes in hair style that are disruptive to the educational process are prohibited. Hair should be clean and well groomed.
- Spiked collars, chains on pants, or anything distracting are prohibited.
- Earrings are allowed in ears only.
Uniform exchange
- If you ordered uniform shirts and would like to exchange them for a different size, please complete the Google form in your classroom asap.
- Only shirts that have not been worn or washed will be exchanged.
- We are making the final order Tuesday morning. If you would like to place a last minute order, please drop the order off in an envelope with the payment in the drop box outside of the front door by Monday @ 2pm.
This uniform shirt can be worn any day.
This uniform shirt can be worn any day.
This sweatshirt can be worn any day OVER a uniform shirt.
Thursday, August 10: 1st day for 9th & 10 grade
Friday, August 11: First day of school for juniors and seniors.
Wednesday, August 16: Meet the Patriots (More info to come)