Husky Highlights
Mt Vernon Elementary News: Back-To-School 2021 Edition
From the desk of:
Shelley Nurre, Principal
Website: http://blog.springfield.k12.or.us/mtvernon/
School Hours: 8:35-2:50, M-F
Early Release Fridays: 8:35-12:30
- 8/25-9/6 Fall Registration
- 9/6 Closed-Labor Day
- 9/8 School Starts for Gr 1-5 and Kindergarteners last names A-L
- 9/9 School Starts for Kindergarteners last names M-Z
- 9/10 No Kindergarten
- 9/13 Springfield School Board Meeting, 7 pm
- 9/17 Early Release @ 12:30
Welcome To A New School Year!
I am your principal, Shelley Nurre. I am beginning my 30th year as an educator both overseas and in the States. My history at Mt Vernon is long. I was previously a teacher at Mt Vernon for 13 years, and this will be my 6th year as an administrator, third year as principal Mt Vernon. I adore the Mt Vernon community and can't think of any place I'd rather be. My favorite time of the day is morning arrival. I love to check in with all of our kiddos and parents as they arrive each day to start the day off right. The smiles, pre-COVID hugs, high fives and fist bumps really energize me each day! I am a mom of two twenty-somethings and recently welcomed a son-in-law to the family. Now that my husband and I are empty nesters, we enjoy camping, visiting the Oregon coast and central Oregon. We are also HUGE Disney fans and can't wait to venture to Disneyland once it is safe to do so.
The back to school nervous excitement has begun on campus and we are eager for the year to commence. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school office for assistance.
Thank you for trusting your precious children with us. We value your partnership!
Office Directory
Hours: 8:00-4:00, M-F (Holidays may affect hours)
Fax: 541.744.6405
Shelley Nurre
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Debbie Carter
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Student supports and activities
Keryn Wilson
- General inquiries, information
- Administration office
- Enrollment
- Attendance
Tina Antonovich
- Immunizations
- Health records
- First Aid
- Medications
Lovena Benedick
- Student records
- IEP/504 coordination and scheduling
Tabby Rodriguez
- Family outreach
- Resources
- Family engagement
Lora Davis
Mimi Schiffer
- General inquiries, information
- Attendance
We Are A Uniform School
We, at Mt. Vernon, we believe that having uniforms and dressing for success creates an enhanced climate for learning and inclusivity. Uniforms help boost school unity and pride, increase school safety and security, and help students focus on their most important task, learning.
Students are to be neat and clean. The Mt. Vernon School emblem or logo is permitted, but not required. Clothing should fit properly to allow ease of movement for participation in all activities.
Tops: Collared shirts/blouses or turtlenecks that are solid white, light blue, navy blue or hunter green and short or long-sleeved.
Sweaters/Sweatshirts: Solid white, navy blue or hunter green sweaters or solid navy blue or hunter green sweatshirts may be worn over a collared shirt, blouse or turtleneck. Hoodies, jackets and coats may not be worn in classrooms unless the teacher determines otherwise.
Vests: Sweater vests must be solid navy blue or hunter green.
Pants, Capris, Walking Shorts: Waistbands must fit at the waist, not hip level and must be hemmed, not cut-offs. Pants should be solid khaki or navy blue, simple, straight-legged (no corduroy, knit or denim). Shorts are to be no shorter than two inches above the knee. No overalls or coveralls are allowed. Cargo pants and shorts are allowed.
Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers: Must be solid khaki, solid navy blue, navy and hunter green plaid or navy and light blue plaid (no knit or corduroy) and must be no shorter than two inches above the knee.
Belts must be black, brown, navy blue or white.
Jewelry must be safe for all school activities.
Shoes and Socks: All students must wear shoes that are safe for P.E. and recess. For safety, no high heels, sandals, clogs, slip-ons or heelys are allowed.
In order to participate in P.E. and recess, children MUST be wearing flat-bottomed shoes with closed toes and low heels, secured with straps or ties. The soles should be rubber in order to not slip on the tiled floors and gym floor.
All students must wear socks, tights, or leggings with socks. Only solid colors for leggings and tights: white, gray, black, green or blue.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to see that their child is dressed according to the school guidelines.
Incentives and positive reinforcement measures will be used to encourage full compliance with the uniform procedures. Staff will resort to corrective action only when positive measures fail to ensure compliance. In addition, the school will communicate with families so that the rationale, expectations and benefits are fully understood by the student and the family.
Teachers are responsible for monitoring students for compliance with the uniform policy. The principal is the final arbiter in questions of compliance and is responsible for corrective actions at his/her discretion.
When students do not have appropriate uniform attire, the Family Center can be a resource for students and families to obtain replacement clothing.
A “positive discipline” approach, along with modeling by staff, will be promoted so that optimum compliance can occur with the least amount of corrective action.
This year we have partnered with French Toast as a supplier of our uniforms. Of course, you are always welcome to purchase your child’s uniforms through any vendor, but you can now conveniently shop online year-round for our uniforms at Frenchtoast.com. Simply search our school by name or code (School Code: QS5SUTL) on the French Toast website (linked above). All Mt Vernon Elementary uniform compliant clothing, in the correct style/color choices, will be visible for you to choose from. Many of our parents in the past have reported that these clothing items are high quality and reasonably priced.
We also have a uniform lending closet if you'd like to participate in our uniform exchange program throughout the year. Simply drop off gently used uniforms to the office and we can swap out for other sizes as your children grow out of their school clothes.
School Supplies
Bulk School Supplies Drop Off
Students can bring individual school supplies on their first day of school