The Royal Scroll - December

Aronimink Elementary School
The first graders are into the swing of things. They are doing a great job following the school expectations; be safe, be respectful, and be responsible. The boys and girls were excited to participate in Aronimink’s Fall Day. Students had the opportunity to dress up in a costume and participate in fall activities. In math, the first graders are working on using different strategies to add to twenty. In Fundations, we are learning about digraphs. All the students have been working so hard and we are so proud of all the first graders.
~Ms. Delemitas, 1st Grade Teacher
To prepare for our first writing piece the first graders took a trip to the Philadelphia Zoo. Though it was a cool and rainy day, the students had a great time looking at all the animals from the zebras to “Jeffrey” the giraffe (thanks Mr. Rehak).
~Ms. Moore, 1st Grade Teacher
Beverly Hills Middle School
First Snow!
Winter Concert
Bywood Elementary School
Students of the Month for Teamwork
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Student Spotlight!
Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
Exceptional trio!
Mrs. Narotsky posing with some of her students
The orchestra lead by Mrs. Narotsky
Great view of the Orchestra.
Way to go girls!
Charles Kelly Elementary School
Reading Olympics is Underway!
Winter Concert Highlights
5th Grade Chorus
4th Grade Chorus
5th Grade Band
Drexel Hill Middle School
Check out what our students are doing!
Winter Concert
Garrettford Elementary School
Mr. Brydges Found Himself in Quite a Predicament!
Mr. Brydges proved what a good sport he is again this month, when he let the staff and students duct tape him to the gym wall. It was all in good fun and we were able to raise over $825 for PBIS activities and prizes. Miss Mantzaridis and the counseling team worked like a finely oiled machine activity again next year because it was a real highlight of the month.Miss Mantzaridis is already planning a fun and exciting assembly inthe spring for the students with some of the funds raised. Kudos todistributing the duct tape strips and the students really enjoyed thisactivity. Once Mr. Brydges was "really stuck" Mr. Carey decided todecorate his face with duct tape! I know we will be doing thisMr. Brydges for his positive attitude!
Students Honor Veterans for their Service to our Nation
The Garrettford tradition of honoring our Veterans continued this year. Students place American flags all along the front lawn in remembrance of the sacrifices made by our Veterans. The beautiful display is also a visual aid for all the drivers stopped in traffic along Garrett Road. They are a reminder to take a moment and be thankful for the freedoms we enjoy and the men and women who gave their lives to protect us.
Highland Park Elementary School
Hour of Code
Highland Park's third, fourth, and fifth graders participated in an Hour of Code. The students had a great time coding games, dances, and a variety of other things. We hope this inspires students to explore future opportunities in technology!
Hillcrest Elementary School
Holiday Bus Visit!
Hillcrest Food Drive
THANK YOU to all the staff, families and students who participated in our food drive this year by bringing in food items. As a school community we have collected over 900 individual holiday food items!
From this collection, we have created and donated 20 boxes of food to families in our community
for the Thanksgiving week! Additionally, due to the generosity of New Life United Methodist
Church, each box of food was accompanied with a turkey.
The remainder of the food was donated to Christ Lutheran Church Food Bank and will help to supply over 200 more Thanksgiving boxes to families AND help serve over 400 families with dinner.
Because of all your generosity, many, many families in our community will not be have to worry
about going hungry this Thanksgiving.
Ms. Feher's Kindergarten classes and Mr. Walsh's 5th grade class brought in the
most items and earned a pizza party!
Check out our Pizza Parties!
Kindergarten Center
Guest Readers
The students of UDKC loved having guest readers share their love of books. We appreciate our special readers taking time out of their busy days to come into our classrooms!
Thanksgiving Celebration!
Students make their own pumpkin pie!
Primos Elementary School
American Education Week: Dress Like Your Favorite Teacher/Staff Day
One of the days for American Education Week was to dress like your favorite teacher/staff member! We had another Mr. Rogers, Mr. C, and Mr. Mike!
Literacy Bingo!
Staff and the Primos community participated in Literacy Bingo Night! Students and families had the opportunity to win prizes while playing Bingo!
Stonehurst Hills Elementary School
Counselor's Corner
Happy December, and Happy Holidays Stonehurst!
In first and second grade this month, students learned what a coping skill is and we discussed examples of coping skills they could use when they need to feel better or calm down big feelings. Some examples were: talking about their feelings with a grown up they trust or a friend, taking deep breaths, taking a break, thinking happy thoughts, and drawing or coloring! They then completed a winter themed color by number sheet, where the colors matched up with coping skills that we discussed. Third, fourth, and fifth grade will be discussing the importance of kindness and gratitude not only during the holiday season, but always. They will then have a chance to write their own “Merry Messages” to friends, staff members, and family members as a way of expressing their kindness and gratitude to the people they care about! Stay tuned for pictures in next month’s newsletter!
Christmas Drawings
Physical Education News
The Preparedness Challenge ended at the end of November. Congratulations to Ms. Radziul’s 4th grade class in room 204, Mr. Ellison’s 1st grade class in room 113, and Mrs. Revitsky’s 1st grade class in room 9 for winning this challenge with 6 points each. Points were earned every time the whole class came prepared with sneakers for their gym day. For their prize, the classes got to design Mr. B’s head and beard for a day. All 3 classes collaborated with each other and created a design that didn’t disappoint.
During the month of December, Students have been working on soccer skills of passing, dribbling, and shooting by playing a variety of soccer style games and stations. Students also had their first opportunity to use our bouldering rock wall in the gym. For Health students began to learn about the many jobs of our skeletal system.
Room 113
Room 9
Room 204
Westbrook Park Elementary
Third Grade
Third Graders showed up to school dressed up as their dream career for Red Ribbon Week.
Third grade scientists investigated how they can use different forces like pushes and pulls to keep a ball in the track.
Occupational Therapy Classroom
This month in OT we worked together to make life-size scarecrows. We addressed many fine motor skills like separating the newspaper pages, ripping, crumpling and stuffing the parts to build these scarecrows. Kids enjoyed stuffing the clothes and then assembling them into a scarecrow. We hope you got to see them in the display window at conferences last week.
Upper Darby High School
Hope 4 Hearts
Hope 4 Hearts, run by student leaders Tajkera Afifa and Japneet Kaur, had their first session in December. Everyone seemed excited to write letters and make crafts towards the new batch of care packages to be sent to children at the Ronald McDonald House at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia! Hope 4 Hearts runs every first Monday of each month.
UDHS Thespian Society Produces Original Work
This winter, the Upper Darby High School International Thespian Society Troupe (ITS) #4054 will produce their first winter production, titled "The Spellbinders." This production will be student directed by Luna Byrd, stage managed by Gianna Williams, and designed by a team of students. The ITS Troupe #4045 excited to present this original work by Chris Monaco, the director of the UDHS play and musical. Performances will be held on February 1st and 2nd at 6:30pm at the MMR. Tickets are $5.